Game Over

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"I am getting tired of your games witch" growled Arthur

"Well then let me make the decision easier for you" Nimeuh's smile was wild, her eyes wide with excitement as she once again held up the knife she had stabbed the fake Merlin with.

"Wait stop!" Arthur warned his face the portrait of worry, but he knew he was in no position to oppose Nimeuh being so heavily outnumbered.

She turned away from the king and face Merlin

"My love it seems you have not been honest with me"

"What do you mean my love? I only live to serve you" Merlin responded emotionlessly

"If that were true you would have killed all of knights at the cottage! I know you left two of them alive!!"

Merlin said nothing Arthur saw Merlin's face paled. However, Arthur noticed something in Nimeuh's expression that he hadn't seen before—fear. She was scared Arthur realized. She was scared of how Merlin was able to disobey her direct order.

"Now on you knees and don't move Merlin" she commanded and Merlin fell to his knees and went rigid. Nimeuh sliced her knife down Merlin's back ripping open his shirt and skin, he made no reaction his expression still emotionless.

"Nimeuh stop! —I'll give you anything! Anything— just stop!" Arthurs voice was barley audible over his sobs. It didn't matter Nimeuh ignored him as sliced his back again and again never stopping, his back was painted in vertical stripes and oozing blood.

Arthur couldn't bear watching this much longer, "where was Gwaine and Lancelot!" Merlin couldn't take much more of this, he has lost too much blood. Indeed, Merlin looked even paler, and was having a difficult time staying upright on his knees, like he could topple over unconscious any moment.

"See I'm making this game easier for you now all you have to do is out your little boyfriend out of his misery!!" Nimeuh screamed over her shoulder to Arthur.

"Where the fuck are Gwaine and Lancelot!" Arthur thought again, but in that moment he saw movement in the trees behind Merlin and Nimeuh. The later to busy enacting her punishment on Arthur to notice anything, and Arthur knew his trap was set.

Wasting no time Arthur bellowed, "FIRE!!!!". Gwaine and Gwen stood behind a one tree and Lancelot behind another had crossbows aimed at Nimeuh. They began pelting arrows at he head, (Gwen aiming the bow for Gwaine).

Merlin followed the gaze of Arthur and saw his two best friends before him looking healthy and strong, the sight was enough to make Merlin cry even harder. He really didn't kill Gwaine and Lancelot! They were okay!

"Protect me now!" Niemuh screeched, a half conscience Merlin stubbled to his feet and stood in front of the witch. Swaying on his feet Merlin could barely stand as he deflected all the arrows, redirecting them all behind himself and Nimeuh. When suddenly all the arrows stopped, Merlin didn't understand why he could see that Gwaine and Lancelot had more arrows, they hadn't his Nimeuh yet, so why did they stop.

Merlin wasn't sure if he imagined it in his delirious state but he thought he saw Lancelot smile, a victory smile.

"NOOOOOO! THAT DOSEN'T COUNT! YOU CHEATED!! Nimeuh roared. Merlin turned away from his friends to see that one of the arrows he had deflected had found its way into Arthurs arm. Arthur pulled the arrow out (it was a shallow wound not threatening wound)

grinning from ear to ear, "Unfortunately, it does count. You used Merlin to harm me. You broke the rules. Merlin is free. Game Over"

The glass box on Merlins mind shattered. He was himself again. Arthur had planned to get hit just to free him. Merlin could feel his magic pulse through him like his magic was greeting an old friend, ready to be commanded by him again.

"Don't think that our game is over young King. DRAGON SLAYERS ATTACK!!!!!!!!!" Nimeuh yelled.

The Dragon Slayers army immediately started to charge directly for Arthur, Gwen, Gwaine, and Lancelot. Merlin thrusted his magic across the whole battlefield yelling in pain at the effort. In one swift motion all the Dragon Slayers had rope tied across their arms, feet, and mouth. The Camelot knights were turned back into flesh and blood, freed from their stone prisons, and Gwaine's sight was restored. Nimeuh stood alone and powerless gapping at the raw power Merlin held. When Merlin turned to her his face showed no sign of weakness only ice rage.

"Wait! Wait Merlin! I have a right to a fair trail. Wait— please! Please" Nimeuh begged, falling to her knees she crawled to Merlins feet trembling, "You wouldn't just kill me!"

"Oh I would" was Merlins only response, he once again thrust his power, only this time at Nimeuh. Her screams were drowned out but Merlins magic. Seconds later when Merlin finished all that was left of Nimeuh was a burn stain on grass she was kneeling in moments before

Nimeuh was dead.

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