When you take things for pome-granted.

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By noon, the Shadow Sister Cookie managed to get the two past Dragon Hill and to Hero's Gate.

Shadow Sister: I need a break, we've been following this cookie for a bit.

Pomegranate: Well "this cookie" is following your order! So I'd stop complaining for being helped.

Shadow Sister: Well having to fight cake hounds and rock cats is going to exhaust anyone!

Pastry: I second that. And having weird rock golems with magical shields is not something I prepared for. But we managed to pass it.

Pomegranate: Master has a way of doing stuff to where it will overwhelm you.

Shadow Sister: So should we exhaust you to a point where you'll feel like us?

Pomegranate: You wouldn't.

Shadow Sister Cookie raised her crossbow and aimed at Pomegranate Cookie.

Pastry: Wait, weren't we not supposed to hurt her?

Shadow Sister: I am exhausting her, there's a difference.

Pastry: Saying it a different way doesn't make the outcome different.

Shadow Sister: Well just let me do what I plan on doing.

Shadow Sister Cookie shot Pomegranate Cookie in the robe and walked up to her.

Pomegranate: Don't you dare to harm me! I will have you crumbled as soon as I find you not paying attention!

Shadow Sister: We will see about that.

Pastry: Ok, Shadow Sister, I think you are going to go too far, maybe let me do it-

Shadow Sister Cookie was already pummeling Pomegranate Cookie. Jam was on her dough, and Pomegranate looking hurt, already cracking up. Pastry was quick to stop her at that point.

Shadow Sister: I bet she's exhausted now.

Pastry: You beat her up.

Shadow Sister: But she's exhausted.

Pomegranate Cookie was covering her face in pain, exhausted and hurt. She was visibly pissed.

Pomegranate: You have made...your point...asshole...

Shadow Sister: You've been insulting us all day, that's not really going to affect us.

Pastry: I'll go search for food, maybe you both need it...

Shadow Sister: You are leaving me with this lady?

Pastry: As of now, and because I don't have much of an option, I'm trusting you to watch over this lady.

Pomegranate: It's Pomegranate Cookie!

Shadow Sister: Fine, I will try to keep calm around her. Just be quick.

Pastry: I'll try, but food in this area is not going to be an easy find.

Pastry Cookie went off to search for food.

Shadow Sister: Are you even ok?

Pomegranate: I'm cracked and bleeding jam, I am not even fine!

Shadow Sister: You do get my point then right?

Pomegranate: You only did this out of spite!

Shadow Sister: Is there a reason you are so rude all the time?

Pomegranate: It is how master wishes, and I don't like you both, so what do you expect?!

Shadow Sister: Well you are going to have to tolerate us until we get to Reverend Mother Cookie.

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