Unholy Beginnings

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It was a normal morning at the St. Pastry order. Nothing good, nothing bad. Pastry Cookie,Shadow Sister Cookie, (Shadow Sister) and Reverend Mother Cookie(Reverend Mother) were practicing their attacks,Fork crossbows in hand. Wonder what'll happen.

Reverend Mother: Come on, how hard do I have to make it so that you will actually miss?

Shadow Sister and Pastry: Very.

Reverend Mother Cookie came up with an idea, she dragged the girls inside the cathedral, but some others were watching.Within in the St. Pastry order,Reverend tied Pastry and Shadow Sister Cookie to the chairs and made them watch Redo of a Healer.

Shadow Sister: Uhh, what, this is just anime...

Pastry: Looks nice.

After that.

Both: That was porno!

Reverend: That was a test, now try aiming.

Reverend Mother Cookie untied the two and took them outside, the training had yet to stop.As expected, the two were hesitant, but managed to hit the targets.

Reverend Mother: Hm, that didn't work...how about interspecies reviewers?

Shadow Sister: I distrust this!

Pastry: Please no!

Reverend Mother Cookie made them watch it anyways. After that was watched.

Pastry: That was not right...jeez...

Shadow Sister: I don't want to be reminded...please don't talk about it...

Reverend: C'mon, just fire.

The shots were fired, both still bullseyes, but their hold on their forks was wobbly.But, some cookies were watching, and saw this as their chance for an ambush.

Pomegranate: Now!

Licorice: Yeah, Yeah.

Licorice Cookie summoned his undead minions, they rushed forward at an alarming speed. Pomegranate Cookie also used her skill for a boost. Poison Mushroom Cookie threw shroomies. Red Velvet Cookie used his skill to grab Reverend Mother Cookie. And finally,Dark Enchantress Cookie destroyed the cathedral.

Reverend Mother: OW-HEY,UNHAND ME!

Red Velvet: I cannot do that.

Pastry and Shadow Sister Cookie were both left in front of the destroyed building, fainted. A day later,Pomegranate Cookie wandered around the destroyed building, planning to salvage anything they could find of the wreckage.

Pomegranate: I believe some of this glass might be of use to master. Hm? Who are those cookies...? It's the orders minions, let's see if they are alive.

She dragged Pastry Cookie near Shadow Sister Cookie and poked them both. Due to being poked, Shadow Sister Cookie moved a bit away from the hand, and began slowly waking up, along with Pastry Cookie.

Pomegranate: Ah, they are waking up-

A light arrow flew past her, and a second pinned her robe to the grass outside of the cathedral.

Pastry: Halt, you are one of Dark Enchantress Cookies minions, state your business.

Shadow Sister: Or else we will have you crumbled .

Pomegranate: I am here to salvage some of the broken cathedral so I may make something for my master. And I didn't know nuns were someone for violence.

Pastry: I say we crumble her right now.

Shadow Sister: No, we will need this cookie so that we can get to Reverend Mother Cookie.

Pastry: But this cookie could be dangerous to keep around.

Shadow Sister: we were trained for this, so let's attempt to handle it.

Pastry: Fine, but only because you are a higher rank than me.

Shadow Sister: and because we need to get her back, even after the stuff from yesterday.

Shadow Sister Cookie helped Pomegranate Cookie up.

Pomegranate: So am I allowed to take some pieces of the cathedral or-

She was promptly silenced by Shadow Sister Cookie covering her mouth.

Shadow Sister: One wrong move and I'm sending you back to the witches, got that?

Pomegranate Cookie stood silent, yet nodded at question. Shadow Sister Cookie uncovered her mouth.

Shadow Sister: Good, now take us back to which you came.

Pomegranate: Guess I'll save the salvaging for later. But while we are here, would you like to look into my mirror?

Shadow Sister: I will shatter your mirror if you even try.

Pomegranate: You may try, I will have you seeing your problems eventually. Especially you, puny being in white.

Shadow Sister Cookie pushed Pomegranate Cookie forward, and so the journey began. Pastry Cookie looking at Pomegranate Cookie sternly, and Pomegranate Cookie looking back, just as sternly. But Shadow Sister Cookie kept everything calm for now. Even with Pomegranate Cookie bullying  the two with her insults, Shadow Sister Cookie made sure that Pastry Cookie didn't lose her cool, or her own.

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