New Plan: Save Merlin

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AN: Only a few more chapters left! I hope you all have been enjoying his story.


Merlin stumbled through the forest too in a daze, what had he just done. Did he just kill his two best friends?

No, they were definitely alive when he left. Were they? Yes...yes they definitely were. He couldn't think like that. Besides he was almost at the valley of the fallen kings, and Nimeuh will not be pleased with him.

"Now my love you meet me in the valley of the fallen kings, once you have done exactly as I have instructed... You must kill all of Arthurs knights, they must be dead when I make my move to take over Camelot. Do you understand?"

"Of course, my love"

Merlin had done as he was instructed and killed Percival, Elyon, and the small army Arthur brought with him. However, he did not kill Gwaine or Lancelot, they were still breathing when he left. He had somehow disobeyed his direct orders to kill them. How was this possible?

Inside his glass box Merlin was still writhing from having to watch as he tormented his friends. As he laid curled in a ball crying on the floor of his glass cage he noticed a crack in the corner of his box. The crack must have been no wider than a single strand of hair, and shorter that the length of a finger tip. Nimeuh must of not resealed the glass all the way when she closed the crack she made earlier.

After Merlin blinded Gwaine he had full intentions of killing him and Lancelot, but then he locked eyes with Arthur. As he held Arthurs gaze he felt like himself again, he knew then that he had gained control of his actions again. However, once Lancelot stirred Merlin knew he had only moments before he would have to carryout his kill orders, so he vanished.

Now Merlin knew he could control himself for only seconds at a time, and he swore to make sure that he would make those seconds count. As long as Nimeuh didn't notice the crack in his glass cage first.

Back in Gauis's room the old physician was tending to Lancelot's broken ribs and the intense bruising that littered across his body. Arthur had walked all the way back to Camelot with the injured Gwaine and Lancelot on his horse. Lancelot's breathing was ragged and he couldn't even keep himself upright on the horse. Gwaine had to hold him in place to prevent him from falling off. Arthur, however, was far concerned about Gwaine. Gauis had broke the news soon after they arrived back that Gwaine was permanently blind and there was nothing he could do to reverse Merlin's magic. Arthur had anticipated Gwaine to be depressed, but the knight hadn't stopped smiling since they returned home.

"He's alive Arthur! Merlin he's still in there!"

"Gwaine, you don't know that. The things that witch has made him do, he could very well have been destroyed by those acts"

"No Arthur, think about it. Why would Nimeuh leave Merlin at that cabin alone? Why wouldn't she have just moved and taken him with her when she discovered that we were coming? It must be that she ordered him to kill us, she must have some sort of plan brewing. The bitch must have ordered him to kill all of us—except you of course, you can't get hurt per the agreement for her spell over Merlin—anyways what I'm trying to say is that he had to of been ordered to kill all of us, but he didn't. He left before finishing the job, he left before he killed Lancelot, he left before he killed me...he left, because Merlin has found a way to resist that monster".

As Gwaine spoke Arthur remembered how Merlin stared at him before he vanished. Arthur could have sworn that he was looking at Merlin, his Merlin. Gwaine was right, everything he said made sense.

"Gwaine, I think you might be right. This means that Nimeuh is going to attack us soon, I need you to rally that guards. Take Gwen with you, she should be helping Gauis tend to Lancelot, she can help guide you around the castle. I will send Lancelot to help you once he is well enough too. I have a plan to save Camelot and Merlin"

Gwaine just smiled and said, "Yes your majesty" except this time Gwaine did not have a hint of mockery in his reply, only unwavering admiration for his king. 

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