14 ✰ Night, October 5th

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Magnus inspected his palm with deep set brows, periodically opening and closing it, like he couldn't believe that it was healed. Meanwhile, I was still trying to catch my breath, holding onto the clothing rack with dear life.

I was about to ask how he was feeling when he settled his eyes on me, mouth ajar.

My heaving chest stilled.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" I asked, blinking.

Then suddenly he was on me; his arm wrapped around my waist, crushing our ribs together. His hand, still slicked with blood, cupped my chin, tilting it upwards. Magnus studied me through his long, dark lashes, pupils dilating in the sea of grey. Warm breath skated across my bottom lip, causing them to quiver involuntarily and the throbbing in my head grew stronger, matching my wild heart.

"How can a wee witch hold so much power over me?" Magnus whispered reverently, and desire pooled between my thighs, making me squeeze them tighter.

Magnus caressed my nose with his, and then moved his lips to place a featherlight kiss on each of my eyelids. The notion was so movingly gentle—shockingly pure, that my hands cradled the back of his head on their own accord, grasping his thick locks to pull him closer.

His eyes searched mine and then settled on my wanting lips, waiting.

He didn't need permission, but I said it anyway.

"Kiss me, Magnus," I murmured.

His eyes grew hungry, his body stiff.

Then his lips were on mine.

Gentle, at first, but amplifying in passion after an embarrassing whimper started in my throat. He replied with a rough groan, catching my bottom lip with his teeth. I gasped in surprise, and Magnus took the opportunity to deepen the kiss with a slip of his tongue. The taste of him reminded me of dark whiskey and honey. Smokey. Rich.

His hold on me strengthened and the weight of his body pushed me backwards into the clothing rack.

I didn't know what happened, but we were suddenly on the floor, the mass of designer suits having cushioned our fall. I hiked my legs up and straddled his hips, closing the distance between us even more and I felt him smile into my lips.

In a devilish move, Magnus thrusted his hips into me, causing a tidal wave of animalistic desire that set off every nerve in my body like fireworks. I tore my lips away and wailed in ecstasy, arching my back and tightening my grasp on his hair.

He looked down at me with a wicked curve in his lips.

"Say you want me, Lena," Magnus said in a low voice.

I peered at him hazily, and replied in a hushed tone, "I do."

He rewarded my words with another thrust of his strong hips, and even with layers of fabric between us, I experienced the hard length of him; the proof of his own mounting desire nearly sending me over the edge.

Magnus closed in again, his mouth leaving searing kisses on the side of my neck and into to the dips of my collarbone. With one hand, he yanked down the top of my bandeau easily, and I made a mental note to congratulate myself later for my wise outfit choice. He pulled away, bringing the warmth of his body with him, to feast his eyes on my bare breasts. My desire grew frenzied in my stomach, but I couldn't move under the intensity of his stare.

I held my breath as he lowered his lips onto one of my nipples, barely grazing the tip with his mouth, every exhale of his breath torturously teasing.

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