Shadowed pomegranate forest.

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Shadow Sister: Come on. Let's get a move on.

Pastry: I was hoping you'd carry it to a bank...

Shadow Sister: Well I clearly wasn't. Get up Pomeranian, you need to finish the journey.

Pomegranate: Never call me that.

Shadow Sister: I'm going to. Now move.

Pomegranate Cookie got up and moved, trying to get out of Hero's Gates. By the time they got out, it  was dawn. They were with a forest, but a forest of light. It seemed the trees were covered in icing, yet it was warm.

Pastry: Ok, I know very well this isn't on a map, where are we Pomeranian?

Pomegranate: Stop calling me that! And also, I don't know, I'm lost! For all I know, we went through another exit!

Pastry: So we are lost?

Pomegranate: Yes.

Shadow Sister: I'm going to go collect wood, Pastry Cookie, figure out a plan.

Pastry: Why do you need wood?

Shadow Sister: For a fire.

Pastry: But it's warm.

Shadow Sister: If you have a better plan, I'm open to it.

Pastry: I say we keep looking around for a bit, who knows, maybe we'll find someone?

Shadow Sister: You are leading then.

Pastry: Fair enough.

Pomegranate: Great...

Pastry Cookie was now leading, managing to leave the icing forest. Soon they got to a different forest, but it was obvious that it has a problem within it.

Pastry: See, I told you I could get us somewhere.

Shadow Sister: You said you could get us to someone, not somewhere.

Pastry Cookie stammered to try to come up with an excuse, but found something else.

Pastry: There! A village!

Pomegranate: A village? Wh-oh no...
Do not take me anywhere near there!

Pastry: But it's help, and besides, we need to rest somewhere.

Pomegranate: You do not get it, I am not allowed there!

Shadow Sister: They won't care.

Pomegranate: NO!

Shadow Sister Cookie dragged Pomegranate Cookie towards the village.

Pomegranate: You are making a mistake!

Shadow Sister: You can thank me in the morning.

Pomegranate: If "they" don't crumble me!

Pastry: Drama queen.

They got to the village, but immediately noticed they were getting strange looks. Even though only two cookies were there.

Pastry: These cookies look a lot like P-

Suddenly a tree branch hit her in the face.

Shadow Sister: Pastry Cookie!

Pastry: I'm fine...

Priestess Cookie A: You have returned Pomegranate Cookie, but this will more than likely be your last, as I refuse to have a second happening of last time!

Pomegranate: I was brought here by these two idiots who wouldn't listen to me!

Shadow Sister: You we're brought here because it's night time, and we need a place to stay.

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