41 ✰ Morning, October 29th

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"I'm positive I left it in here." I rummaged through my clutch for the third time, again finding a lipstick, an emergency sewing kit (because a ripped seam usually materialises at the worst moment) and my debit card—but no photograph.

I set the clutch back onto the vanity table, frowning at it.


"It's alright, wee witch. I dinnae want to see something that reminds me of you kissing that bawbag anyway." Magnus snaked an arm around my waist possessively, drawing me flush against his front. I shuddered at the feel of his form behind me, solid and powerful.

"For the last time, it was an amnesia spell. That's how us Winterhavens were taught to cast it," I complained with an eye roll.

"I still think you should've turned him into a rodent instead," he retorted, smiling into my ear. When his hand slipped under my blouse and made its way to my breast, I whipped around to gape at him.

"Again? We just made love five minutes ago...twice!"

A noncommittal grunt started at the back of his throat. "So? This is what you get for bewitching a werewolf, Lena."

"Aren't you getting bored of me?" The pathetic question rolled off my tongue before I could stop it, and the regret was instantaneous.

Magnus quirked a brow at me, guiding my palm to the centre of his slacks. He was rock hard again, his cock warm and twitching under my touch. Fire rushed up my body, settling on my cheeks. It was unnerving how I had such an effect on Magnus.

Unnerving but extremely flattering.

"I'll never get bored of you. You're my Luna, Lena." For good measure, he kissed me gently, his lips pillowy and soft—fluffy clouds on a bright summer's day.

"Luna Lena. Sounds like a tongue twister," I mumbled into his mouth.

Magnus hummed amusingly in reply. "You can twist my tongue anytime."

But before things could progress even further, I felt a stab of awareness at the nape of my neck, like we were being watched. Magnus obviously felt it too, because he immediately broke the kiss, his eyes snapping to the corner balcony. I followed his gaze apprehensively.

A pair of beady eyes needled at us, like black holes of doom.

The tubby raven erupted in a condescendingly disapproving squawk that made my cheeks flush. 

Raven Mail again.

"Is that normal?" Magnus seemed almost afraid to ask, as I retrieved the purple envelope tied to the raven's claw. The bird took one last look at us before flapping its wings violently, struggling to take flight because of its size. Eventually it did after a couple of industrious tries, and we were left on our own again.

"It is if you're a witch," I stated.

"Interesting," came his baffled reply.

The moment I skimmed through Elder Lyrina's handwriting, my heart got sucked into my gut. Magnus was beside me at once, looking over my shoulder to peer at the contents of the letter. 

"Fuhck," Magnus exclaimed in English, before proceeding to let out a string of curses in his native tongue.

Elder Lyrina, together with Elder Tomas and Alpha Murdoch (Tara's father) were at LeCourt Manor, requesting our presence immediately.


Also present were the other Elders in the council, too.

"Looks like the pitchforking has begun," I muttered gravely, regarding Magnus with a solemn dip of my head.

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