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"Shit!", you cursed and were thrown across the trunk of the truck as two cars crashed into each side in an attempt to get Woods to stop.

He hit the brakes and forced the vehicle to do a 180.

Mason tried to shoot the drivers but was thrown over himself, crashing straight into you.

Your feet jumped in the air, but thanks to Mason's weight on top of you, zero gravity didn't apply.

"He's a better driver than I think?!", you snarled sarcastically and pulled out your handgun to shoot down two attackers who tried to climb into the trunk. "Fuck, this is exhausting!"

Mason pulled out his pistol as well. Quickly, he jumped up, pulled you back to your feet and pressed his back to yours to cover each other.

With your teeth clenched, you shot a driver.

The car lost speed all of a sudden, sliding to the side, then turning over while at least three men were still hanging out of the open windows while trying to get rid of you and the rest of the team.

As the car flipped, their screams filled the air, mixed with the sound of shattering bones.

Somehow, this didn't shock you as much as you had expected.

Without wasting a minute, you turned your head towards the target.

Flames made the night glow.

The plane was still sliding, but unable to take off anymore. Instead, it got heavier and heavier until the damaged downside hit the concrete and started spreading sparks.

The sound of metal getting scratched send shivers down your spine.

The plane shifted, tilting to the side, while one of the wings broke off.

Flames jumped into the sky.

"Woods..!", you gasped as the crashing plane seemed to get a bit too close. "Back! Back!"

A bit frightened, you hit the roof.

Woods hit the brakes. But as it was usual for him he did it a bit too harsh.

The tries of the truck squeaked. The trunk shook and the car turned sideways.

Adler and Woods jumped out. They rolled for a bit, gasping but remained unharmed.

"Angel, jump!", Adler shouted.

Out of reflex, you grabbed the poles to hold onto something to not get send flying into the air.

Not a second later the truck started shaking and fell over.

Cursing, you tried to grab Mason, but his weight mixed with the sudden movement and gravity pulled you down so quickly that you lost your balance.

Together, the two of you hit the ground.

The impact was so hard that a scream left your lips. It felt like your skin and flesh was pressed so tight to your bones that it flattened.

Mason was thrown into the opposite direction, down towards the wheels of then car. He pulled his head in and managed to be lucky enough to be missed.

You, however, weren't as fortunate as him. The door of the trunk jumped open, catching you mid air and dragging your body a good few rolls across the hard, wet concrete.

Fabric of your gear was torn apart and skin shredded.

The pain that chased through your shoulder was so terrible that a scream escaped your lips. Blackness danced before your eyes and for a moment it felt like this was the end.

Your head was spinning.

The car came to a stop.

"Ugh...", breathing heavily, you managed to roll yourself onto your back, eyes turned towards the sky.

Nausea pressed against your forehead. The world before your eyes was shaking as if water covered your face.

The bright light and the warmth of the flames mixed with cold rain and the smell of burned tires.

Steps approached.

"Angel.", Adler kneeled next to you, forcing you to look up at him. "Can you hear me?"

Groaning, you managed to nod.

"Fuck, that looks bad.", Mason gasped from the other side and pulled you back to your feet. "I got you."

From the corner of your eyes you could catch a glimpse of Adler, still kneeling on the ground.

His eyebrows were knitted together and his lips pressed into a thin line. He was concerned, it was easy to see that. His hand still held onto you before letting go in a surprisingly hesitant way.

An exhausted breath escaped you. The taste of blood filled your mouth. Just to make sure nothing was fatalstem damaged, you licked each of your teeth with the tip of your tongue.

"At least I don't have to go to the dentist office.", you managed to huff as Mason helped you drag yourself across the airfield.

He hummed, but didn't sound like he wanted to laugh.

Woods was on his feet as if the crash didn't even had happened. With an angry expression, he got a hold of the injured Arash and pulled him out of the ruins of the burning plane.

"You should have freed the hostages when you had the chance!", he growled.

Groaning in pain, Arash twisted on the ground. He managed to sit up, but it was obvious he wouldn't be able to run anymore. His leg was crushed.

"Hostages!", he hissed in a thick accent. "It was never about the hostages. His plan is already on the way. You won't be able to stop him this time."

All of a sudden, he pulled out a handgun.

But as unimpressed as he always was, Woods kicked the gun out of his hand without even flinching.

Woods frowned.

"Stop who?", he asked.

"Perseus.", you breathed out of a reflex.

Adler's head snapped to you.

"Bullshit.", he said, not letting his eyes off you. "Perseus is dead."

Your eyes twitched as he loaded his pistol. It felt like a threat.

It felt like he wanted to shoot you.

Arash huffed.

"Dead? All this time and you didn't even know! Perseus will watch the West burn!"

Adler fired a single shot.

The bullet went straight to Arash's head. With a choking sound, he snapped back while blood splattered all over the place.

Adler took you from Mason.

"Hudson will want to hear about this.", he said. "Let's sweep the tarmac for survivors and get to Langley."

Swallowing hard, you took a shivering breath.

Mason and Woods disappeared.

"I didn't know...", you whispered, clawing your nails into his shoulder.

Adler let out a hum.

"Then why did you say it?", he asked.

"Just... a bad gut feeling..."

"You were always good in sensing danger. Let's hope you're wrong."

"I'm not. We both know."

"Right. You're never wrong."

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