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I groaned as i opened my eyes and found myself chained up in a dark, dingy cell. I could guess that my legs and hands were chained in such a way that they formed an X type of shape.  I pulled against them but to no use. It only pained my wrists more. I remembered about dad's condition and how mom was busy crying and a few tears slid by my cheeks. Is she alive or did she-

She didn't want to think about negative things and her bent low while tears made their way down her cheeks. Her tanned skin was filled with bruises but most importantly , her clothes were changed. She was in an extremely short black skirt and a crop top which exposed almost whole of her cleavage . It was definitely not a good sign and on top of that , the most angered she was about the fact that the kidnappers saw her naked .

"I feel like a wh*re" she said not even having the slightest urge to look at herself again. 

Soon she heard the jingling of keys and approaching footsteps. Rubbing her cheek against her extremely revealing top, she wiped away her tears. "Mom , dad won't always be there to help you, at that time you're the one who has to keep strong." she remembered her mom's words. 

The door finally opened and she moved her gaze towards the people who entered the cell, one of them moved straight to her and knelt down in front of her. "Look up pup" he said but she didn't lift her head.

One of the most offending things was to call an adult wolf, a pup. Any werewolf above 17 isn't a pup, so she too wasn't. "I'm not a pup" she said looking at him. It was then that she saw him properly, a height of probably 6 feet, well built body but his face-
full of scars, a wicked smirk clearly visible on his face. 
She could hear the other boys laughing as she still stared at him , more like glared at him.  

"Aww poor pup." he said moving his right thumb over her lips roughly. 

Enough is enough. I'll take control Y/n.

No Ivy. Not this time. We have to  act wisely. No doubt you and i constituete a white wolf  and might end up killing all these 6 to 7 men but what after that? We don't know where we are, how many other people are there and we don't even know where is Mom, Justin , William or all the others. 

"The alive alphas and lunas have been kept in cell 006, 007, 008, 0012 and 0123" a man said entering the cell and the he continued "The other pack members are in the down dungeons. All the princess are being shafted to other cells and lastly all the heirs have been killed except one." the man said.

"Who's left?" the man in front of me said.

"Heir of Dark Crystal Moon Pack" the other said and the man in front of let go of my face with a jerk. 

"He's the one we're the most concerned about and he's the only one who's not caught?!" he yelled.

The other men sighed.

"Take her to cell 007" the man said and 4 boys walked towards her opening her chains. She struggled but was handcuffed as they forced her to walk with them .

"You know pup, your body is quite sexy. I'm still unmated, wouldn't mind to complete my bond with you." the man on her right said as he grazed his lips on the skin of her neck. "Stay away Finch, if alpha hears you saying this he'll tear you open. He's kept her for himself. She'll be his. There are many other girls, you can pick anyone but not this pup." the man walking behind me said.

"Pup..pup....pup?! I'm not a fuckin pup!" she yelled as she scratched the face of the man beside her earning a scream of pain. 

"Y/n stay strong  bish"

Yes i am and i will.

She resisted the urge to turn into her wolf and next moment she was thrown in a cell . 007

She hit her head on the cold stone wall as the men locked the cell and went away. There were 4 other people in her vision. Alphas and Lunas.

"Ahhhh.." she let her pain be expressed through the help of that sound. She moved her right hand at the back of head and it felt wet. "Blood" she said .

"Oh lord!" one of the men said and walked towards her. His legs were chained so he couldn't reach her. She could judge by his looks that he was the alpha of  Madfur claws. His mate looked at Y/n with pity.

The other couple who could reach her , went towards her, the female made Y/n lay her head in her lap. "Wake up daughter" she said and ruffled her hair slowly. I felt a bit of ease. 

"Honey her wounds aren't h-healing" she said and looked at Y/n.

"Those jerks gave her wolfsbane i guess. said a man.

Y/n's eyes shifted towards the face of the man and she tried to back away. She knew him well .

"I'm sorry King and Q-queen f-for troubling y" she was shushed by the lady who held her, as she placed her finger on Y/n's lips.

"Don't be afraid dear. It's alright . We won't harm you" she said and smiled at Y/n.

"Right now we all are in a tough situation so don't panic . Take rest" the King said.

She knew that they were the King and Queen of Dark Crystal Pack. It is the ruling pack, the pack which holds power on all packs. King and Queen means they were earlier the alpha and Luna but when their heir became the alpha then they let go of all their duties and therefore called as King and Queen.

"I didn't want to ask b-but h-have you seen my son? The a-alpha?" she said and Y/n could feel how sad she was.

"I'm sorry Queen . I haven't. I'm s-sorry to say but i have never ever even seen him." she said to which the Queen nod her head. Then her gaze fell to her attire once again. 

"And i'm sorry for the revealing outfit i'm currently wearing. It wasn't my choice. The men outside did it" she said to which the Queen took of her blazer and placed it on Y/n's lap.

"It's ok dear . I understand .  From which pack are you? Y-your parents are o-ok?" she asked stuttering , probably being worried about her own children.

"Berserk crystal pack" she said to which the queen smiled but her face saddened when she heard the next words. "My dad was killed when those rogues attacked and m-mom was crying sitting beside him." she said sobbing.

"They want all power and thus they're only waiting for Tae . As soon as he's in their hold, we're all-" the Luna of Madfur claws said but didn't get the chance to complete her words.

"My son is the true Alpha . He will never be in the trap of these fckin bastards" the King said punching the wall and leading to a crack getting developed.

"Don't hurt yourself. You won't be able to break the wall. Moreover it might be powered with wolfsbane . It will only hurt you more." the queen said.

Soon the same evil faced man from earlier entered the cell and grabbing Y/n by the throat flung her out of the cell . Her head hit the bars as she cried out in pain.

"Leave the girl alone ! You already killed her parents who were the alpha and luna of Berserk pack. Leave the girl -" before the king could talk any further , some men electrocuted him using some kind of rods.

[Y/n POV]

I was dragged to a dark hall and pushed at the feet of a man . 

"Hello mia bella(my beautiful)" the man said grabbing me and lifting me up. I was soon seated on his lap . 

"Nice to finally meet my luna. Now i don't want any delay. Just say that you accept me as your mate and we'll soon complete our bond" he whispered moving his hand in my lowers and pressing my thighs. He slightly moaned pushing his nose in the crook of my neck.

"Oh i'll be glad" i too moaned and continued "but please could you let me stand for a second. My leg has went numb and it pains" he frowned but let me do as i said.

As soon i got up i hit him right at the place where the sun never shines.

He growled in pain and i ran towards the door but was pushed back by two men. 

They dragged me to a corner and almost ripped my lowers off. I struggled but they pushed my head inside a bucket of water.

"Y/N! Y/N! Fight! We'll get killed otherwise.

I couldn't respond and they didn't let me lift my head. I was falling short of my breath when they lifted my head after 2 minutes of being dunked in water. I saw the King and Queen's eyes on me as other men circled them.

The man who was earlier mistreating me , walked towards me and kicked in my stomach. I groaned but didn't let my tears fall. 

"You just have to agree to mate with me bitch!" the man yelled.

"You bitch! You're not my destined mate! I'll die but never mate with anyone except the man destined for me. MY REAL MATE ! and if i'm a bitch , then you're a dog! you dickhead!" i screamed back at him.

He picked up a gun and pointed it at me .

"I love you mom and d-" i whispered but the doors flung open revealing a man.

Alpha Kim's Mate - Kim TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now