09 ✰ Morning, October 3rd

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Light as a feather.

That's how I felt when He pinned me to the wall with my arms stretched overhead. The wall was cold as marble and although my body was bare, I was warm from the heat radiating off His body as He pressed into me, banishing the air from my lungs.

His lips were on mine, the pressure moving in undulating, torturous waves, but then in a flash He pulled away, leaving me hot and wanting.

I mewled in dissatisfaction at the loss, but He placated my yearnings with a tender kiss on the side of my cheek.

He dragged His lips lower, my breath quivering with each kiss that followed.

Over the swell of my breasts.

The curve of my hip bones.

The length of my thighs.

He worshipped nearly every part of me with gentle irreverence.

Then He replaced His lips with His tongue, and the sensation set fireworks exploding in my brain. I couldn't stop myself from crying out in a feral moan as His tongue tracked closer...

And closer...

He stilled just above my pelvic bone.

And when I looked down, a cloud of mist blurred my vision, leaving only his powerful silhouette in view. I reached out but my fingers were met with air.

He called to me in a commanding voice that echoed right to my heart.

"Come to me."

"Can you hear me?"

My eyelids fluttered open and I saw Lucy hovering over me, tinged in black.

I blinked in confusion.

"Good morning, Top Gun," she teased, and I realised I still had my Aviator Ray-Bans on. I yanked them off my face, but soon paid the price after the harsh morning sun seared into my eyes like laser beams.

"Ack!" I shot up from the mossy floor, blinking rapidly.

After awhile, the stars subsided and my vision restored.

"Gosh, you look shot," Lucy remarked unhelpfully.

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks for the observation."

After last night's near-tryst with Magnus, I tossed and turned in my bed for hours on end. My mind was particularly obsessed over the physics of his smile; how it had just the right angle of crookedness to make my insides go topsy turvy.

When my consciousness couldn't make sense of that, it replayed our intimate encounter like vivid scenes from a movie. The way his nose buried into the crook of my neck; one of his hands on my waist to keep me close, the other cupping my derriere.

I'd never heard of lust at first sight before, but this must be a clinical case of it.

As a result, I spent all night cleaning my apartment and bathroom, which were both overdue for a clean anyway. Initially, I tried using my powers to start the vacuum cleaner but it just laid there, its unmoving trunk a flaccid representation of my love life.

So I plugged it into the power socket in defeat, putting in some elbow grease for the first time ever. Much to my amazement, manual cleaning did wonders to release my pent-up sexual frustration.

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