A Change

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The battle was won. Morgana defeated. Mordred dead.

Camelot rejoiced as it was finally freed from the constant torment that its enemies rained down on them. All was well in the kingdom. All except for their king, who was missing.

Merlin was determined, as tears were streaming down his face he carried his limp King Arthur closer to the Lake of Avalon step by step. He would not let it end like this. After years of serving his King- no, his friend, his heart- Merlin would not let Arther die. Even as he could sense the life force being slowly drained from his friend, Merlin would not stop walking. Even if he knew deep down that his efforts were futile, they would never make it to the lake in time to save Arthur.

Suddenly Arthur dropped to the ground unable to continue any further.

"Merlin", Arthur breathed obviously using immense amounts of focus to speak.

"No! Shhhh! Save your strength, we are almost there, don't give up" Merlin started before Arther could continue, grabbing his under shoulders trying to haul the king back to his feet. But the only movement that came from the king was his hand gently caressing his servant cheek.

"Merlin, I need you to listen to me" Merlin could not control the flood of tears that came hurling down his face, as he could see death circling his friend.

Arthur continued, voice barely audible and very labored, "I want to say something I've never said to you before...Thank you".

And with that the light in the king's eye, the light that would have saved Albion and brought about peace, flickered out.

Merlin screamed, a deep and profound noise. A sound that could only be recognized as the sound of a heart being torn apart. What was Merlin to do! His destiny to protect Arther was over; he had failed, and with that failure his sole was fractured. Merlin by all accounts, except for the physical, was dead alongside his King, heartbroken.

The flapping of powerful wings sounded overhead as ​​Kilgharrah, the Great Dragon, landed beside Merlin and the body of Arther.

"I'm sorry Merlin," said the wise dragon, "Sometimes we simply can't fulfill our destiny, no matter how hard we might try or however all-powerful one may be...I am just sorry that the young king died not knowing all that you did for him".

With his sorrowful eyes Merlin looked up at the dragon, and in that moment ​​Kilgharrah thought he could see a hint of hope in the warlock's eyes.

"'All-powerful'", Merlin repeated back to the mighty dragon slowly, "​​Kilgharrah, you brilliant beast. I am all-powerful, I'm the most powerful sorcerer to ever walk this earth!" Merlin proclaimed with a sob. Then slowly a tired half-grin spread across his lips.

"Even as powerful as I am, I can not prevent death... But I can trade for it"

"That has never been attempted before in the history of magic, and I strongly suggest that you leave this spell unattempted. You don't know what could happen", ​​Kilgharrah fired back.

Merlin blatantly ignoring the dragon turned to Arthers corpse and said, "Build a better future for everyone. People with magic, and for people who might be a little different. I am only sorry that I won't be there to see it, my parting gift to you is the truth about all that I have done. I am sorry to have kept my true self a secret for so long" Immediately after Merlin turned away, he stared up to the heavens and started incanting.

"NOOO!" roared ​​Kilgharrah, "You can't trade your life for anything! You are Emrys! You are meant to live forever! Merlin you must live for it is more than your destiny, it is nature's will!"

But ​​Kilgharrah's warning was too late and not heard over the swirling of wind that surrounded the warlock. The sky seemed to be a portrait of fury and sorrow that Merlin felt. With forceful winds, rain, thunder and lightning, it was apparent that this spell was dangerous and more powerful than anything Merlin had ever attempted before. 

When Merlin finished incanting he resembled the literal living death. He then turned to Arther (who was suddenly breathing, yet still unconscious) and placed a hand on Arthur's cheek and brought his head to touch Arthers brow he whispered "I'm sorry". Then plunged Excalibur into his own heart to seal the spell. Officially trading his life force for Arthur's.

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