Why Am I Like This?

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Narrator's POV...

It was the next day and Hyun-Jae and Sang-Yeon decided not to show up to school. They needed a rest a day. Kevin sat alone in the classroom, waiting for Chan-Hee to arrive. On his right was Jacob's desk. He looked up, secretly admiring him. He knew it was wrong, but couldn't help himself. Jacob turned to look at him, forcing Kevin to quickly look away. Not being able to contain himself the older got up and left, leaving Jacob behind. He walked to the canteen to grab something to drink.

From behind he heard murmuring and boys freaking out. Every student ran to the school entrance, which was now roped off into one straight walk way. The paint stained portraits, pictures and the carpeting. It was an awful sight. Kevin tip toed to see what everyone is gawking at. But the male students were too tall. Next the entire crowd rushed down the hallway, making it difficult to enter class. He followed them to his.. home room? Kevin pushed everyone out the way to see better.

Jacob looked up when hearing the sliding door opened, his heart and jaw dropped. "Oh shit!" said Young-Hoon, dropping his milk. Followed by Juyeon doing the same with his breakfast. There was Jacob's ex girlfriend. Her long light brown hair blowing in the wind, she tidied up her uniform and skirt before continuing in. "Hi Jacob," she said as she took a seat next to him. Finally, Kevin made it in. Meeting Kevin's eyes, Jacob stood up, ready to defend himself, only they aren't dating anymore. "Cobie," Kev began, "who's this?" he asked. "I'm his girlfriend," she said. "I'm Julie. You're Kevin, correct?" In sync, the whole classroom and students outside gasped.

Kevin stood there, his mouth agape, he didn't know what to say or do. "Yes, this is Kevin," Jacob said, an awkward laugh escaping. "Have we met before?" Kevin asked, eyebrows furrowed. Julie was taken aback, "No, we haven't. I was here before you." The other was confused, he swore he's seen her somewhere. Then it clicked. When Jacob was in the states Sangyeon showed their group a picture of Jacob hugging a girl. That girl is right in front of him. He just stood there not knowing what to say. "You're adorable. It's funny. Jacob come with me," Julie intertwined their hands, "Nice meeting you Calvin." The duo walked down the hall and into an empty room. Followed by boys whooping.

Once locking the door, Jacob spoke, "What the hell are you doing back?" Julie chuckled, "Geez! No 'Hi, how've you been'?" All Jacob did was let out a fake laugh, "Did you really pull that act in front of everyone? We're not together anymore!"
"So aren't you and Calvin. I don't see the issue," she replies.
"It's Kevin! The issue is now he thinks we're dating."
"Isn't he with that Hongseok dude? Why are you worried about him thinking we're dating? Unless.." Julie gasped. "You still have feelings for him." She wrapped her arms with Jacob and began to jump excitedly. "Stop! Please tell me why you're back," he begs.

Julie goes silent. "What's wrong?" Jacob asked. She looks up, rapidly blinking her eyes, "My parents sent me back here because of something that happened." She looked down at her feet, not wanting to make eye contact. "This past summer I met this person and we began hanging out a lot. I was at their house and we shared a kiss. Their mother caught us and told my parents," she looked up with tears running down her face.

Jacob's face softened. "When they were told they immediately told me to pack my clothes. Next thing I know I'm on a flight back here. I really hope they're okay," her words barely coming out. She sniffled, wiping her tears with her sleeve. "It's going to be okay. I'm sure he will be alright," Jacob said, hugging her. "That's the thing.. it's not a boy," her words muffling as her face was buried in his hoodie. "It's a girl," it was the first time she's ever came out to someone. Julie felt so relieved and proud. "I just need a favor, Jacob," she said after calming down.

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