King of Statues

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A/N: So sorry It has been so long! Im going to upload the ending today! I am so thankful that you guys like this story I love you all! Hope the wait was worth it.

Arthur and all his knights stood on the battle field in front of Camelot waiting for their opponent to arrive. Camelot's army was notorious for having the best fighters in the world, and with all seven hundred thousand of them suited up on the battle field one might think that no enemy would dare face them—No enemy, except one that had Emrys doing their bidding—As the Dragon Slayers army appeared along the forest edge of the clearing of the battle field, it was clear that their numbers were far fewer compared to the knights of Camelot. In the center of the Dragon Slayers two figures stood apart, Nimeuh and Merlin.

As they arrive Merlin could see Arthur at the front of his forces on his horse, wearing his chainmail, and holding Excalibur. He wished Arthur would run away somewhere safe, but he knew that Arthur would never let other men fight for him.

"Now my love, be so kind an amplify my voice so it can be heard throughout the kingdom. I have a little message for his majesty."

"Yes my love"

"Dear people of Camelot, I have come today to finally free you from your hypocritical ruler Arthur Pendragon! No more will magic users be punished and executed for using their gifts. No more will my people be killed and persecuted by the Pendragon's. No more will the Pendragon's secretly use magic when it so benefits them, and then outwardly condemn sorcery to the public.

No more... I offer you this choice: stand down and no harm will come to you, or fight against me and bear witness to the devastation that will follow"

Nobody moved in all of Camelot. They all knew her promises were empty and even though they feared Nimeuh, she wasn't worth betraying their king—their home.

"Fine, I see you all have made your choice", she tapped Merlin on the shoulder to tell him to stop amplifying her voice. Then she lended over and breathed into Merlin's ear "kill them all"

A moment later silence rang throughout. The full might of Camelot was rendered useless as Merlin turned them all into stone statues, all seven hundred thousand of them. Only Arthur remained on the battlefield untouched.

Arthur quickly rode up to where Nimeuh and Merlin stood. Nobody stopped him, what was one man going to do against the Dragon Slayers and a warlock.

"Nimeuh you cunning bitch. I had hoped you would've at least have the decency to let my men die fighting." Arthur said trying to sound curt, but with real tears forming in his eyes.

"I warned them what would happen, not my fault they did not listen. However, you now have the rare opportunity to rule a kingdom made of stone. Arthur! The King of Statues is what they will call you in the history books"

"You have my kingdom, you have my people, you even have my warlock. What else do you want? Why not just kill me? You don't need Merlin to do that, you have a whole army right here. Matter of fact why not you kill me, Nimeuh. Or do you not have the guts to get your own hands dirty?" Arthur challenged

"Do not tempt me King of Statues, I want to play a little game with you first." Nimeuh's smile was nothing sort of venomous. "You said that I have your warlock, but I don't think that is accurate" as she spoke she started circling Merlin. Merlin remained still even as her hand slipped under his shirt rubbing against his abs. This made Arthur clench his fist in an effort not to give Nimeuh the reaction she was most definitely looking for. "Warlock, is too simple of a term..." she paused to fully take off Merlin's shirt, Merlin did nothing to protest he just stood there with his eyes locked on Arthur. She started to run her fingers across Merlin's chest as she said, "I think what you meant to say was that I have your kingdom, I have your people, and that I even have your heart!" Suddenly, Nimeuh swung a dagger that she had been hiding in her sleeve and plunged it into Merlins heart.


Arthurs scream was of pure agony as he watched his love topple to the floor-dead. T

Merlin's lifeless eyes stared at Arthur, he felt like he was going to be sick. This couldn't be happening, not to Merlin. Arthur hadn't gotten the chance to save him yet.

"Oh relax, that's not actually Merlin! My love come here please" Just then Merlin, very much alive, stepped out from behind a tree a few yards away from where the dead Merlin lay on the floor. "Please dear show the King what just happened" said Nimeuh sweetly.

"Anything for you my love" alive Merlin replied with a sly smile on his face as he waved his hand and the dead Merlin on the ground vanished "this was all just part of the game" finished Merlin.

"What kind of sick game is this!" shrieked Merlin through sobs

"It is a game to see how much pain it would cause you to loose Merlin, and luckily it seems to cause you a great deal of it. Now on to the next part of the majesty I need you to pay attention you are going to want to hear this next part...In this part of the game your majesty, you have the opportunity to win back your kingdom and all the lives that have been lost can live again. All you have to do to win is kill Merlin— Kill Merlin and your people and your kingdom are free, or will killing Merlin break your heart. Can you bear to watch Merlin die a third time? Can you do this one task for your people? Or will you remain a broken hearted King of Statues forever?"

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