140 8 13

May 16, Las Vegas, Nevada

Me and Veda were currently waiting for a few minutes until we would go down so we could all go to the mall with the others. Me and the guys planned that we'd all meet by the 'lounge' of the apartment building in about an hour, since me and Veda were already ready it gave us time to do something else.

Supposedly we were watching together but Veda fell asleep so now I was left watching alone, sad yes but Veda just looked adorable sleeping I couldn't wake her even if I wanted to.

Suddenly I heard Veda start breathing sharply, her breathing was uneven and she was panting, small beads of sweat starting to form on her forehead as she thrashed around a little "Veda?" I shook her awake lightly.

"Veda?" I tried again finally she shot up as she took deep breaths I rub her back as she proceeds to pant even more "its ok baby take deep breaths" I instruct as she goes to cling onto me tightly.

"You wanna talk about it?" I ask her she just shakes her head still not wanting to talk. We both sat there for a good 5 minutes, me whispering comforting words in her ear as she hugged me quite tightly.

"Uhm what- what part was the dream the day all blurred into just one I don't know which is a dream and which isn't" Veda questions her voice low and tired "well we're going to the mall in a few and we have a party for Brian and yea" I explained as I pulled away, she just gave a small nod.

"Do you want water?" I ask her seeing that she looks tired, she just gives a small nod and I make my way to the kitchen and fill up a glass of water handing it to her.

"Oh we gotta go" i say as I check my watch "are you still going with to the mall?" I queried knowing shes probably a little tired still "mhm" she hummed in response as she got up to put on her shoes "are you sure? You don't need to go" I rubbed her back "no no I'll join I'm sure" she gave a slight smile as we finally made our way down the apartment.

"Hey, wheres Kevin and Howie?" I ask AJ as we got down, he was the only one there and on time "Howie is taming his lion main probably and Kevin is Kevin" AJ explained with a shrug "woah there Veda you look like you ran a marathon you good?" AJ furrowed his eyebrows as I just gave him a look to back off.

"Yea I'm good just rough dream" Veda explained as she sat on the couch they had "Howie, finally youre here! now we wait for Kevin" I roll my eyes "yup just had to fix my hair" Howie pats his own head "so much time spent yet it looks the same" AJ playfully laughs making Howie glare at him "at least I'm not scared of clowns"

"Ok do you really have nothing else to roast me with? At least I know I'm perfect then" AJ shrugs "I mean if that's my only flaw that you can think off, doesn't that make me flawless" AJ smirks at Howie making Howie roll his eyes.

"Ok well if you must know your a man-whore, scared of clowns of course, a wannabe rockstar, you wear way too much jewelry, and your hair is probably dead from dying every color there is on a painters pallet" Howie grins at the end making AJ just frown in response knowing everything he said was true.

"Well? Was that enough flaws or would you like me to add on because I'd very much like too" Howie says the grin never leaving his face "oooo continue continue!" I exclaim "no continuing" Kevin interrupts "what- but you even know what I meant by continue"

"Yes true but the best bet when it comes to you and AJ and sometimes Brian is to disagree with you guys, isn't that right Veda?" Kevin puts on his coat "Veda?" He asks the girl who was zoning out, I tap her on the shoulder and her head snaps to me "sorry what was that" she questioned.

"That Brian, nick and AJ are very much disagreeable" Kevin repeats "oh yes very" Veda laughs at me and AJ making me roll my eyes playfully "ok well come on let's go now" Kevin pushes us out.

We make our way into Kevin's car and Howie takes shotgun. Me, AJ and Veda taking the back seat of the car. "You ok?" I whispered to Veda as I held her hand "y- yea" she gives a smile, I didn't believe her but I didn't want to seem too pushy as well so I left it at that.

May 16, Las Vegas, Nevada

The time travelling had clouded my mind the entire day and so did the fact that I needed to tell nick soon, I know I had been saying that but I'm for real this time. I just knew I had to sooner or later, because if i pushed it off further it would be way too late.

Finally we arrived at the mall, thankfully we did something very different from my dream we got lunch and we went to the movies. We went shopping for clothes as well and finally we finished, thankfully nick had someone plan the party, he was a friend of ours so he agreed on doing it even at such late notice.

"Hey who did you have fix for the party?" Kevin asks as we made our way back to his car "jack remember him the party planner, agreed on planning even on short notice, didn't even want me to pay but I did of course" nick shrugged.

"Oh jack I remember him, nice dude he was" AJ spoke "did you at least invite him?" Howie added on "yup, hes going, and he invited most of our friends and our friends probably invited other people as well so it's kind of a big party, it will be in the bar across Westfield" nick explained.

Westfield... That sounded familiar I'm pretty sure it was a mall but I had never.

We finally got back to the apartment and when we were about to get to our room Kevin stopped us "shit! We forgot about Brian" Kevin slaps a hand on his face, we were the ones that were gonna pick him up supposedly "shit!" I exclaimed it was about 3:30pm and brian was set to be back at 3:45.

"Well come on come on were gonna be late" I panicked "chill out v, he's a grown adult he can wait a  few minutes" nick rubs my back "but still come on!" I push nick in front of me and stuff him in the car along with AJ.

"Woah you are one rough girl. Wonder how you'd be in-" AJ starts but gets cut off "dont even continue that sentence if you wanna keep all the teeth in your face" nick clenches his jaw giving AJ a glare that could possibly kill.

"Alright alright" AJ raises his hands in surrender "dont we need to bring the bigger car?" Howie raises a brow as we were about to leave the parking lot making Kevin hit the breaks and AJ nearly fly out the window if I hadn't pulled him back since he was in the middle.

"Damn kev what is it with you and the breaks, you got a death wish man?" I rub my forehead that had smashed on the head rest of Howie, nick also groaning in pain.

"No but we've got a time to follow" Kevin backs the car into eh parking slot as he rushed to get the keys of the other car which took about a minute "damn man now that's a new record, a minute from the room and back" nicks eyes widen in surprise.

"I've got long legs" Kevin shrugs as he enters the car "come on you little shits" Kevin calls out form inside as we go in the car, me in the middle in between AJ and nick, probably not the best sitting arrangement if I wanted to keep my face intact but whatever.

We soon arrived, face intact thank the lord and just on time... Well about 10 minutes late but that was alright.

"There you are" Brian rolls his eyes as he sees us "BRIAN! AAAAA" I scream as I rush to him hugging him, he was on a wheelchair a bodyguard of our beside him "damn Veda your loud, did you finally get nicks voice volume" Brian jokes "possibly" I grinned as I pulled away.

"I missed you so much! You have no idea" I grinned widely "hey what about us?" Nick says from behind "I was with you shits the entire time" I roll my eyes "I commend you for living" Brian joked "thanks" I laughed.

"We missed you Frick" nick hugged Brian "missed you guys a lot as well" Brian grins, eventually we made our way back to the car the bodyguard helping us with loading the luggage in and other stuff.

We catch up on each other on the ride back to the apartment finally happy Brian was back.

↳ 𝔢𝔫𝔡 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 ༉‧˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚

a/n: it was just a dream HAHAHHA idk just wanted to scare yall a little 💅

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