19 ✰ (Still) Morning, October 9th

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Against my original prediction, Magnus brought me to his library instead. Along the embarrassing journey, we passed by Callum on the front porch, who did not look amused in the least, but his downturned croissant mouth remained firmly shut.

A heady perfume of paper and Magnus permeated the airspace in the library, and I had the feeling he must spend a lot of time here—when he's not half-naked outside splitting wood, of course. The low hanging lights were warm, polishing the dark oakwood furnishings with its yellow light. It was almost impossible not to relax in the intimate setting. I certainly would've, if not for Magnus' arm hooked under the back of my knees, teasing the sensitive space with his hot skin.

"Here?" I asked dazedly, when Magnus brought me through the threshold.

"Where did you think I was bringing you, wee witch?" He set my bare feet down gently and pulled away, bringing his warmth with him. Magnus had his head tilted and a knowing smirk etched on his face, causing heat to rush up my body.

"No where—" I stopped, realising my voice was squeakier than normal. I cleared my throat to recover. "That was totally unnecessary, Magnus."

"Did you really want to drag your pretty pedicure through mud? I think the situation called for it."

Insufferable beast.

But he was also insufferably right.

"Whatever, can we get on with the planning now?" I asked, cutting through the air between us with a dismissive wave.

His smirk turned into a genuine, soul-sucking smile. "As you wish."

I whipped away and sat down next to a sizeable oak table, opening the PDF on my iPad displaying the rough mood board. Even though there was a comfortable armchair on the opposite side of the table, Magnus dragged a nearby wooden stool and plopped down beside me instead.

I turned my face at the same moment Magnus leaned his large body over to take a look at my iPad. His face was a whisper away, and then his intoxicating scent clouded my senses again.

Danger! Danger! Too close!

I snapped myself out of the alarm bells ringing in my head.

"I think you'll be more comfortable on that chair." I nodded to it.

His smile was unwavering. "I'm plenty comfortable here, wee witch."

An unladylike exhale rushed out of my mouth. "Fine. What do you think?" I bore holes into my iPad, trying not to be affected by the radioactive heat Magnus' body was emitting.

"A regency-era themed Ball?" Magnus cocked his brow.

"How did you come up with the idea?"

"Damiano and his red overcoat," I blurted out, and my ears burned instantly.

"Damiano?" He asked, his smile dropping.

"I mean," I quickly said, "I was thinking back to the previous Balls. They never had a theme to it, so I think it would be kinda fun for everybody to dress up according to a certain era. It's Halloween, after all, so instead of humans dressing up like us, we get to dress like them...but back in the early 1800s."

Magnus went quiet. It was hard to tell what he was thinking, but I noticed his grey eyes had taken on a particular coldness.

"But why the 1800s?" His tone was sub-zero.

I took special care not to mention Damiano again. "It's romantic! With the ruffles and cravats and fans; and it'll certainly be a hit with the immortals who actually lived it before."

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