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There was a picture.

Adler had always had a picture pinned to the board next to his bed.

It was a black and white one of a woman in a knee long, classic American sixties cut dress with buttons running down the chest. She had always seemed like a sweet girl, smiling and posing for the camera as if she knew what she had but was too shy to show it off.

She was pretty.

Sometimes, you had looked at her and wondered if this was Adler's type or if he had just chosen her because she was everybody else's.

"That's my girl.", Adler's voice sounded.

Surprised by his sudden appearance, you jumped off his bed.

Yours had always been on the hard, naked floor, in a sleeping bag, thrown on top of a few sacks filled with hay to make the nights of war more bearable.

Those kinds of sleeping places had been called the third class, since only the ones arriving late at war got them.

The base had been overflowing with people as you had arrived, so it had not been a surprise to you that one of the worst beds went to you.

However, whenever Adler wasn't around you had always occupied his bed.

Not only had it been the most comfortable, stacked with two actual pillows and a blanket, it had also been located in a corner, halfway hidden from curious eyes. You had not used it to do nasty stuff, but to take a nap whenever possible.

It had been one of the very few luxuries in Vietnam.

"Sorry...", you mumbled and straightened the blanket to make it seem less obvious that you had slept in it for the past few hours.

With a cocky expression on his face, Adler fished out a cigarette from the package that he had always pressed to his chest and wanted to light it.

Out of reflex, you pulled out your lighter.

"You're quick to learn.", he noted as the small flame got reflected in his shades. "Thanks."

He leaned forward to get the cigarette glowing.

"Yours is probably still empty.", you said and glanced at the picture again. "She's pretty."

He hummed.

"She is."

You frowned. Judging by the tone of his voice, you were quick to assume something was off.

"That sounds like a man who's thrilled to marry his sweetheart after war.", you joked.

His eyebrows rose. For a moment, Adler stared at the woman.

"She is pretty.", he said like a broken record. "And smart. Kind."

"All the things a wife should be. But you don't sound as thrilled as I would have expected it."

Your eyes jumped to his arm to check the bandage.

It was already a few days old and started to get nasty.

He noticed your staring and turned so that you could have a closer look.

"It's healing already.", he said and dropped on his bed, back turned towards the picture.

That was another thing you found odd.

He hadn't looked at it for long. It seemed like he had been thinking for a moment and now it was completely unimportant to him.

Taking a deep breath, you kneeled in front of him and pulled out your knife to cut open the bandage.

"Let me see...", you examined the sore flesh, covered with crusted blood. "When did you last clean it?"

"Yesterday. Poured some water on it."

"On the bandage?"

"Yeah.", smoke seeped from of his slightly parted lips.

The movements caught your eye. Immediately, you thought about how soft lips he had for a man.

He looked kissable.

You shook the thought off.

"I hope she knows some common first aid.", you smirked and grabbed some old towels to dip them into water. "The way it looks this will turn into a problem for the next few months."

He huffed.

"You think the war will end in a few months?", he asked and leaned back in a relaxed manner. "Daring, I'd say."

You smirked.

"Just trying not to loose my mind. I don't have a birdie like her, so I'll just cling to the hope of the war ending soon."

His tongue licked over his lips, leaving a thin layer of shimmering saliva. Behind the dark glasses, his eyes moved.

"So you're like Woods.", he noted.

You shrugged while cleaning his arm from the dried blood and dirt of the past days.

"Doesn't he have family?", you asked.


"What about Sims?"


"So you two are the same. Good for you."

A low sound made his chest shiver.

"More or less."

You had to huff.

"Again, you don't sound like someone who is thrilled about getting married."

"I am."

"Then I'm sorry for her."

He raised an eyebrow.

"How so?"

"Because she'll get a man with the emotions of a rock."

"You just lost a few points on my favourite people list, angel.", he grabbed the hat that you had stolen from him and snatched it from your head. "I'll take that back."

Chuckling, you tried to grab it.

But he kept holding onto it. With a playful smirk, he made you pull a few times before letting go.

Smiling but showing you were a little annoyed, you shook your head and put it back on.

"Don't tell me that I'm wrong.", you continued the conversation and retuned to taking care of the wound.

Letting out a deep breath, he let his head fall against the board. His eyes wandered up and caught a glimpse of her from the corner of his eyes.

"She's lovely.", Adler repeated.

"But you don't love her.", you bit your tongue.

It was stupid to speak so freely to him. But you couldn't help and feel like he was talkative in that moment and you couldn't let this opportunity slide.

For a moment, Adler didn't say anything. He just stared at the picture, as if he could convince himself to deny it.

"I didn't pick her.", he finally said.

"Mom's choice?"

He huffed.

"More or less. Big brother's, if you know what I mean. But... well, I'll roll with it."

"What a sad thing to say..."

Russell Adler x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now