42 ✰ Morning, October 30th

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    "For the hundredth time, I got it!" I swatted Callum outstretched hand away, nearly dropping the antique vase in the process.

    Callum responded with a scowl, his sharp green eyes narrowing into slits.

    "How my bràthair puts up with your stubbornness, I have no idea," he remarked with a disapproving shake of his head.

    I smirked. "That's the point. He doesn't."

    "Just leave her alone. I've given up on getting Lena to take my advice a long time ago," Lucy said with a sigh.

In response, Callum let out a noncommittal grunt. Nevertheless, he left the vase alone. He proceeded to trail after us like a looming dark cloud as we made our way through the hotel lobby towards the indoor courtyard.

    Despite the lack of guests in the hotel, the atmosphere was buzzing, to say the least. The organising committee was there (sans Damiano, Ylvaine and Tara) as well as the Blood Moon pack, who were helping to get the place ready for the Dark Ball.

    Magnus had rented the whole hotel out for the day so there were absolutely no guests around. Even the staff were given specific instructions to vacate the premises as soon as the clock strikes ten tonight.

    Fuck knew how much he paid them off to do so. But maybe it wasn't the money, Magnus alone could be very persuasive—as I was well aware.

    From the corner of the lobby, I saw Genevieve and Nicky still arguing over the music setlist for the night. Nicky shot me an exasperated look as Genevieve began lecturing him on the innate sensuality of Debussy's work. I smiled apologetically, but kept moving.

    No way I was getting in the middle of that.

    I spotted Magnus standing in the far end of the courtyard, talking to the contractor in charge of building up the stage. He was wearing that dratted grey suit again, the one that did his God-like physique no favours. But even so, the sight of his face took my breath away. When he picked up on my presence, he turned his icy gaze to me and winked.

    Waves of desire washed through my whole body in an instant.

    Good golly, the werewolf could simply exist and I'd melt into a puddle.

    "Babycakes, you look different today. I can't seem to put my finger on it," the horrible whine of Kaiser's voice stopped me dead in my tracks. I found him sprawled on one of the sofas in the main lobby, eyeing me from head to toe.

"Ah yes. You finally got your cherry popped," he uttered with a grating smirk.

    "Just who the fuck are you?" Lucy demanded with a searing intensity so unlike her I beamed with sisterly pride.

    Kaiser smacked his palms together. "I'm the guy your coven sister turned down because she wanted to slum it with a werewolf."

    Wrong move.

    Callum was on him in a blink of an eye, holding Kaiser up by the collars of his flashy Gucci bomber jacket.

    "Think twice before you disrespect the future Luna of my pack, warlock," Callum growled, shaking him like a rag doll. Kaiser's face turned from smug to an expression of pure terror, his cheeks flushing bright red as he began howling to be put down.

    Look at that, having Callum as my bodyguard did have its perks.

    As much as I'd love to see Callum wring the asshole like a wet towel, I've had my fill of drama from the past few days.

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