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The mission didn't go well, neither for Adler's team nor for Bell.

With his teeth clenched and a crack in his glasses, Adler returned to the safe house. He was dragging Bell along, feet first while his torso slid over the floor.

The brainwashed man looked rough, bruises and blood all over his face. The gear he was wearing was torn to shreds.

"Sims!", Adler called out. "Get the gurney."

With bated breath, you watched the disaster from a distance.

"What happened?", you asked and looked around. "Where are Park and Lazar?"

Adler's head snapped around.

"Angel.", he let go of Bell's feet, leaving it to Sims to take care of him, and walked over to grab you by the shoulders.

His hands were so harsh that they caused a hellish pain.

"That hurts!", you gasped and tried to pull away.

But he held you in place.

"Angel, I need to know if you're with me.", he suddenly said.

"I don't... understand? What the hell is going on, Russell?"

"No asking questions. We'll get into Bell's head. I need to know if you're by my side."

Your eyes flickered.

"Till the end.", you whispered.

"Good.", he let go of you.

But instead of leaving, he leaned in and pressed a kiss to your forehead.

It surprised you.

Usually, he didn't do things like that. Not if the moment wasn't right.

"Sims, get very thing ready.", Adler said. "We'll need a huge dosage to get everything out."

"On it, doc.", Sims nodded and rolled Bell down the hall, into the medical room.

Swallowing hard, you watched.

He wasn't unconscious, but his head had probably taken some damage and he might have been confused.

You needed to talk to him and tell about the plans for Duga.

"Shit...", you hummed as you stepped closer to the window to look at him. "Bell?"

His head moved.

Adler and Sims were running around like headless chicken, gathering medicine and liquids that would probably do something to a human's mind.

You had never seen Russell this restless.

"Alder, where are Lazar and Park?", you asked, still curious.

"They didn't make it.", he said over his shoulder. "Angel, lend me a hand. I need your skills."

"Sure.", you took the syringe from his hand. "I'd advice you to put it in his arm."

Actually, the medication would have been most affective the closer it was injected to the brain. The eye would have been a good place.

But considering that Bell was supposed to be your partner in crime, you wanted to keep him as little effected as possible.

Thankfully, Adler wasn't a genius in every field. He lacked great knowledge in medicine, besides how to do first aid and take care of shot wounds.

"Do whatever you deem necessary.", he said.

Hudson popped his head through the door.

"Adler.", he said, audibly not thrilled. "A word."

Letting out a hissing sound, Adler exchanged a glance with you, nodded his head and disappeared to explain to Hudson why this mission had gone south.

Now, you only had to get rid of one more person.

"Sims.", you turned to him. "I need something to chain Bell down. Just in case."

"I'll get you some handcuffs.", Sims disappeared.

"Good...", you mumbled to yourself and leaned over Bell. "Can you hear me?"

His head moved. Bloody eyes lit up, trying to focus on you.

"Comrade...", he breathed in Russian.

"No words. Just listen.", you looked around just to be safe. "Tell them Perseus is in Duga. But don't give it away too easily. They need to believe it. I called us an army. We'll take out the Americans and continue with Perseus plan."

"He wants to nuke the West."

"I know. You told me. Now do what I tell you. It's our only chance."

With a groan, he let his head fall back again.

You put the liquid in his lower arm, nit only to make it less effective but also to ensure his body could be ready for combat.

Alder stormed into the room.

He was visibly at the end of his patience.

"Bell, no more fucking around!", he said, almost furious, and grabbed him by the face. "What did Perseus say? Where is he?"

Bells confused eyes jumped to you.

With a grim gaze, you slid behind Adler to show on who's team you played at the moment.

"Where am I?", Bell asked.

"You're disoriented, Bell.", Adler replied, moving his lips as if he had just realised that scars covered them. "We'll explain everything later. Right now we need to help each other."

A mocking smile appeared on Bell's face.


Adler stiffened.

"Bullshit is what your whole life will amount to if you don't come clean! Tell us where Perseus is."

"Russell.", you placed a hand on his arm.

His gaze jumped up. And he relaxed a little.

With his hands raised in a calming manner, he stepped back.

Thanking him with a nod of your head, you took his place to meet Bell's eyes. With your lips pressed into a thin line you made sure Bell knew the drill and what he was supposed to do.

"Bell, this is important...", you said in a perfectly concerned voice. "Millions of people are in danger. We need to know where Perseus is. Or at least where we can stop the nukes."

Surprisingly, Bell was a good actor.

With his teeth bared, he wanted to push up. But the handcuffs you had requested from Sims kept him down.

That way it gave a nice, dramatic effect.

Everything felt believable.

"You fucking American!", he hissed. "I won't tell you anything!"

You played unimpressed.

"Bell. Think about the lives it will cost."

"Perseus is a great man!"

"Is he? Look me in the eyes and tell me that killing all there people with nukes is noble. Tell me you can agree with that plan. Tell me, Bell."

For a moment, silence spread.

Only the heavy breathing of Bell could be heard.

Then, with a dramatic sigh and a painful expression, Bell lowered his eyes.

"He's in Duga.", he admitted in a weak voice. "The radar area near Duga."

Adler looked at you.

"Duga...", he mumbled.

"I think it's true.", you said.

Adler nodded. But it seemed a little off.

"Sims. Get Washington on the line. Everyone else, gear up. We're leaving now."

Russell Adler x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now