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"Cat got your tongue?", Adler asked with a slim smirk as you entered the elevator.

Torn from your thoughts, you blinked.

"That metal detector thing was a fucking close call.", you glanced over to Bell, who was holding the bag stuffed with guns. "We will not always be this lucky."

Agreeing, Adler hummed.

The three of you were dressed in good old, brown Soviet uniforms. Belikov had helped steal them from some soldiers you had knocked out.

It was a first time thing for you to wear them, despite the fact that you had been to Moscow before. It just hadn't been as a Soviet soldier but as a CIA agent.

Russell had been with you.

The doors were about to close as a hand suddenly stopped them.

A man appeared, bald headed, with a thick, black beard.

His eyes fell onto you.

You swallowed hard.

Zakhaev knew who you were. He even knew your face. And the look in his eyes gave that away.

Slowly, you shook your head, so that he wouldn't cause a fuss.

He got the message, put on a smile and entered the elevator, back turned to you.

The doors closed, ready to bring you down to bunker level.

"Hmm... fresh faces.", Zakhaev hummed in Russian. "When did you arrive?"

You and Adler exchanged a glance.

It was obvious that he wanted to knock him out. But you felt like Zakhaev would tell someone you were here and that would cause a lot less trouble for you in the end.

Bell, however, didn't get the message.

Without hesitating, he wrapped his arms around the man's neck and pulled him back.

You jumped aside to make way for Adler, who greeted his face with a solid fist.

Groaning, Zakhaev sunk to the ground and remained motionless.

Your eyes jumped to Bell.

Silently, he told you that this had been to win Adler's trust. He still knew on which side he was on. He just played the game according to the rules.

"Elevator conversation always gets awkward.", Adler cracked a joke and shook his head. "Get us down, Bell."

Bell pressed the button.

The elevator started moving again.

As the last floor before the bunker level lit up, Adler started opening the bag and pulled out a machine gun.

He passed you one before pushing the bag to Bell.

"Gear up.", he said and strapped a holster and ammo to his chest. "They won't be happy to see us down here. Wait for my word."

His eyes fell onto you.

With a slim smirk, you pulled out some gear and hid your fingerprints inside some gloves.

"Don't mind me.", you hummed. "I will shoot when I consider it to be the right time."

Satisfied, he nodded.

"And how I know you it will be at the same time as me."

The elevator doors jumped open.

Bright, white light mixed with the gold of the interior.

The bunker level was a simple construct, with plane cement walls and a huge, green door at the end of a long platform.

As confident as he always was, Adler walked up to the guards, who sat at a register in front of it, gun in hand.

You followed him. You always did, guarded his back like a dog, making sure he was the last to get hurt.

The Russians laughed, didn't even notice someone was close.

As they looked up, struck by surprise, it was already too late.

Adler was about to raise his gun as you took the first shot.

You always did. You were quicker than him to react, but your judgment of situations was just as good as his.

You two always reacted at the same time, the same way.

You took out the first two soldiers, the ones that stood closest to the entrance.

Adler took one behind the register while Bell cared for the remaining two in the back.

It was quick thinking and even quicker execution.

It was good. Almost too good.

"This way to the vault.", Adler said and started running. "Angel, behind me!"

You glued yourself to his heel, but not before exchanging a mute conversation with Bell.

He was willing to do what was necessary. But he didn't want to help them win.

You agreed with that logic and followed Adler around a corner, through a gate and into the next stage that was supposed to keep the vault safe.

Shots rang out.

People started screaming in Russian.

All of a sudden, an alarm rang out and more people appeared.

You jumped behind a metal parapet to seek cover from the bullet rain, looked up and took some snipers out.

The recoil of the gun pressed into your shoulder, making you realise that this wouldn't be the last mission to end this disaster.

You needed to get in contact with Perseus, one way or another.

After this mission, you needed some time away from Adler.

"Fuck!", you cursed and pushed the line. "Let's make this quick, shades!"

Agreeing, Adler followed your lead.

Together, you two walked into the enemies lines and started taking out everyone who wasn't quick or smart enough to get out the way.

Blood splattered all over the place, bathing the floor in red and pain.

"We're getting close!", Adler informed as you chased up some stairs. "If things go south, we need to secure our exfil. Plant a gas canister in the vent."

Immediately, Bell got to work and put the thing where it was supposed to be.

"Huh.", you hummed. "Smart bastard."

"Thanks for the compliment.", Adler pushed you to walk on. "We're almost to the vault."

He cranked a heavy tank door open far enough for you three to slip through and into the long tunnel behind.

The solider who waited on the other side met your bullet faster than he was able to blink.

With an approving nod of his head, Adler took the lead again and ran down the tunnel.

Bell followed him and left you behind.

"I will shield you.", he whispered in Russian. "In case we need to."

But you pulled a face.

"He would never. Not me.", you said, fully believing your own words.

Russell Adler x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now