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"He got Bell!", you gasped, breathing heavily because of the sprint you had done to make them think you were in distress.

Adler caught you on the doorstep.

"Angel.", he said in a calming manner. "Steady your breathing. Good. What happened?"

Catching your breath, you shook your head.

"Kraus surprised us. He knocked out Bell."

Confused, Park frowned.

"Where were you?", she asked.

You pulled out the notebook that Bell had gotten from the bedroom cabinet.

"I checked their bedroom. It's not much, but should give us some insight."

"You two separated.", Adler noted.

"Yes. I wanted to test if he's loyal. You trusted him, so I wanted to see if I could too. I made a mistake."

He shook his head.

"I wouldn't see that as a mistake.", he crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Park, can you locate the tracker?"

Your eyes jumped to Park. You had told Kraus to get rid of the tracker one way or another. Using it to mess with the Americans would have been the easiest, but maybe he wasn't smart enough to do that or had his own plans.

Either way, you needed to gain some time.

With her eyebrows knitted together, Park started doing her job and checked for the location.

Somehow it made you nervous to watch her. If she found something, you'd be fucked. Luck wouldn't be on your side forever.

Out of reflex, your hand reached into your pocket to wrap around the picture that was safely stored there.

Adler noticed.

"You got more?", he asked and stepped closer to make the conversation more private.

"No.", you gifted him a smile. "Just something silly I picked up in Kraus' apartment."

"Must I remember you that if it's intel, you need to hand it over?"

"It's not."

"Let me see."

A smirk appeared on your lips.

"You don't trust me, shades?", you bumped against him with your shoulder.

The corners of his mouth twitched.

"Just show me.", he said in such a soft voice that it send a shiver down your spine.

Smiling, you pulled out the picture.

"Let me keep it.", you asked him as he wanted to grab it.

"Is that... How did he get this?"

"He's probably a spy as well."

"Right...", gently, he took it from you to take a closer look himself. "I remember it. I looked quite handsome."

His little joke made you chuckle.

"You're so vain.", you teased him and wanted to take it back.

But he pulled away.

"May I... may I keep it?", he asked and looked at you.

Unsure, you raised an eyebrow.


"She threw mine out."

"I know. But it's just a picture. I don't have any of us."

For a moment his eyes were glued to the old version of himself, trapped in a black and white filter. It seemed like he silently grieved over the man he had left at war. But he also smiled as his gaze found you in the picture, right next to him, close and happy.

He returned it.

"Keep it safe.", he said and dared to reach out to stroke your cheek gently. "I don't want to loose that one too."

As his fingers brushed over your skin, you had to swallow hard. The touch left a burning hit feeling.

But it was hard to tell if it was a reaction out of fear or desire.

"Adler.", Park made herself noticed. "I think I picked up a signal."

A breath got stuck in your throat.

"Where is he?", you asked, hoping it wouldn't be the actual location.

She showed you the screen.

"Empty factory, not far from here.", she said. "Should be a quick one."

You exchanged a glance with Adler.

"We should go.", you said.

He nodded.

"You always say what I'm thinking, angel. Let's go.", he grabbed a gun. "Wanna play a game?"

You huffed.

"I'll always kill more than you, shades.", you reloaded your weapon. "Don't try me."

He smirked.

"I'll always do."

All of a sudden something inside your chest pulled together.

"I hope so... I really do."

With grate care you climbed behind Adler up to the roof of an old, abandoned factory.

Kraus, that fucker, really didn't think.

Adler knelt down next to one of the glass roofs and threw a glance inside.

"I got eyes on Bell.", he said. "Angel, wrap me up."

Huffing, you nodded and put everything in place so that the two of you would be able to slide down a rope into the factory.

Quickly you risked a glance as well.

Bell was sitting on a chair, next to the woman that Kraus had held hostage in his wardrobe. She was tied up, but it seemed like Bell was able to move.

Volkov probably had made him sit down for safety.

There were a few hired guns standing around, armed and geared up. But they were nothing you wouldn't be able to handle.

Lazar arrived on top.

He might have been tall and broad, but a lot less agile. He was also slow, compared to Adler or you. In case of emergency, you would be able to at least outrun him.

"I'll cover you.", he said and got the sniper riffle ready.

You checked Adler's equipment one last time before looking down through the binoculars.

Volkov was moving. He talked to Kraus, whom had a young man standing behind him.

He looked familiar.

They seemed to argue.

The woman moved and said something. She was visibly upset.

All of a sudden, Volkov walked away and sat on a chair across from Bell.

He leaned in and said something.

You knew that Volkov knew who Bell was. He had to know since he was in close contact with Perseus himself. To your misfortune, he didn't look very friendly.

Bell said something which made Volkov turn his head and give a silent command to one of the soldiers standing around.

Without hesitation, the guy wrapped his arm around the woman's neck.

She struggled.

Then her neck snapped.

"They eliminated Keller.", you said in a cold tone.

Seeing her die made you feel nothing.

Volkov threw Bell over in his chair.

Adler let out a deep breath.

"It's time then.", he said and aimed at the glass roof with his pistol. "See you down there in a sec."

The glass broke with a shattering sound.

Russell Adler x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now