The feelings are...platonic...(not)

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It wasn't even morning time, yet Pastry Cookie was up, she poked her head at the door, she thought she would probably hear or smell jam moving from the floor. But she couldn't smell any jam, or hear anything. The room was silent. Pastry Cookie opened the door, only to receive Shadow Sister Cookies eerie stare.
Pastry Cookie closed the door, not even paying attention to where Pomegranate was at.

Pastry: Well, a death stare at 4am is definitely something that will wake someone up. I shall just train my shots...

She walked off trying to get the death stare out of her mind. But with Shadow Sister Cookie, she just seemed confused still, she was looking at the scarlet priestess on her shoulder, and trying to decide on whether to move her, or herself, or to just stay, as if Pomegranate Cookie was a sleeping cat on her stomach. She decided to do the third option and just accept her fate of being stuck there for longer, so that she wouldn't wake her up. Her mind was telling her that Pomegranate Cookie was her enemy, but the other side of her mind made her think that her bossiness was kind of cute.
But then she remembered how many times she tried to crumble Pomegranate Cookie, and stifled her thoughts down. 4 hours had passed, Pastry Cookie was still training, Shadow Sister Cookie was still playing statue, and Pomegranate was asleep. As Shadow Sister was about to fall asleep again, Pomegranate Cookie woke up.

Pomegranate: Ah! What the heck were you doing?!

Shadow Sister: Well, I was planning on crumbling you in your sleep, but then your head fell on my shoulder, and then I had to think on letting you die in your sleep, or sparing you.

Pomegranate: I wish you did the first option then!

Shadow Sister: I don't, as I still need you.

Pomegranate: Oh right, I'm still your navigator.

Shadow Sister: Pomeranian.

Pomegranate: Stop calling me a Pomeranian!

Shadow Sister: But Pastry Cookie and I think it suits you, since you are angry all the time.

Pomegranate: And because Pomeranians are cute.

Shadow Sister: Yep.

Pomegranate: So you just indirectly called me cute.

Shadow Sister Cookie was too stunned to speak with that realization.

Pomegranate: You think I'm cute?!

Shadow Sister: I am not doing this!

Pomegranate: No, I'm following you just to tease you for that!

Shadow Sister: You will do no such thing.

Pomegranate: I think I will!

Shadow Sister Cookie ran off, Pomegranate Cookie following behind, a bit slower due to her clothing choice, but fast enough. Pastry Cookie was shooting at books for target practice, but then she heard the specific sound of Shadow Sister Cookies shoes hitting the floor within the academy.

Pastry: Is she running away from something?

Shadow Sister: Pastry Cookie, I require assistance.

Her tone was still calm, but she was very much annoyed already from Pomegranate Cookie.

Pastry: What's happening.

Shadow Sister: Pomegranate Cookie thinks we are calling her a Pomeranian because she thinks we think she's cute.

Pastry: English please!

Shadow Sister: She thinks we are calling her cute.

Pastry: Well that ain't me! You tell her otherwise!

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