RMC: Rescue Mother Cookie

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By the morning Shadow Sister Cookie woke up, it seems she was also the last to do so. She walked around the palace to see what was about, only to be met with a cake.

Pomegranate: Here's your cake, as promised.

Shadow Sister: This cake would work for Pastry Cookie, but I wanted a different cake.

Pomegranate: You just woke up and you already want to do that?

Shadow Sister: I meant I wanted the tea cake, not this chocolate one.

Pomegranate: ...You asshole! Be grateful I am giving you one at all!

Shadow Sister: Fine, fine, thank you.

Pomegranate: Maybe a hug?

Shadow Sister: Why so affectionate hungry today?

Pomegranate: Because that wine made me have a weird dream. And now I want to see if it would work if I did it.

Shadow Sister: I think you shouldn't listen to your dreams...

Pomegranate: Why? Is something bad going to happen if I do? What if I dream about getting marr-

Shadow Sister Cookie used her free hand to cover Pomegranate Cookies sleep dazed mouth.

Shadow Sister: Where is Pastry Cookie?

She uncovered Pomegranate Cookies mouth.

Pomegranate: She is thanking the yogurt guy for letting us stay, she also seems to have moved us.

Shadow Sister: What do you mean?

Pomegranate: Well, I woke up, and you were in my arms, in my new robe.

Shadow Sister: Maybe it was sleep moving that lead to that.

Pomegranate: So no hug?

Shadow Sister: Got a knife?

Pomegranate: Nope, I can't really use one properly.

Shadow Sister: Fine, but don't try anything funny.

Shadow Sister Cookie put the cake down and walked to Pomegranate Cookie. She stared her down without even meaning to. Pomegranate Cookie looked back and hugged her.
Shadow Sister Cookie was shocked by this and froze. She felt relaxed in the hold of the crimson robe. Shadow Sister Cookie hugged back, but since she was only neck height to Pomegranate Cookie, she had to hug her waist.
Pomegranate Cookie then teased her for being short. Shadow Sister Cookie was unhappy with the remark and tried to back off. But to her dismay, Pomegranate Cookie lifted her up like she was a football, and not soccer.

Shadow Sister: No, let me go!

Pomegranate: You are kinda light, what muscles do you have to carry me and Pastry Cookie?

Shadow Sister: I train! Now let me go before I flail!

Pomegranate: You will look like an angry child if you do that.

Shadow Sister Cookie flailed, as she said she'd do. Pastry Cookie came to the with Yogurt Cream and Lilac Cookie behind her.

Pastry: Good morning you two. Why is Shadow Sister Cookie trying to harm you at this time of day?

Pomegranate: She got mad at me calling her short, and then when I picked her up, she started flailing.

Shadow Sister: Let me go now!

Pomegranate: And what if you try to hit me?

Shadow Sister: That will be the least of your concern after I snap your arms from your body!

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