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"So what's the deal?", you asked and took a sip from the drink that Adler had standing in front of him.

He didn't react to it. He never did.

You could just take whatever you wanted from him and he'd just tolerate it. After many years of working together, you had earned that privilege.

Mason was looking at a picture. He showed it to you.

All it needed was a quick glance and you understood. You knew the guy in the picture.

His name was Qasim or something. He handled some of the dirty work for Perseus, mainly money.

"You sure we can trust the police, Adler?", Mason asked and set the picture on fire.

Adler lit himself a cigarette.

"This guy has done more for less.", he glanced at you to make sure you were on the same page as him. "He'll look the other way."

Humming, you took another sip before sliding the glass back to Adler.

He leaned against the table in a casual manner, one arm on it for support while holding the cigarette between his fingers in such a weird way that it made you chuckle every time.

The neon light kissed his sharp face and made the smallest stubble visible. He looked rough, obviously on the road for a few days now. But it was that rough yet calm outside of his that made him so remarkable.

From the side, you could look past his shades and see those blue eyes of his. They seemed brighter in this dim light, almost sparkling.

His hair bounced as he turned his head to look at you. One of his eyebrows rose.

You shook your head.

"Nothing.", you huffed and lowered your eyes. "I just agree with Mason. Police is always questionable."

He wanted to reply something, but was cut off by the arrival of a man in uniform. He had his police hat squeezed under his arm, walking up straight as if he was the boss.

You could tell at first glance that he thought way too highly of himself, which was probably also the reason why he was so trustworthy. He wanted to be a good guy in the eyes of the Americans.

The stranger eyed you for a moment before giving Adler a greeting nod with his head.

"Adler.", he said in a surprisingly soft voice.

Adler didn't show a big reaction to the greeting.

"Glad you could join us, Hans.", he took a deep breath from his cigarette. "You remember Mason?"

Mason nodded, face grim.

He was too serious for his own good, you thought.

"We clear to move on the target?", he asked right away.

Taking a deep breath, the man named Hans squeezed into the space between you and Mason and placed a hand on the table to appear casual.

His persistence made you back away, closer towards Adler's presence. Your shoulder brushed his.

He tilted to the side to make more space, but while doing so remained still close. If he had wanted to, he could have grabbed and pulled you close.

The thought made you blush. But at the same time you got mad at yourself.

Sure, you and him had some long history of trust, but it was ridiculous how excited you felt to work with him again. Maybe you had gotten too close.

No, that was just a misleading thought. You shook your head. He was attractive, no doubt about that, and you were flattered to be close to him, that was all.

The primitive part of your brain was just interested in him.

"Qasim's in his apartment... but he's well protected.", Hans said. "I can keep my men out of the are for fifteen minutes. I hope you brought an army."

While breathing out, Adler leaned back and grabbed the glass.

"We've brought enough.", he glanced at you from the brim of his glasses. "Pleasure doing business with you, Hans."

Without wasting another word, Hans turned on his heel and disappeared in the crowd.

Mason followed him with his eyes, obviously a bit tense and totally fixed on his duties.

You locked eyes with Adler.

"You ready?", he asked in a calm voice so that it was hard to hear with the music playing in the background.

You nodded.

"Always.", you smirked.

Gently smirking with satisfaction, he threw the halfway smoked cigarette in the glass and turned to Mason.

"Come on.", he gave you a gentle push to get you going. "Woods is itching for a dust-up. We don't want to let him down."

You let out a huff and turned, but hesitated a second before leaving.

Mason placed a bundle of cash on the table, probably for the waiter to keep their mouths shut, in case they saw something.

But despite the deeper meaning in it, you couldn't help but be annoyed by how the Americans had to brag. That was at least a hundred bucks on the table for one single drink and a half smoked cigarette. It felt like they were bragging, something that you were taught would he the downfall of humankind.

"You coming?", Adler glanced over his shoulder.

He was a few steps ahead while Mason was already waiting at the backdoor.

With a nod, you rushed to his side.

"You seem off.", he noted and followed Mason through the door.

A huff escaped you.

"Don't worry, I'll snap into it.", you assured. "Just some mental preparation."

But before you could exit the club, he trapped you in the door frame.

"I know you will. You always do. I just want to make sure you got me."

A smirk appeared on your lips.

"You're worried I let you down?"

"I'm worried you don't watch my back."

"Don't worry about it, shades.", you pushed his glasses up with two fingers. "It never happened and today isn't the day I'll start."

Satisfied, he nodded.

"Glad I can still count on you.", he stepped aside to let you out and walked up to Woods. "We're on the clock, Woods. Let's not keep Qasim waiting."

Woods passed him a rifle. His eyes fell onto you.

"Party favours are in the trunk.", he winked and got moving.

Russell Adler x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now