27 ✰ Afternoon, October 14th

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"Does it look like I'm the type to wear ruffles?"

The question itself was harmless enough, but coming from the voice that uttered it, it came across like a serious death threat instead. Lucy and I stopped short from entering a nearby dressing room, distracted by the drama unfolding before us.

Near the end of the row of identical dressing rooms, there were two women in a Mexican standoff. One was a sales rep, holding up an outlandish, ruffly garment in light grey; the other (I assumed) was a customer wearing a tight black tank and ripped jeans, showing off her solid curves and sculpted muscles in her arms.

Being a regular at Bloomingdales, I instantly recognised the sales rep by her signature thick mask of makeup and strawberry blonde hair, shellacked into a bun so tight that it gave her a facelift. The other woman had her back to us so I couldn't make out who she was, but her wild, jet-black curls looked oddly familiar.

"Don't be so closed-minded, miss. I think you should try it first!" Marsha the Sales Rep suggested cheerily, the cakey foundation on her forehead visibly cracking from repressed emotions.

I pursed my lips in quiet disapproval. Never mind the ruffles, the customer's deep chocolate skin would definitely appear ashy in that shade of grey.

A distinct growl reached my ears and I tilted my head. Where have I heard that before?

"Closed-minded?" The customer took a menacing step towards Marsha and I knew it was time to step in.

"Marsha?" I called to the sales rep, whose bottom lip had begun quivering in fear.

Marsha's pale blue eyes shot to mine and widened with recognition...and relief.

"Oh dear! Miss Winters, it's been a while!" Her usual calm voice had panic sprinkled all over it. The customer whipped around, furious at the interruption, and I stumbled slightly when I saw her face.

"You." Tara Braden's black eyes narrowed at me.

Of all the places in the world.

Lucy's spine stiffened beside me upon recognising the she-wolf. She reached out to stop me from approaching, but I carried on nonetheless.

"Tara! Fancy seeing you here," I said with a friendly wave. Her eyes narrowed further, stopping me in my tracks. "Can I help?" I tried to hide the dread in my voice upon seeing the vein that pulsated in Tara's neck.

Marsha, however, took my invitation like a lifeline. "What a wonderful idea! I can see you two are friends. Miss Braden, I'm sure you'll appreciate Miss Winter's input—she's a stylist after all." She dramatically glanced at the invisible watch on her wrist and gasped. 

"Oh wow, look at the time. If you'll excuse me, I gotta go for my lunch break." Before anyone could say anything, Marsha had dashed out of the dressing room area in a flurry of ruffles and heady perfume.

Tara glowered at me with her strong arms tightly crossed over her chest.

"I don't need your help, witch."

The corner of my brow twitched involuntarily. "Marsha certainly did." I cut the air between us with a wave. "You looked close to murdering her over ruffles."

"Lena, let's go," Lucy called out dryly.

I stood between my sister and Tara, shifting from one foot to another.

"Tara," I started with a sigh. "I offered to help. I meant it. What are you looking for?"

Tara's dark eyes simmered and she crinkled her nose, as if deep in thought. A noncommittal sound came from my sister. "What is it with you and werewolves?" Lucy murmured and I rolled my eyes at her in reply.

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