School Trip Pt. 6

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Narrator's POV...
Hour an a half later Jacob and Kevin sat on the bed, with Kevin's leg overlapping the older's as Jacob held the younger in his arms. They didn't want to let go of each other. "Did we just.. have a make out session for almost an hour?" Kevin asked. "Yeah.. we did," Jacob replied.

"Keb, do you like hongseok?" Jacob blurted out. Not wanting to torture the other he decided to tell him the truth. "Well, I don't. I like him as a friend, but nothing more. I like you, and I never had the courage or strength to confess to you. On top of that I was always pressured by our classmates and other students. I wanted to tell you, but so many things got in the way. I always want to spend time with you, but hongseok always pulled me away. And that time when I asked you to watch that movie with me, I wanted to confess to you. But you said no to coming," Kevin looked down at his fingers as they played with the strings on his hoodie again.

You fucking idiot. Jacob felt stupid now. If he went with Kevin then the two could've already been dating. Then again hongseok would've ruined it one way or another. "How long have you liked me, keb?" Jacob asked.

Kevin tensed a bit that didn't go unnoticed by the older. "Since that incident happened in the streets.. when.. I was punched," Jacob's heart ached so much, remembering what he said the day before. "When you saved me and told them not to touch me it actually made my heart flutter. Knowing that there was someone there to protect me."

Kevin brought his gaze up and kissed the other one more time. "Do you like me, cobie?" Jacob smirked when hearing him. "Yeah, I do."
"Why didn't you tell me?" Kevin asked. "Just like you I was scared. I was scared of being rejected and probably abandoned by you. I honestly thought you didn't like me and thought you liked hongseok. Seeing how flustered you would get whenever you were teased about him made me so fucking mad, reasons why I always got angry with you," Jacob embarrassing admitted.

"I'm sorry for the many times I've been an asshole to you. Like with yesterday, embarrassing you at the movie theater, the cafeteria, and when I shouted at you the day after I first gave you my jacket, I'm pretty sure I'll be a mess of a boyfriend to you," Jacob was taken aback when the younger threw his arms around his neck and snuggled his head into his neck.

"I think you'll be a great boyfriend," Kevin said. "What do you mean?" Jacob asked. "It means I like you! I like you a lot. I even sometimes dream about you, and there are many times I think about you all day. I even wake up before my alarm because I want to see you and when I see you my heart—" Kevin stopped when realizing he was going over board.

Jacob smiled so brightly that took Kevin by surprise. This was the first time in awhile where he's seen him this happy. "I actually have something for you," Jacob confessed. "What is it?" The two sat up properly as the older reached into his pocket.

He then pulled out a necklace that had an attached moon to it. "I got you this so I could give it to you when I confessed my feelings for you. But now I guess that didn't go as planned," he chuckled feeling a tad heartbroken. Jacob unhooked the necklace and began to place it around his neck.

Feeling how close the older was to him, Kevin's face flushed with pink as his heart began to beat faster. Then Jacob asked, "keb, will you go out with me? Like.. be my boyfriend."

A smile grew upon the younger's face, "yes!" He nodded so quickly before throwing his arms around Jacob's neck once again. Jacob squeezed Kevin tightly in his arms, "I really like you. I want to be with you all the time. I miss you all the time."

Whenever Jacob released his feelings, Kevin felt so warm and happy inside. He really is a great catch.


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