40 ✰ Afternoon, October 28th

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Magnus took the hardened tip between his teeth and began suckling, his tongue moving in relentless, gyrating motions that caused me to thrash and hiss like a wildling.

"Magnus!" I cried out with restraint, hoping my voice didn't carry throughout the compound. The sound of his name on my lips must've thrilled him, because he groaned hungrily in reply. 

Magnus' hands drifted to my waist, his calloused palms polishing my skin like ivory. When he applied too much pressure on my bruised rib, I winced and Magnus drew back instantly.

"Shit. I'm sorry," he apologised, his expression twisting with regret.

Once the wave of pain receded, I smiled at him. "It's alright."

"We can stop if you want to."

I shot him a haughty look. "Too bad I don't."

Magnus surveyed me with concern laced in his hot gaze. "Are you sure?" he asked tenderly, and I nodded yes, although my nerves began to rise to the surface.

This was it. 

I was going to have sex (with a living, breathing person) for the first time ever. Obviously sensing my nervousness, Magnus traced his finger along my hair line soothingly. He brushed a stray curl away from my face and whispered, "I promise to be gentle, mo ghràidh. But first, you must try to relax."

I closed my eyes as Magnus continued murmuring in Gaelic, the ancient syllables reaching my soul like intoxicating love spells, and my muscles began to loosen in response.

"That's it, mo ghràidh. Relax," he praised as he nuzzled into the crook of my neck, breathing in deeply like he wanted to memorise my scent. I wrapped my legs around him in an effort to pull him closer, gasping when I felt his hardness push against my thighs.

"I want you now, Magnus." I couldn't recognise my voice, which had turned raspy with building desire. I felt him smile into my collarbone.

"Patience, wee witch. I need to make sure you're primed and ready before I take you."

My entire body buzzed with anticipation as he untangled himself from me. I peered at Magnus from under my lashes as he slid the leggings down my hips with a certain tenderness that took my breath away. Magnus himself wound take a sharp intake of air once the leggings were off, leaving me only in my underwear.

"LaPerla?" he inquired with a roguish smirk.

I gave it a once over and my cheeks flared in embarrassment. Whoever packed my fresh clothes ignored the sexier ones in my arsenal, settling instead for basic, beige panties.

"Sorry to disappoint," I said in a small voice.

Magnus quirked a brow. "I dinnae care what panties you wear, Lena. I'm going to end up taking them off anyway." As if to illustrate his point, Magnus removed my panties with one smooth tug. Suddenly, he got me right how he wanted me—stark naked. His grey eyes glazed over my body predatorily, his lips flattening into a quivering line.

"You're so beautiful," he uttered, awestruck.

My skin flushed red hot with awareness. In the midst of my speechlessness, Magnus had removed his jeans and was now standing at the foot of the bed in tight, black briefs. I drunk in the sight of his muscular legs, before settling my gaze on the massive bulge between his thighs. I licked my lips, suddenly parched.

"What do we do now?" I heard myself ask, eyes widening with uncertainty.

Magnus chuckled disarmingly, the hearty sound bouncing off the walls of my tiny room. "I need to kiss you first," he said once he recovered.

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