16- The Burden Of Blood

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Taehyung was feeling troubled as he sat at his table, his mind swirling with worries. Y/N, his comforting presence, perched on the armrest of his chair, gently ruffling his hair. "What's your plan now, Tae?" she asked softly, her arms wrapped around him as he leaned against her, feeling vulnerable.

"He's my brother, but he's with the vampires," Taehyung murmured, voicing his fears aloud. He didn't know what to do. The looming threat of the vampires attacking his werewolf pack weighed heavily on him. He was torn between the prospect of confronting his own brother, whom he had never met, or surrendering to defeat.

A knock interrupted their conversation, and the beta and gamma entered the room. Y/N stepped back, offering them a warm smile. "You both need to gather more allies," she urged, her voice steady despite the storm brewing outside. "Even though our pack is the largest, more help can only make us stronger."

She knew that her original pack would stand by them, no matter what. Even if she had got married into another pack, their support would be unwavering. Outside, the wind howled, rattling the windows as thunder rumbled in the distance. Taehyung tried to calm his nerves by gulping down a glass of water, but the tension in the room remained palpable.

The beta Matthew, and the gamma, Christian, exchanged glances before nodding in agreement. "Umm let's discuss this a bit later....We'll leave immediately," Beta said, determination in his eyes. "We have contacts in the northern packs. They owe us favors."Christian chimed in, "And I can reach out to the eastern packs. They respect our strength and leadership."

Taehyung sighed, feeling slightly more at ease. "Thank you," he said quietly, his gratitude genuine. "We need every bit of support we can get."

Y/N placed a reassuring hand on Taehyung's shoulder. "You're not alone in this, Tae. We'll face it together."

The wind outside intensified, the storm growing stronger. The howling of the wind and the crash of thunder mirrored the turmoil inside Taehyung's heart. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. The weight of his responsibilities and the fear of facing his brother loomed over him, but the warmth of Y/N's touch and the loyalty of his pack gave him strength.

"We'll fight for our home, our family," Taehyung declared, his voice gaining resolve. "No matter what."

As the Beta and Gamma prepared to leave, Taehyung turned to Y/N, his eyes reflecting a mix of determination and vulnerability. "Thank you for being here," he whispered.

Y/N smiled softly, her eyes filled with love. "Always, Tae. Always."


Meanwhile, somewhere far away, a castle looked quite scary. Bats surrounded it, creating an eerie scene. In the moonlight, the castle appeared even more sinister. This was the territory of the vampires. 

As Albero walked over to the throne room, he smiled as the gates opened and he saw Mingyu by the throne, holding a girl in his lap. When Mingyu saw Albero, he signaled the girl to leave. She did as asked, but first buttoned up her open shirt.

"The poison is ready, and the silver too. The werewolves will now perish," Albero said, stopping mid-sentence as he realized that the man in front of him was also a werewolf. The only werewolf in this castle. "Dark Crystal Moon pack shall perish," he said looking a bit hesitant, and Mingyu smiled.

Mingyu was aware of the fact that he was a werewolf who belonged to that pack. He smiled devilishly and stood up, stretching his body. Black veins injected with vampire venom glistened on his skin. He walked over to the window, smiling with pride. Over the years, he had been thoroughly brainwashed by Deity, the king of the vampires. Deity had shaped Mingyu to hate the Dark Crystal Moon, his own family, making him believe they had abandoned him when they found out he was disabled by one leg. This was far from the truth. Mingyu didn't know that he had been taken away.

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