39 ✰ Noon, October 28th

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 The room reeked of perspiration and blood.

It took only a second to realise that the spine-chilling screams were coming out of my own mouth.


Another shriek slid out of my throat, easing the pain that shot to my nerves like sparks of electricity, even if only for one blissful second.

I saw Elder Lyrina beside me, clutching to my hands like her life depended on it. She seemed younger somehow, with a little less grey in the sea of red that topped her head. Her eyes were mirrors of wonder and deep confounding sorrow, nearly siphoning all the breath out of me.

I knew what her eyes meant by the ribbons of dread that began to wrap around my insides. 

My life-force was leaving me, slowly but surely.

Despite it all, I had to fight it. At least, just long enough until I knew she was safe.


The word resounded in my head in a voice I didn't recognise. The timbre was much sweeter in comparison, with a likeness akin to air.

I could hardly feel my limbs anymore. Before, my fingers clasped over the Elder's hands with a grip of ten oxen. Now, even keeping my eyes open proved too difficult a task.

"There's still time to stop, dear. If we wait any longer, you'll be too far gone for me to save," the Elder uttered, unable to hide the tremble in her voice.

"No!" I cried out harshly. "She must come first. Not me."

Elder Lyrina responded with a single, respectful nod. "Very well."


"Just one more, sister! She's almost out," Sister Lucia announced in a breathless exclamation, causing tears to leak out of my eyes. I mustered my remaining life-force along with all the love I had in me, and channelled it into a triumphant battle cry.




What immediately followed was a stillness that swept across the room, engulfing the space in an invisible veil of calmness. I stared at a spot in the ceiling, spent.

The peace was shattered by the exuberant cry of a baby, the sound causing my heart to flutter in faint, wild beats. I broke into a joyful sob, but my vocal cords were too numb to make a sound.

"You did it, Letitia. She's here." Elder Lyrina murmured in my ear, her usually collected demeanour in emotional disarray. I detected movement beside me, though I was too exhausted to turn my head to look.

Thankfully, Sister Lucia inched closer into view, her eyes two watery pools of violet. Nestled in her arms was a small, fragile bundle wrapped in dark velvet. My eyes glazed over her face, all red and scrunched up—she was the most beautiful and strong little soul I'd laid eyes on.

She's mine, I thought, even if only for this brief moment.

"Leonora," I rasped, convinced I'd achieved my life's purpose. "Leonora, my beloved."

Having seen her once, I shut my eyes and let go. 

 I jolted awake, chest heaving so hard it felt like my heart was about to explode. For a moment, everything was spinning, so when a pair of hands gently lowered me back down, I followed suit in quiet obedience.

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