Runnin' Outta Time

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Narrator's POV...
The weekend came about and of course Seungbo, Chanhee's favorite baseball player was having another game. So chanhee being himself, he called over Kevin and this time Eric to join them. Kevin and Eric had a sleepover the night before, the two staying up to work on a project.

While chanhee was wide awake and energized, Kevin and Eric were only running off a few hours of sleep. Once arriving to the arena, Chanhee intertwined their arms together and took off running into the building.

The two were being dragged all over, going to each merch stand. "Chanhee you're literally going to rip my arm off," Eric complained. "I don't care, we gotta support Seungbo!!" Chanhee shouted back, not showing mercy for his friends.

"We're on a delay because you two showed up late," the three rushed down to their seats. They arrived just in time for the first player to make the pitch. Kevin and Eric wanted to enjoy the game, but the poor things were too tired. Their heads dropped down before springing back up when chanhee screamed.

"Oh what's wrong?"
"Are you alright?"
They asked, worried something may have happened. "It's Seungbo!!" Chanhee let out more screams, he was probably the loudest one there. Even the girls around them couldn't scream that high. "Come on, stand up!" Chanhee ushered his friends.

The two tiredly stood up and began to cheer along side their friend. Once Seungbo took a step onto the field, his eyes darted to crown immediately, trying to find Kevin. A big smile came upon his face, as the light shined brightly behind Kevin. "You got this Seungbo," he said, encouraging himself to impress his crush.

While the three cheered and jumped for the team, Younghoon and Jacob emerged from the stairs. Kevin and Eric were a bit taken aback when seeing them. "Oh, cobie?" Kevin questioned. "Keb? What are you doing here?"
"What are you—" Kevin slowly turned to chanhee who was clearly trying to avoid looking at his friend.

"Chanhee~" Eric began, "did you invite them?" Chanhee slowly nodded, "I invited younghoon to join me because I thought you guys wouldn't come." Eric and Kevin teased their friend when hearing that he invited Younghoon. "I really hope you don't mind I brought Jacob. He didn't have much to do today," Younghoon inserted into the conversation.

"It's alright, the more the merrier," eric jokingly said. Kevin awkwardly looked at Jacob then back to the field. Younghoon scooted pass them and sat next to chanhee. Jacob took the seat next to Kevin, while Eric sat in between both of the pairs. "This is fun right?" Eric asked, letting out a forced laughed. They nodded before returning to the game.

An hour passed with the team on the verge of victory. Seungbo looked into the crowed, locking his eyes once again on Kevin. Seeing the cheerful yet tired look on the others face was enough for him to strike out his opponent. All five of them jumped for joy with chanhee and younghoon hugging each other. While Kevin and Jacob intertwined their hands and jumped.

They stopped, giving each other both a confused look. Jacob pulled his arms back, hiding them in his pocket. Kevin turned to Eric, his cheeks were flushed with pink and his hands began to sweat.


The group walked down the steps, all exhausted from jumping and screaming. "I'll go throw these away," Jacob said, holding arms full of their trash. They nodded as he walked away. "So what do you guys want to do now?" Younghoon asked, slowly wrapping his arm around chanhee.

"Anything is fine— oh my gosh, Seungbo!!" They all turned to their left and saw the famous baseball player. Chanhee quickly took his phone out to try and get a picture with his "crush."

Chanhee and younghoon walked to him, of course chanhee was the only one excited while younghoon was a tad jealous. Seungbo smiled when seeing his fan, but froze when seeing the boy behind him. He locked his eyes onto Kevin who was busy adjusting his sling. "Jeez, Kevin how long do you have to wear that?" Eric asked.

"The doctor said one more—" Kevin stopped when seeing Seungbo heading towards him. Once the other stopped in front of him, Kevin tensed up when seeing how tall he was. Seungbo was basically towering over him.

"Hi" Kevin awkwardly said. On the side chanhee and Eric were both squealing from excitement. "It's you, the one who I can't stop thinking about," Seungbo said. "M-me?" Kevin stuttered while pointing at himself. "Yes, you're so cute up close," the other said leaning in more.

"Kevin's his crush," Eric squealed as he and chanhee jumped. Younghoon looked up and Jacob returning. He clenched his teeth together, knowing how he was going to react. Seungbo pulled his phone out, signaling Kevin to take it, "give me your number."

By then the entire baseball team and other fans were watching and cheering. Kevin chuckled, then took the phone and typed in his number. Jacob stood by the side, his hand in a fist, with his face showing much anger. "I'll be calling you very soon, Kevin," Seungbo winked before walking off.

Chanhee and Eric ran to their friend, "oh my gosh!! Kevin you're so lucky," Eric congratulated. "So you're the mystery person he likes, you're literally living my dream," Chanhee jokingly whined. Jacob stormed to Kevin with jealousy, "did you give out your phone number just like that?"

Kevin was a bit surprised by Jacob's words. "Cobie are you alright?" Jacob looked around and saw the reactions of his peers. He turned his back and left the arena. "I- uh- will check on him. We'll hang out another time, chanhee," Younghoon smiled before running after his friend.


"Jacob I hate to say this, but this is literally the second guy to hit on Kevin. When are you going to tell him?" Younghoon said. "Younghoon I'm not ready to tell him. What if I tell him and I ruin our friendship? Fuck, he might not even like me," Jacob shouted back to his friend.

"I think he'll be better with someone like hongseok or Seungbo," Jacob hated to admit it, but he thought about just giving up on telling Kevin how he feels.

"Jacob Bae, don't you dare start having second thoughts. I've known you for half my life, this is the most I've seen you head over heels for someone. You have to tell him, the sooner, the better," Jacob felt his confidence increase a bit by his friends words. "When should I tell him?" Jacob asked quietly.

"You should tell him on that school trip that is coming up. Perfect for the occasion," Younghoon suggested with a smile. "Jeez! Ever since you got close to chanhee you've become more happier," Jacob said to his friend, making younghoon a tad shy. "I already got my happiness, now it's time for yours. So stop being a little bitch," they both laughed, lifting the mood between them.
A/N: Howdy guys! So it took awhile to write this chapter but please enjoy! We were wondering what do you guys want to see in the next chapter? Give us as many suggestions you want! Again thank you for reading and also do you guys want us to do a Q&A? 👁👁 That's all see you guys in the next chapter also please comment I LOVE reading your comments, it puts a smile on my face☺️ Bye! I love you all!🤭

—————————————————————A/N: Howdy guys! So it took awhile to write this chapter but please enjoy! We were wondering what do you guys want to see in the next chapter? Give us as many suggestions you want! Again thank you for reading and also do you g...

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