One Man Army

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Arthur and his knights were very close to the location of the abandoned house that Gaius had draw out on a map. All the knights of the round table were with Arthur, and around thirty additional men. Arthur had stated that he needed to bring as many man as he could, without leaving his kingdom unprotected, because he had a feeling they were walking into a trap.

    The knights had devised a plan for capturing Merlin. They all knew that on an even playing field Merlin would destroy them all without breaking a sweat. Therefore, Leon had come up with the plan of having Arthur and the other knights distract Merlin while Gwaine, and Lancelot knocked the sorcerer out cold. While Arthur wasn't very confident with this plan, he agreed that it was the best they could come up with in such a short time.

    When Arthur and his men finally arrived at the house they were greeted with Merlin sitting along on the railing of porch. He wasn't dressed in his usual servants clothes and neckerchief. Merlin wore a black long sleeved blouse with a very low V cut, which was weird seeing Merlin without a neckerchief covering his neck. He also wore black velvet pants that fit tightly around his legs, and his hair seemed longer as it was past his ears in loose curls. If Arthur had seen Merlin like this in any other situation he would have thought Merlin looked beautiful, but now all it did was intensify his rage.

    Arthur, Elyon, Leon, and Percival moved their horses closer toward the porch so that they could talk to Merlin, the rest of the men stayed put behind them.

    "Welcome!" Merlin stated opening his arms out wide and mockingly bowed to the King, "I have been waiting here all day for you guys". Merlin slowly made his was off the porch, standing several feet away from the King and the knights that flanked him. "Strange that you would bring so many men to fight one lonely man" Merlin talked with a sultry voice, and a wicked grin.

"You are not just a man though are you" Elyon answered with cool evenness "Also this is not just for you, where is the one that holds your leash"

"My love is not here right now she is away on an errand, but I will be sure to tell her you stopped by"

Hearing merlin call that monster his love made Arthurs blood boil, but after Merlin concluded he turned his head just enough to expose a dark hickey on his neck. Arthurs heart sank, his worst fears were true. He unsheathed his sword and pointed it at Merlin and shouted "WHERE IS SHE!"

Merlins smile was nothing less that manic, as he saw where Arthurs gaze had gone.

"Oh yes, my love is very good to me. In more ways than one"

Arthur lost it and charged Merlin with his sword, but with the smallest gesture Merlin turned Arthurs sword into bubbles. Leaving Arthur to ride straight past his mark swinging nothing but air at Merlin.

"Now that wasn't very nice! I mean I know I'm a little different now but its still me, your Merlin" teased the warlock.

"You may look like him, but nothing more" announce Percival

"Aw now you've hurt my feelings, big guy!" There was a long pause and Merlin seemed to be concentrating.

     He turned around, and with his back to the King and his small army he spoke again, "Your majesty, I do believe that you are down two knights of the round table. Where are my friends Lancelot and Gwaine?"

"They stayed behind to protect the castle" Arthur started to panic for he knew Merlin had just figured out their plan.

"No...I don't think so" Merlin made a tugging motion with both of his hands, and Gwaine and Lancelot were pulled from behind the abandoned house, and magically thrown onto their knees in front of Merlin.

    Merlin spun back around to face Arthur still grinning ear to ear as he addressed the small army behind the king "I am so sorry you all had to come all this way, but their will be no need for you! You know I had such high hopes for this fight but it seems I have already won. "    Merlin snapped his fingers together and the thirty man army, Percival, Leon, and Elyon were turned to stone. Issuing a gasp and cries from Arthur, Lancelot, and Gwaine. Merlin looked smug as he spoke, "Well King Arthur, it seems your army has been neutralized. All that is left for me to do is get rid of my best friends," he grabbed Lancelot and Gwaine by the chin and angled their heads to force them to look at him as he spoke. Neither men spoke, but they had looks of pity in their eye for their lost friend.

    "Stop Merlin. Nimeuh's battle is with me, let my men go" Arthur's voice was solid but his eyes had tears forming from the loss of so many men.

    "Oh, well you see I was specifically instructed to ensure that I would not be followed by any of your men once I leave here. I have disposed of most of your army, and now you will have to carry one injured man and one dead man back to Gaius...Now, who should I start with"

    "Merlin don't! Please! They are just under my orders, we won't follow you. Please!" begged Arthur, with sincere desperation.

    From within the glass box Merlin was hysterically crying! He had just killed thirty-two men. He had just killed Percival, Leon, and Elyon.

"Im so sorry, Im so sorry! My friends, oh my god! My friends. IM SORRY!!!" Merlin bellowed and screamed. "Arthur just kill me! KILL ME!!" but not a sound of it was heard.

    Merlin struck Lancelot hard across the face, he swung again, and again using his magic to keep Lancelot from moving. Gwaine was screaming for him to stop and Arthur got off his horse to go over to help but—"One more step and they both die". Merlin punched until Lancelot fell from his knees onto his side, then Merlin started to kick his ribs. When Merlin finished, Lancelot was bruised and had a bloody nose as he lay there he breathed to Merlin "It not your fault" then he fell into unconscious.

    Merlins face and posture hadn't faltered once throughout this entire exchange. He had been Nimeuh's perfect puppet, showing no sign of the old Merlin they knew and loved. But in that instant— "It not your fault"—a tear fell from Merlins eye. His face still displayed a smile and corruption, but his eyes—his eyes showed pain and anguish.

    At this sight Arthur broke down, he fell to his knees with his hands over his face muffling sobs. The man he loved most in this world was trapped, cursed to spend eternity doing a monsters bidding, and there was nothing he could do to change it. It was all his fault if Merlin hadn't saved his life on that damn battle field none of this would have happened.   

"I'm so sorry Merlin" Arthur cried "I'm so sorry!"

    "Stop crying! It's not like I killed him, I guess that means Gwaine is the winner!" Merlin announced curtly, as he pushed Lancelot onto his back with his shoe. He wiped the tear from his cheek, and turned too Gwaine. Gwaine was looking at him with tearful eyes, "It is hard to see you like this my friend, and it pains me to see you in pain. Just know that I do not blame you for what is about to happen, I will see you in the next life".

    "It hurts you to see me like this does it?... Well, I think I have just the remedy!" Merlin grabbed Gwaine by the face, covering his eyes and emitted a blinding light from his hand. Gwaine screeched! A horrible guttural sound, that came from a place a pure agony. When Merlin removed his hand Gwaine had blood running down his cheeks from his eyes.

     "There now you won't ever have to see me again, or see anything for that matter."

Gwaine was on his hands and knees patting through sobs—he was blind.

    New tears began to fall from Merlin's eyes, he was fully crying now. He looked out of his mind, still smily broadly but with eyes of a man being tortured. Arthur saw this, but he said nothing and cried harder. Merlin and Arthur held each others stare for a few moments, until Lancelot began to stir making a groaning sound. Merlin flinched and broke eye contact, then abruptly—he vanished.

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