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I almost moaned at the warm cozy feeling of the blanket until the delicious smell of barbeque hit my nose . I sat straight on the bed stretching my body . A knock on the door was heard and i yelled happily "I'm awake!"

A sense of pride washed over me. It was rare for me to answer back when someone knocked at my door in the morning. I would usually reply with some irritated growls and then go back to sleep but there was an exception , like today itself. Food was my greatest love. I almost reach the point of drooling when i see my favourite dishes .

"Open the door Y/n-shi" i heard my mom say and i dashed to the door.

Before she could even say anything i asked "What's special today hmm? Some grilled steak, grilled sweet potatoes, grilled veggie burgers or some grilled corn?!" i asked while mom lowered her head and sighed, then looked at me smiling.

"My foodie girl..." she said and i smiled but next moment she twisted my ear. 

"Freshen up my dear then only will i allow you to join us." she said and walked downstairs laughing.

Enough with your attitude. Why are you acting so childish today. Huh? Now go freshen up . I sense that something good has happened , Ivy said. 

Yeah, Ivy's the name of my wolf. We can communicate with each other.

"Ok ok , i'm going." i said and walked to the washroom. 

I brushed my teeth clean and then had a nice bath. Walking out of the washroom , i headed to my wardrobe and wore a black plain crop top with red pajamas.

I headed downstairs while wiping my wet hair with the towel. All of the pack members were gathered in the main hall and when they saw me , many of them waved at me. I waved back and then took a seat on one of the couches. 

"What's  so special today?" i asked and Justin smiled at me. 

"William found his mate." he said and i yelped in happiness.

"Who's she?! From which pack?! How does she look?! Is she an ambivert like me or an extrovert?!" i said in one go and all members just laughed out loud causing me to get a bit embarrassed and bite my tongue. 

"Her name's Maria. She's from blue blood pack. " William said walking in through the entrance with a girl holding his hand. Woah it seemed as if her steady walk produced an aura of power. I felt a bit unhappy thinking of why i'm not so confident. I do not even have the courage to talk to strangers up until i've been with them for at least a day. 

I was brought out of my thoughts when William snapped his fingers in front of my eyes causing me to shake my head vigorously from side to side. I had zoned out.

"Hi . Nice to meet you princess Y/n. I'm Maria Walker. It's a pleasure to meet you ." she said while bowing her head in front of me. My parents being the Aplha and Luna , i'm regarded as the princess. 

"Hi Maria. Welcome to the pack and please no need to address me as princess, at least not when we all are chilling around." i said standing up and hugging her. I hesitate at first but i knew i had to do it, she was new to the pack. 

"Seems like you like my girl." William said smiling. Maria frowned and looked at him. 

"Well she mostly doesn't feel comfortable talking to new people. She's our little one whom we all have to protect and help feel comfortable but yea if she gets raged then it's quite scary. She's a pure white wolf and you know they're considered to one of the most dangerous ones, right?" William said looking at me like a proud brother. 

[wolf image is at the top]

"I'm obliged to meet you" said Maria looking at me which made me feel shy and i lowered my head down as i smiled foolishly.

Alpha Kim's Mate - Kim TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now