266 12 20

January 05, 1998 Orlando, Florida

"If you don't mind me asking, how did you end up in this situation?" AJ bluntly asks making me elbow him lightly on his side "hey!" he whisper yelled "its fine nick" Veda reassures, although she gives a reassuring look I can still tell she's nervous, I give an apologetic look for AJ's actions but she just responds with yet another reassuring smile.

"Well.. uhm I honestly am not sure too. All I remember is I fell asleep in a photo booth of a bar and the next day I wake up in a different photo booth of a bar then I nearly tripped and Nick helped me after that, I'm not too sure myself I'm trying to figure it out too" Veda sheepishly chuckled after.

"Oh..." kevin nods in understanding "well, if you need any help with anything here all here to help" Kevin offers a kind smile "thank you" Veda thanks the guys, the lunch continues with Veda and the guys getting to know each other more until Veda excuses herself to go to the bathroom.

"Well? what do you think of her?" I asked, I needed the guys thoughts on her, I was also a little skeptical of her but I have also learned to trust her more, she seemed to be like a truthful person.

"I think that my boy Nickolas has a crush" Brian laughs loudly "shut up" I frowned "Exactly what I was thinking" Howie fist bumped Brian making me roll my eyes "you are all idiots" I remarked sternly "whatever you say lover boy" AJ laughs again.

"Ugh!" I groan "I think she's a kind person and she seems to not be in it for the fame, I mean if you're telling me she didn't even know us.. I'm sure she likes you for you whether platonic or not" Kevin pats my back "thanks Kev" I smiled at him, Kevin was always the most mature and acted like our dad most of the time but we were all grateful for him.

"I don't buy her photo booth story though.." Howie says skeptically, I was about to respond with something until Veda came back, I could tell she was still anxious to be around the guys with how she'd act.

"So what do you wanna do now?" AJ asks as he finishes up with his lunch "hm we could maybe go swim?" Brian suggests "alright then" I shrugged, I mean for once my pool was actually clean since I had someone clean it.

"wait we dint bring a bathing suit" Howie spoke, I was about to cancel the plan and just do something else when I remembered they left their bathing suit here when they visited once "You guys left your swimming shorts here the last time you swam" I pointed out.

"where are they?" Brian asks as he puts his plates in the sink "In my room there are 2 closets one of it has all the clothes you guys left" I laughed "oh ok then" the guys then went up leaving me and Veda alone together.

"I don't have a swimming suit..." V says with a slightly disappointed face "its fine ive got my sisters in my closet it might fit you" I hug her from behind since she was putting her dishes in the sink too.

"Alright then" she says her voice coming out as a whisper as she starts cleaning the dishes "hey no, I'll do that" I grab the plate "uh uh no the fuck you won't" she laughs as she grabs it back from me "fine I'll help though please" I begged.

"fine" she rolls her eyes in a joking manner "Nick! Why the fuck do you have my briefs in your closet I've been looking for thes-" he cuts himself off when he sees me and Veda together "ok.. I'll just leave you 2" he walk away slowly.

My face now red from what AJ said "you use his briefs?" Veda asks holding in her laughter "No! I don't!" I immediately answer "mhm.." she lets out a laugh "I'm not lying!" I frown "of course not" she kisses my nose making me scrunch my nose in response and go red in the face.

"awww you look like a tomato!" She chuckles "shut up" I laughed.

Finally we finished cleaning up and I give her the swim suit she would borrow and we both change, she comes out in the black two piece I gave her, God she looked so hot in that, my face heated up as I looked her up and down.

"seems you and your friend are enjoying the view hm?" Veda laughs as she motions down to my.. dick making me choke on air "you alright there Carter?" she laughs at me as she pats my back making sure I cough everything out.

"Mhmm, definitely its just that your too hot" I spoke through coughs making her shake her head as she laughs, finally we get down to the pool and AJ whistles as he sees her making me frown "Damn girl!" he put his sun glasses down as he stared her up and down.

"AJ" Kevin warns sternly "sorry but damn" AJ continues to look at her "Stop it bone" I splash water onto his face as I go into the pool, veda following "damn sorry" AJ coughs up the water that got into his mouth when I splashed the water on his face.

"anyways" Kevin speaks up breaking the tension between me and AJ. We finish up at the pool after about an hour and the guys decide they were gonna go back to their houses "Bye nick see you soon, nice meeting you V" Kevin smiles kindly at her "Pleasure to meet you too" she grins, she's warmed up to them during the time we've spent together.

The guys take turns saying bye to me and veda "bye frack" AJ pats my head "Bye bye Ms. Solace" AJ nods his head as if saying goodbye, I just frown at AJ still mad about a while go as he leaves "someones jealous" V nudges me "he was looking you up and down! You're only mine" I frown as I hug her tightly

She stays silent so I pull away seeing her face red "You're redder than me a while ago!" I laugh "shut it Nickolas" She laughs "oh no my whole name! so scary" I sarcastically said making her just flick my forehead.

"Dang it" I hold my forehead making her laugh"what songs do you like?" I ask her "Hm I like nirvana... Guns N' Roses is nice too and queen... journey" She lists down the songs she likes "ever listen to Boyz II Men?" I ask "no haven't really heard of 'em too" She says trying to remember if she knows them or not.

"I see your not a fan of boybands?" I said more as a question "I guess so" she shrugs sitting down "well this is their most famous song I'm pretty sure, I mean Boyz II Men, you might recognize it" I put in End of the Road.

It starts playing and I see her bop her head to the music "I've heard this once actually or it sounds familiar at least" she stated, I put my hand out in front of her as she gives a confused look "Dance" I spoke softly "Oh nuh uh I don't dance" she shakes her head aggressively "well i dont too" i retort "you do dance, its what you do on stage, no?" She asks "yea but- whatever come on!"

She looks at my hand hesitantly but takes my hand as we dance together "Although we've come to the end of the road still I can't let go Its unnatural you belong to me I belong to you" I sang softly as her head was on the crook of my neck.

Finally the song comes to and end and we both pull away slowly as I look into her eyes. She goes to hug me "thank you nick, for everything I know I say this a lot.. but I really am grateful, I promise to explain when I can alright?" She pulls away.

"take your time don't worry about it" I smile at her. She mad me feel complete and happy, she made me feel these things I had never felt with anyone before, I didn't know what it was, I was confused not just with how she ended up here but how I felt with her...

It felt as if our hearts were connected in a way I couldn't explain.

↳ 𝔢𝔫𝔡 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 ༉‧˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚


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