Who's Pulling the Strings

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A/N: Sorry it's been so long since I updated! I hope it won't be so long next time. Enjoy! :)

"What else did Nimeuh say about me! What does she really want from me!" Merlin demanded as he and Arthur stood outside Devon's cell.

Devon gave Merlin another one of his sly smiles and said nothing.

"Answer him now" growled Arthur

"No, I don't think I will. If I am to be executed in the morning I think I will keep this last bit of information to myself, thank you very much"

"If you tell us something that is worthwhile, I might just cancel your execution," said Arthur darkly.

"Do I have your word?"

"You do"

"Well then, that wasn't so hard was it. Do you even remember me, your majesty?" Devon tried to say playfully, but his words were laced with hatred.

"No, and that is not what we are here-"

"I remember you, looking out your chamber window when my father was murdered. I bet you don't even remember his name. He was a good man, paid taxes, worked hard and made his way in your kingdom. Caring for his family and being kind to everyone around him... You took him from me! My grandmother, you might know her as Lady Helen of Mora tried to avenge him but was stopped by your precious Merlin".

"That was Uther, not Arthur, you have no right to hold Arthur responsible for this crime!" interjected Merlin.

"Thomas James Collins. That was his name, Devon Collins. I remember the name of every sorcery my father executed while I was prince. Even as a young boy I knew it was wrong, remembering their names seemed like the least I could do...was all I could do...This are different now and magic is celebrated, I am sorry however about the fate my family brought upon your father"

"You're sorry...hah! You're sorry! Sorry doesn't bring back my father and grandmother now does it! My 'King'?!"

"Enough, the King has apologized and that's all you will get from him. Now you have already been found guilty at your trial and you face death, there is no more time for the stories of your past, tell me what Nimueh said about me." Arthur had never heard Merlin speak so sternly that he knew whatever Merlin wanted to hear, it was important.

"Alright, fine. I'll tell you, but I have a low rank in The Dragon Slayers and can only tell you what I have heard that has been passed down...from what I heard Nimueh ordered the Dragon Slayers to never kill you Merling. Obviously we could still delight in torturing you, haha, I mean the magic cuffs had been Nimeuhs idea if we ever caught you" Devon explained with a smile, "All I know is that she needed you alive for some kind of spell-"

"What kind of spell?" Merlin asked as he rubbed his wrists at the memory of the cuffs.

"A powerful one, something so powerful it would have brought Camolt to its knees and the Pendragons to their doom" Devon finished with a crazy gin stretched across his face as he stared down Arthur.

"But why would she need me alive to do this spell? There are plenty of magical amplifiers that she could have used, not to mention she was powerful by herself without my help"

"He he... hahaha!! Well, rumor has it that she needed to drain your life force in order to complete this spell. You see when you so nobley gave that life force over to the King, I bet she found a way to bring you back, hahaha! I would not count her out of this game, young warlock, even from beyond the grave...it still seems like she is the one pulling the strings"

Arthur and Merlin left the dungeons in a hurry, Merlin was breathing heavily but wouldn't speak until they reached Arthurs bedroom again.

Leaning against the bedframe Merlin held his chest as he let out ragged breaths. Arthur remained silent waiting for Merlin to speak first.

"I can feel it...I can feel it, Arthur. It is slipping out of me bit by bit, the same as it did when I was saving you just this time it is happening so slowly"

Arthur's eyes started to fill with tears and Merlin continued.

"My magic, it is not the same. It feels dampened, as if I am in a constant state of exhaustion," tears now slide Merlin's face as he finished, "and I am Arthur, I'm so tired all the time. I saw her in this room earlier, and I think I saw her when I had my seizure. What Devon says is true, her spell has begun, and I have no idea how to stop it" Merlin practically breathed the last words. Arthur lunged for Merlin and embraced him, burying his head in Merlin's neck.

    "We'll find a way," Arthur promised. Merlin embraced Arthur back, even though he knew these were empty words. The two just cried and held each other as close as possible.

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