The Broken Wrist Incident

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After getting over his initial reaction and relief of seeing his formally dead servant alive, Arthur grew very confused and suspicious. It couldn't be Merlin he thought, this was a trick, this was sorcery.

Arthur drew his sword and pointed it at Merlin and accusingly stated, "This is sorcery... My friend Merlin died. It was no secret that Merlin was loved by me and my knights. You are simply an enemy of Camelot trying to infiltrate our forces"

"What are you on about? It's me you dollop head, who else would take an arrow for you? You ungrateful prat!" Merlin then grimaced, as he pulled the arrow out of his shoulder that had been aimed at the king's heart. It was a shallow wound, nothing that couldn't be fixed by some rest.

The knights all looked confused. Leon and Eylan had their own swords half raised, while Lancelot and Percival just kept looking between their king and Merlin with confused faces. However, Gwaine's lip curved slightly upward into his first smile in a week, as the knight of the round table recognized it could only be his friend who would talk so rudely to a king.

"If you are Merlin" Arthur continued, "Then how do you explain you being alive?"

"Well that's a long story, but I'll prove myself if you really insist. Remember that time when your 'royal highness' had a broken wrist, and you told everyone it happened when you were training? But it actually broke when you slipped out of the bath, and had me dress you in your chainmail and sparring outfit before going to see Guais because you were so embarrassed...?"

"Hah! Merlin, it really is you!"Arthur then dropped his sword and embraced his boyfriend one more time, "Merlin you idiot you were supposed to keep that a secret!". He hit Merlin as he said it, smiling with tearful eyes full of joy and relief.

"Okay, okay princess! Please move so the rest of us can hug him, or are you still planning on stabbing Merlin with Excalibur?" said Gwaine jokingly having returned back to his sarcastic self. Gwaine then gave Merlin another hug, followed soon after by the rest of the knights.

" all probably have a lot of questions. Why don't we make camp and talk around the fire?" Merlin suggested.

With the prisoner Arthur had battled securely bound and tied to a nearby tree, the knights spent the rest of the day laughing and joking as they set up camp. The joyous mood filled every square inch of the camp. Arthur was smiling for the first time in a week. At one point Merlin, Percival, and Gwaine started an impromptu game of tag. That left the other knights howling with laughter as Gwaine fell into a pile of mud trying to avoid the touch of Percival. They must have looked so silly, the famed knights of Camelot running around playing children's games in the middle of a forest–but they didn't care, their friend was alive and that's all that mattered.

All Arthur could think about was how much he wanted to kiss Merlin and tell him that he loved him. So while Merlin was out getting wood for their fire, Arthur followed him. He pushed Merlin against a tree, once they were out of sight of the other knights, and kissed him with force and passion. Arthur with his hands on Merlin's hips said, "I missed you. Please don't ever leave me again. I won't be able to take it. I know you were only gone a week but it felt like years had gone by".

"Oh, trust me Arthur, you can't get rid of me that easily! Besides you wouldn't last a day without me"

"I know. You showed me your memories. Merlin everything you have sacrificed for me and for my kingdom, I didn't deserve it but I am so thankful for it"

"Arthur, you never have to thank me for any of that. I loved doing it–I love protecting you"

"Merlin, you deserve recognition so just take the compliment and shut up!"

"Oh, what a touching display of affection...telling your boyfriend to shut up" teased Merlin.

"Hey! Sometimes it's necessary to tell you to shut up! But seriously Merlin you mean a lot to me and I need to tell you that I Lov-"

Arthur was cut off by Leon shouting out to them, "Hey, you two get back here! We can't wait any longer, we want to hear how Merlin survived!"

"Coming!" They both shouted back.

"What were you going to say?" questioned Merlin

"Oh, haha just that if you die again I won't have anyone to clean my armor!" responded Arthur jokingly and blushing.

Merlin and Arthur then walked back to the camp, with firewood, and Merlin finally revealed his fantastical tale of his survival–or should I say resurrection?

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