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 AN-Super long chapter so I hope you enjoy it! Sorry I took so long to upload the next chapter. Hopefully the next chapters won't take as long.

"Okay Okay, first things first this stories not gonna make a lot of sense if I don't tell you all a secret first" Merlin nervously looked over at Arthur as he said, "I have magic"

Elyan, Leon, and Percival all spit out their drinks, and Gwaine just started laughing, claiming he had known the whole time. Lancelot smiled at Merlin proudly, while Arthur looked at Merlin confused as he said, "Merlin, why did you give me that look you know I already knew you had magic. You bloody did it in front of me!"

"I wasn't sure you would remember, you did die!" said Merlin defensively

"Okay someone needs to catch me up! Since when have you had powers!" Leon asked.

Then after catching Elyan, Leon, and Percival on the fact that Merlin was the most powerful warlock in existence, and how he saved Arthur's life. Percival looked confused and asked "If you have powers then why did you let that arrow hit you when you could've just used magic?"

"Ya, thanks for reminding me that, it hurt like hell!" Merlin said indignantly at Arthur, who just rolled his eyes as Merlin continued, "Well I wasn't sure if Arthur remembered my powers and I just don't like telling people in general

"Anyways so after I, well I guess died, ​​Kilgharrah flew me to the Lake of Avalon–which I should've just asked him to do in the first place with Arthur, but I didn't think about it–he dumped my body into the center of the lake.

"Honestly, I don't really remember much of anything. ​​Kilgharrah told me what he did, and that after two hours of my body in the lake I appeared, walking toward him on the water. After that I must have passed out because I woke up on the lake shore with ​Kilgharrah and that's when he told me this story" Merlin finished

Elyan piped up saying, "Um Merlin that's all great but that still doesn't tell us how you, ya know, came back from the dead"

"Haha! True well I honestly don't know and neither does ​​Kilgharrah. He suspects the purest force of nature brought me back because it is my destiny to live forever. He also suspected that I wasn't fully dead, since there's only one thing that can kill me and transfering my life to Arthur is not it"

"Wait, what's the only thing that can kill you?" Arthur asked looking worried and curious

"That" Merlin pointed in the direction of Excalibur that sat in Arthur's belt.

"WHAT!" Arthur yelled with both fear and anger in his voice "Are you telling me that you gave me the only thing that could kill you without telling me! Merlin what if I had accidentally hit you with it or–"

"Oh shut up princess! Well Merlin you are in for some trouble now that I know what to use to get you to leave me alone" Gwaine teased, which left all the knights laughing except for Arthur who still looked pissed.

"May I continue, sire...thank you. As I said I am not really sure what happened or who brought me back. ​​Kilgharrah insists that it was a force of good, but I don't know it feels..." Merlin quickly changed topics. Arthur noticed his hesitation and made a note to ask him later. "Well after that I started to make my way back to Camelot. During my travels as I walked I must have got dizzy and passed out. I woke up in a camp like ours but my hands were bound, with um...don't freak out... magical cuffs"





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