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Eric's POV...
He's here. Right in front of me. I don't even know what to do. Darting my eyes to the side, I could see my friends staring at us. "How are you?" what? Weeks of not talking and you ask me that? My mind runs in circles. "I'm fine. Why are you talking to me?" His facial expression changes. Even though he has his serious face on I could see the regret and sadness within his eyes.

"I'm sorry." A warm feeling ran down my spin. I swear I could feel my cheeks burning up. Lee juyeon, finally apologizing to me? "I want you back. I broke up with that girl," he said, cupping my cheek. But.. I feel nothing. "You're what?" my anger rising within seconds.
"I'm sorry—"
"You misunderstood a conversation and didn't even let me explain it to you."
"I know—"
"You tortured me by avoiding me and not speaking to me. You got with a girl in hopes of me backing away. Lee Juyeon.. you're so shameless. I don't love you anymore."

I felt so powerful in this moment. Finally I wasn't going to let him bring me down. "Don't talk to me anymore. I'm done with you," while turning away I could feel his hand grab me. I wasn't going to give in. "Stop it! Please let me go," I worried once I felt his grip tighten.

It felt like the entire world came to a halt. It felt like it was just.. us. Almost giving in, I snapped back into reality. "Leave me alone," I pulled my arm. The realization finally hit him. I wiped my tears. Lee Juyeon and I are no more.

Narrator's POV...
Sangyeon came to his brothers side, placing his hand on his shoulder. "I told you.. if you kept torturing him you were going to lose him," sangyeon recalled. The two watched as Eric ran to his friends, then saw kyoungyoon checking up on him. "He wins. I'm too late," juyeon breaking the silence. The other turned away then headed down the hallways.


Hongseok rested his head on his headboard, his boyfriend laying in his arms. The older flinched when he felt his boyfriend poke his stomach. "Your abs are very vibrant," Kevin continued bothering them, making hongseok laugh. Making eye contact, the younger smiled. "You're so cute!" said hongseok, kissing his boyfriends forehead.

Kevin was at peace. Hongseok was at peace. They both were. Of course because his stress reliever was his boyfriend. Whenever the two were near one another they felt safe and loved, comfortable. "Keb—" hongseok began, "do you miss.. Jacob?" The room went quiet.
"Well.." the younger replied, trailing off.

"You can tell me. I'll be okay with it," with hongseok's permission, Kevin began. "Yeah! At times I do. It's just a wave of emotions that comes and goes whenever I hear his name. Him leaving was an unexpected thing. There's times when our classmates like to dig into my skin and just drop his name to make me feel.. awful," Kevin confessed.

Hongseok's cheeks flushed with anger. "Now I have a fear that.. you might leave me." The older's face went straight. What? "I fear that one day you're going to get up and leave. And I might be the cause of it," immediately the older threw his arms around kevin.

"Stop! Keb—" the younger had watery eyes already, "breaking up with you, leaving you, is out of the question. I promise." The couple melting into each others arms, delivering a kiss to the forehead, Kevin let out a sigh of relief.

But hongseok's mind was spinning. Little did the younger know that his boyfriend was hiding a secret. Should I tell him? hongseok thought.


Sangyeon held his head up by his hand, rubbing his temples, exhausted from the drama of his brother. Startled when feeling his phone vibrate, he looked and saw Jacob was calling. "So now you call me?" he said once answering. "Shut the hell up! Just be grateful," both of them laughed.

"How are the states treating you?" the other asked, sitting up. "It's alright.. how's Kevin doing?" Sangyeon went quiet, "hello?"
"Hey, sorry I spaced out. He's good, happy."
"Happy? Is hongseok taking care of him? He better be," sangyeon forced out a laugh. Oh Jacob...

The two went on and on talking about various topics and catching up with each other. Sangyeon did he best hiding Kevin and Hongseok's relationship. "I miss him.. I miss Kevin," Jacob confessed. "What?"


Kevin yawned, taking small steps down the stairs. It was 2 in the morning when he didn't feel hongseok by his side. Walking into the kitchen he saw his boyfriend sitting at the counter, the glow of his laptop shining on his face. Wow! the younger thought. His boyfriend was a literal god.

"What are you doing?" asked Kevin, resting his head on hongseok's shoulder. "I couldn't sleep," was all the other said back. Standing back up, Kevin walked to the refrigerator, taking out a bottle water. Hongseok looked the other up and down and bit his lip. "What?" questioned Kevin.

"You look good in my sweater," he smirked. Feeling his cheeks flame up, Kevin smiled. "I'm going back up," too shy to stay there the younger left. "Keb, want to walk in the garden? So I can clear my mind," asked hongseok.

What? I finally get to see the garden he talks about! the younger thought. Excitement filled Kevin's body. "Yes! A thousand times yes."

They steal away. A chill breeze swept under Kevin, he shivered. He was in awe, the garden was just as he imagined, "woah!"
"Do you like it?" asked the older, admiring how cute the other was. Kevin ran his hands through the beautiful flowers, touching every leaf that hung from the trees.

An arm snakes around Kevin's waist. He was taken off guard, "what are you doing?" Hongseok smirked before delivering a kiss. Right on time the garden's sprinklers went off. Both of them not caring. Kevin felt hongseok unzipping the sweater. "May I?" asked hongseok. In response, the younger slightly nodded.

A/N: hey guys!! it's been quite a while😭 we had a bit of writers block but we're gonna try and write more as our spring break is coming up. i'm gonna cute the note short but i do want to tell you guys that it's my birthday today!!!🥳 going seventeen fr😭😭 well i love you guys and i missed you 😔🫶 please continue reading and commenting!!

 i'm gonna cute the note short but i do want to tell you guys that it's my birthday today!!!🥳 going seventeen fr😭😭 well i love you guys and i missed you 😔🫶 please continue reading and commenting!!

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