La Mort-Vivant-Evil holds it's breath

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A/N So so sorry it has been forever since I last updated!!

Merlin hated being so helpless. Everything was done for him. Servants were instructed to bring him food, help him bathe, and dress everyday. Arthur even had George resume his position as his manservant so that Merlin could rest. However, what embarrassed Merlin the most was that he had no idea how to make himself better, and the idea of making Arthur go through the pain of losing him twice was unacceptable. Merlin hated that everyone walked on eggshells around him. Never talking to him about anything serious. Always talking to him in a "delicate" tone, as if he would melt away at the sound of harsh language. It especially annoyed him that even Arthur had been so nice to him, when their whole relationship was built off of insulting each other.  Just the other night Arthur asked Merlin what he would like for dinner and when Merlin replied that he wanted Arthur to go out and slay a unicorn, Arthur simply responded that he would have the chef make him some soup–what a prick.

Arthur looked horrible these days with dark circles under his eyes and a short temper with everyone around him (except Merlin of course). The sight of Arthur in such distress made Merlin hate his helplessness even more, and he sometimes even worried that Arthur looked even worse than himself.

This was in fact not the case Merlin was bone thin he looked like a skeleton. His shirts hung off his shoulders like a parachute, and his pants could only be held up with a rope belt. His cheeks had lost all their roundness, his hair was thinning, and his eyes had dark circles under them and were in a constant state of being red. Merlin once overheard a guard call him "la mort-vivant", or the undead.

It had been weeks since Guais called that secret meeting with Arhur and his knights. Arthur was growing more and more impatient waiting for Guais to collect all the ingredients he would need to perform the spell.

Finally, Guais appeared in Arthurs chambers one night and claimed that he was ready, and that they would have to perform the spell the following night in an open area. The King agreed and suggested they use the knights training field because it was large and very secluded from any prying eyes.

The following day all the knights of the round table were informed of the plan to do the spell that evening. Leon, Gwaine, and Lancerlot were instructed to be at the training field before anyone else with Guais so they could set up the necessary equipment for the spell. Arthur, Elyan, and Percival's job was to distract Merlin and get him to the training field in time for the spell.

Guais explained to his King and the knights that in order for the spell to work a blue X had to be marked on the wrists of the patient and three other men in perfect health from the rare sapphire poppy. Once the life forces for the three knights had been shared the blue X's on would disappear indicating the completion of the spell. The blue X would then bind all of the men and allow for Guais to share parts of their souls with Merlin.

That evening Merlin was on a walk with Arthur, Elyan, and Percival. Merlin didn't really understand why the King had insisted on the walk, and Merlin didn't exactly feel up to it. Since Merlin was so ill Percival was pushing him around in a wheelchair, which of course only embarrassed Merlin more about his condition. Along the way Elyan and Percival were discussing who would win in a fight between them:

"What happens if you lost your sword and had to fight me one on one?" asked Percival

"I could still hold my own, I am not reliant on my sword" stated Elyan

"Elyan, all I would have to do is lightly touch you and you would go flying! This isn't even a competition"

"Your clumsy ass wouldn't even be able to get close enough to me"

"Hey I can be very light on my feet when I want to be!"

At this moment a smiling Merling chimed in, "I bet that either of you would easily be able to take down prince charming over here" he said pointing at Arthur

"Merlin, I'm a King. And even if these two teamed up together they still wouldn't be able to beat me" claimed Arthur

"This may be so, but ultimately even if all three of us team up we wouldn't even come close to beating Merling in a fight" said Elyan matter of factly.

"I hope not! If you dollopheads beat me in a fight I wouldn't be a very good warlock, now would I" Merlin teased

They all laughed and continued joking with each other, with Arthur claiming that he could still take down Merlin even with his magic. As Arthur spoke Merling started getting a sense that something bad was going to happen. It felt as if evil was holding its breath and lying in wait. Merlin immediately told Percival to stop pushing him (he didn't even realize that they had made it to the training grounds) and said to Arthur, "you need to sound the warning bells! Something is going to attack Camelot!"

Arthur didn't hear Merlin cause he was focused on drawing the blue X on Merlins wrist. The next minute Guias appeared from behind them and was chanting an ancient spell with Leon, Gwaine, and Lancelot close behind him.

Merlin was instantly thrown into an unconscious state from Guias's spell, and slumped in his wheelchair and was for all intents and purposes dead. The blue mark on Merlin Leon, Gwaine, and Lancelot's wrists started glowing.

"Once the marks stop glowing it will have been five hours and I will begin the rest of the spell. Gwaine, Leon, and Lancelot I need you to stay here with me until that time comes. The rest of you can stay or go if you like"

"We aren't going any–" Arthur was cut off in his response due to the castle warning bells going off in the distance.

Camelot was under attack.

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