Family Meeting.

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A/N: Hello. I assume you want the usual? Alright then. Sit down in that chair right there and I'll show you how it's done.

Sitting inside this room inside a room, everyone has questions.

Shido: "What... are you?"

Y/N: That should be obvious, but it's not. Is she really a Spirit?

Kotori: "Your adorable little sister."

Shido: "You're calling yourself adorable?"

Kotori: "But I am, aren't I?"

Y/N: "I don't think either of us can deny that." She's avoiding the question.

Shido: "Kotori, are you a Spirit?"

They stare at Kotori for a few moments.

Kotori: "If I said I wasn't, would you believe me?"

Shido: "Yeah, if you say that, I'll believe you."

Y/N: But we both know better than that.

He leans back in his chair.

Kotori: "Are you serious? Disregarding what they'd seen and beveling the words of another is something a wise man would never consider."

Shido: "If it means I can't trust my little sister, it doesn't matter how much wiser I'd be because I'd be worthy of being your brother."

Y/N: "Let's trim the fat here. You already know my situation. So tell us, what's yours?"

Kotori: "I'm human. At least, that's what I think I am. But the data probably suggests I'm a Spirit."

Shido: "What do you mean?"

Kotori: "I was born into the Itsuka family. So was Y/N. No doubt about it. But five years ago, I became a Spirit. It may be more appropriate to say that I became a human with Spirit's powers. I believe that something similar happened to Y/N."

Shido: "Can that even..."

He clutches his head.

Shido: "No! While I was sleeping, I had a dream."

He tells them about his dream. How he witnessed a great fire potentially caused by Kotori.

Kotori: "I can't say that I was sobbing and screaming Onii-chan at the top of my lungs, but that seems about right. It must've transferred to you through our Path when I released my spiritual powers."

Shido: "I see."

Y/N: "But what happened? How did you gain your power?"

He stops leaning in his chair and moves forward.

Kotori: "Unfortunately, I don't remember."

Shido: "Huh?"

Kotori: "I know something happened, but I can't really remember. I do remember becoming a Spirit, but I don't know why or how."

Shido: "How could you forget something so important?"

Y/N: *He looks over to Shido* "How did you forget my birthday last year?"

Shido: "Well-I... It changes every year!"

Y/N: "It's the same day!"

Kotori: "Can't you remember something as important as your brother's birthday? You're right, though. There's no way I would forget an event that changed my identity. Maybe someone wiped our memories."

Y/N: "That could be it. But who? It would have to be someone who knew she was a Spirit."

Kotori: "Well, that's one possibility. After it happened, Ratatoskr found me. When I learned about what was happening on the other side of the world, I decided to save Spirits."

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