Main cast :
as Malaika Larasati
Definitely introvert af. Writes book, comic sometimes, book enthusiast. Semester 4 Ilmu Perpustakaan, 20 tahun.
as Abimana Cipta Jagadita
Anak jurusan seni rupa di tahun yang sama. Ekstrovert but introvert. Have a adorable face so he's friend with everyone.
as Arjuna Gardapati
Larasati's 1st brother. Dulunya bekerja di perusahaan keluarga di bawah Ayahnya, but now, he's the CEO. 27 tahun, single since born.
as Dewandara Kusuma
Larasati's 2nd brother. Diantara yang lain, he has the most in common with Laras. Editor senior di sebuah penerbit buku, 25 tahun.
as Sagara Kamandika
Larasati's 3rd brother. 22 tahun. Mahasiswa akhir jurusan Planologi di kampus yang sama. Easy going, friends with everyone, such a popular boy.
And other cast which will appear soon!
So, am I the only one who excited with this book?
Let me know with your vote and comment, please ^^
FanfictionSeorang Malaika Larasati tak pernah menyangka bahwa ada rahasia besar yang disimpan orang tuanya selama 20 tahun ia hidup. Sore itu, telfon mendadak dari Papanya adalah awal mula petir besar itu datang. Membawa kabar bahwa dirinya bukan anak kandung...