The Boy is mine

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Narrator's POV...
(Few days later...)

Kevin sat on a bench that was at the entrance of his school. He slowly kicked his feet as he was listening to his music. On the side of him was their friend group, all being loud and teasing one another. He did take notice of how juyeon, younghoon, sangyeon, changmin, sunwoo and haknyeon were acting. It was almost like they were hiding something.

"Kevin," said his friend chanhee as he took a seat next to him. "What are you thinking about?" he asked taking his earbud from his ear. "Nothing, just lost within my thoughts," Kevin replied with a smile. "I just haven't had my morning coffee," Kevin stood up and made his way to the canteen. While Kevin walked out the canteen with his coffee he noticed how everyone were whispering and pointing outside.

Then he saw them pointing at him. Kevin looked where everyone was pointing and immediately froze. Dropping his coffee it spilled over on the floor, and stained his uniform pants. A mix of emotions overcame the younger once seeing Jacob in such a long time. "Cobie?"

Kevin felt surprised, confused, and a bit nervous. He felt happy seeing Jacob again, but he worried about what he might say or do. Jacob laid his eyes on the boy, who was standing in the middle of the school. He felt nervous, excited and maybe a bit sad.

"Holy shit!" hyunjae said almost as a shout.

"What is it?" the friend group turned then their jaws fell to the floor. All the girls began to cry and squeal when watching Jacob speed walk to his ex. "Kevin," said Jacob as he took smaller steps to his ex. Kevin's eyes turned red and began to water. The boy he longed to see was finally standing in-front of him at the same spot they first met. "I ran here as soon as I got back," Jacob said. "And you're here," Meanwhile Hyunjae, chanhee, and Eric couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Jacob stood closer, cupping the younger's cheeks in his palms. He grew worried, "you're face is cold. And pale." He wiped his tear away as the girls fell weak. Kevin pushed his hands away and stepped back. "Why are you here?" he asked when remembering what happened. "Because I missed you," now it was Jacobs turn to let out a tear. "We broke up. So why do you miss me?"

"Even so," Jacob began, "I missed you. I miss you so much, I thought I might die." Emotions were everywhere at this point. Not just by the two, but by everyone. Their friends and peers.

Reaching for his hand, Kevin stepped back once more. "I.. didn't miss you," this is how Kevin really felt. He was blinded by the little love he still had for the older, only to be reminded how he was left heartbroken. "You left and broke up with me over the phone when I didn't want to." With nothing to do, Kevin turned and ran away. Jacob watched as he cried.

Eric, Hyunjae and Chanhee then ran after him, chasing him down.

Hongseok entered the school and everyone's eyes were on him. The girls started to whisper. He looked forward and saw someone talking with sangyeon and the others. "Yah! Sangyeon!" he shouted as he walked closer. Jacob turned and the two made eye contact. Hongseok froze, not knowing what to do or say.

Jacob was angry when seeing him. Right there he wanted to tackle and start punching him, but he held his composure and just let it slide. "J-Jacob.. what are you doing here?" he asked trying to hide the shakiness in his voice, but failed. "Well, I decided to come back. My duties in the states are finished. How are you? Did you take care of Kevin well?" Jacob asked getting closer.

Sweat dots began to form at the other's forehead, not knowing what Jacob was going to do. The tension between them increased, hongseok felt like Jacob knew something. It felt like they were back at stage one. Their friendship slowly coming to an end as they slowly start to resent each other, again. "Where's Kevin," hongseok breaking the silence.

"He ran down the hall. Do you want to see him?" Changmin asked ready to escort the older. "No, I want to see him," Jacob interrupted. "But I need to see him," said hongseok walking closer. Changmin and Sangyeon knew where this would go. "Let's just go together," he suggested. "NO!" they both shouted. Changmin twitching from the unexpected shout.

Then the morning bell rang and the students started making their ways their classes. Jacob turned and made his way to his first class of the day. Meanwhile, Hongseok just stood there finally being able to breathe. Changmin flattened his hand then received a hand slap from Younghoon as their plan was coming to light.


Kevin walked into his classroom then saw Jacob, sitting back in his old desk. Pushing his thoughts and emotions away he took a deep breath and sat next to him. The entire class was silent now, no one speaking as they were a bit afraid. Finally the teacher entered breaking the awkward silence with the students sighing with relief. Kevin and Jacob both kept their eyes away not wanting to look at each other.

Just like how it was before he left, Jacob slipped Kevin a bottle of his favorite drink. The younger having flashbacks. Even though he didn't want anything to do with him, Kevin respectfully accepted the cold beverage. "Thank you," he said quietly, almost as a whisper. "How are you?" Jacob asked finally looking at him.

"I've been good. Well, that's a lie. Heartbroken," Kevin said. Jacob felt his heart sting. How he wish he'd never left. They would've still been together and could have been doing everything they planned as a couple. Looking down, Jacob saw Kevin's hand resting besides his books. Just do it, it's right there. The older bit his lip and crept his hand to the others. Rubbing his index finger on the back of his ex's hand, Kevin almost gave in. He turned his hand over as Jacob began to hold it before Kevin pulled it away.

Chanhee and Hyunjae watched them from behind, silently kicking their feet. Hongseok watched and examined Kevin's body language and could tell he was uncomfortable. He wanted to pull Jacob away and punch him right there. "Please, don't," Kevin said looking at his desk mate.


Chanhee opened his friends mouth, placed a small ball of rice in and began to move the jaw up and down. "You seriously going to feed him the entire lunch period?" Eric said as he was spitting out his food. "What did I say about talking with your mouth full?" scolded Juyeon. Hongseok was about sit beside his boyfriend, but was pulled back by his hoodie.

Kevin looked to his left and saw Jacob sitting next to him. On his right hongseok sat down. He began to freak out. The other two glaring at one another with an evil look. "What are you doing here?" Kevin asked Jacob. "I wanted to eat with you," Jacob slid a small pack of sweets next to his ex. A smile grew on the younger. "Thanks," he grabbed it and placed it in his bag.

Feeling better Kevin took a piece of food and ate it. As he was chewing, Hongseok brought his face forward and cleaned it with a napkin. "There. Looking cute again," Kevin choked then spat out his food onto the other. Changmin and Sunwoo snort out a laugh. Juyeon and younghoon doing the same. "Oh, hongseok.. I'm sorry," laughed Kevin trying to clean him.

"Kevin you did good," haknyeon letting out a laugh. Hongseok wiped the food off his face with the aid of his boyfriend. Reacting quickly, Jacob dipped his finger in his food and wiped it on his cheek. "Yah! Keb, I have a stain here," he said. "Oh," Kevin turned his attention to his ex and being focusing on him more. Jacob was enjoying the attention. All the students pulled out their phones and began snapping pictures.

Meanwhile on their school bulletin board a post was posted.
Are Kevin Moon and Jacob Bae back together?

a/n: slay we love drama😍🤞 we're trying to update a lot before summer is over. thank you for reading, leaving comments, and voting. we really appreciate you guys so much and we're very thankful. that's all i have to say so bye for now and we'll be back with another chapter soon, i love you all!!🩷

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