35 ✰ Morning, October 22nd

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The past few mornings started out peculiar indeed.

Not because of those pesky (not really) prescience dreams of Magnus, which were practically nonexistent ever since I realised they were all about him. Strangely enough, my mornings were plagued by the presence of another werewolf entirely.

For two days now at precisely at eight in the morning, I'd hear a distinct roar of a motorcycle pull up to my street. And because my bedroom window overlooked the main road, it was hard to miss the appearance of Callum and his massive Harley Davidson (which explained the penchant for leather jackets), staking my apartment out like some rookie detective.

Today was no exception.

I knew Magnus placed him there for my protection, which was a very thoughtful gesture. Although, I'd much prefer it if he had done it himself. In fact, I'd much prefer it if he showed up at all, because ever since our last meeting, I hadn't heard a peep—not even a text.

At first, I thought Callum would leave after a bit, but before I went to bed the first night, he was still perched on his cruiser like a gargoyle, frozen under the fluorescent streetlight. The same happened the next night.

Having Callum there was comforting (I guess), but it was also very unnerving, given his obvious dislike for me and my kind in general. So instead of confronting him to get him to leave, I resorted to ignoring him entirely.

Unfortunately, I couldn't ignore him today. Because today I was finally ready to meet with Lavinia Brogan—the person Elder Lyrina was convinced could help me make up my mind about the Curse. And if Callum's job was to make sure I stayed inside my apartment, it would take a lot of charm and tenacity to get him off my tail.

"Good morning," I greeted the brooding werewolf with a honeyed tone.

Callum, who had barely looked at me even as I crossed the street to approach him, merely grunted in reply, somehow sounding both grumpy and standoffish at the same time. Despite his unfriendliness, I nodded to the two tumblers of coffee in my hands.

"I hope you don't mind milk with your coffee," I stated, forcing my cheeks to stay up.

Another grunt, but at least he had the courtesy to speak this time.

"No thanks," Callum stated curtly.

"Oh," I replied, trying my best not to sound deflated. Not one to back off from a challenge, I followed up with a cheerful, "Well, more for me, then."

The downturned croissant frown returned with a vengeance.

"A little advice? Lay off the caffeine. You're perky enough as it is."

Very well, if charm couldn't work on him, perhaps tenacity would.

"Don't you have anything better to do than babysitting a doideag?"

He quirked a brow at my sorry attempt at Gaelic. "Alpha's orders. If it were up to me, I'd get your sister to be your personal bodyguard instead. She'll scare off any man with that personality."

If I were any less loyal to Lucy, I would've laughed. Instead, I settled for a scoff.

"Never mind my sister. How's your brother doing?" I said and immediately regretted it.

Callum's entire body stiffened, his hazel eyes hardening like steel. "Somebody told you Alpha Magnus is my brother?"

"Uh..." I fumbled, scrambling my mind for any possible excuses.

Callum let out an exasperated exhale and mumbled to himself, "I'll kill those two morons."

"Don't dodge the question," I cut in after an innocent sip of my latte. I made a mental note to apologise to Harry and Dougal for outing them. If I ever saw them again, anyway. Callum clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction, like he ran out of the capacity to argue.

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