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July 22, 2023, Las Vegas, Nevada

"I've got one question.." I spoke up as I slowly looked up at nick from my plate of pizza sitting in front of me "shoot" he spoke up as he eats his pizza, it reminded me of the times we'd go on dates and he'd be devouring everything in front of him as I just asked him how his day was and all that shit.

"What was the last thing that happened before I was back here in 2022?" I asked "what was the last thing I did in 1998" I cleared my question up "I don't know we were both shit faced but according to Kevin he said we were in some photobooth, chase sadi the same thing"

It started making sense. While we were shit faced we must've used it which had brought me back to 2022. Me and nick continued with out conversation for an hour.

"Ok well, I gotta go now or my parents will kill me" I jokingly said.. well I gues half joking "ok, you need a ride?" He asks "sure, just please don't bump into an ice cream stand again" I jokingly replied remembering when he bumped into an ice cream truck.

"Remember the first time we met" I spoke up "yea it was hilarious, imagien if I just watched you trip" nick joked as he backed away out of the parking lot as I just slapped his arm jokingly.

Finally we got home "hey I live near here just the village across" nick spoke up "really? I guess I can visit soon then?" I say more as a question "course you can anytime" nick gives a heartwarming smile.

"Well, I gotta go before my head is chopped off.. bye I lo- bye." I quickly cut myself off as I escaped the car, my heart pounding out of my chest.

"VEDA!" My dad greeted me as he hugged me "I'm sorry, for a while ago" my dad apolgoized "its whatever" I shrugged off.

"I'm still sorry, alright? I shouldn't have said that and I didn't mean it, who- uh who brought you home though?" My dad asks overprotectivly as he sees the car of nick driving away from our house.

"Nick carter" I spoke nonchalantly as I stepped inside our house hanging my coat on the coat rack thing feeling better already, and a thousand times happier than I had been feeling the past year.

"What- you mean the backstreet boy?" He asks "yup" I pop the p "what the fuck is he doing with you?" My dad asks "saw him, and he offered a ride, nice lad honestly" I shrugged off nonchalantly "hm, seems like one" My dad nodded.

"and what type of boy would wanna go with you?" My brother asks with a judge tone of voice from the living room "oh fuck off he's like 40" I roll my eyes going up to my room "language!" My dad yells from downstairs "yea yea" I closed the door as I leaned on it after, a smile on my face.

Finally after a year, I was happy again. I couldn't be happier. The boys, especially nick, were the source of my happiness and just knowing they still remembered me made me incredibly happy.

I decided I'd do some long awaited stalking, I went on their instagram and followed all of them, and did some other things like listen to their music, some of them reminded me of memories of me and nick, I wouldn't wanna seem too self absorbed but I'd like to think that they were aimed toward me, especially since the ones that reminded me of our memories were written by nick.

One song was I will wait, it made me cry honestly.

It made me realize the pain I made him go through with leaving without an explanation, I never wanted to. I just did, it was a stupid accident I wished never happened.


July 29, 2023, Las Vegas, Nevada

"Dad! Mom! I'll be back I'm just hanging with some friends" I call out "alright! Be safe!" MY mom responds as I leave, I make sure I have everything including my phone and wallet most especially. I have everything and finally make my way to nicks house.

Once I made it outside, I tap my foot nervously, I was to meet everyone today. I was nervous to say the least, the adrenaline was definitely rushing through my body "veda! Hey, come inside" I hear nick, I look to my side and see him approaching the gate with bags of groceries. 

"The guys inside already?" I ask as I wait for him to close the door "yup, everyones there. Baylee is there as well. He's your age, Brian's son" Nick informed "I forgot you all have children already, didn't ever think you'd be capable of it" I joked as nick just playfully rolled his eyes.

"come on, they miss you" Nick nods towards the door "Veda?" I hear a voice, I look to the direction of the voice and see a startled Brian "God nick you weren't kidding she hasn't aged a year.." Brian mutters.

"Yea, you've grown all old and wrinkly" I scrunch up my nose jokingly "shut up" Brian laughed rolling his eyes "I missed you V, so much." Brian goes to hug me "I missed you too" I hug him tightly as tears started to form in my eyes. God damn tears. Such a bitch.

Eventually we all had lunch together. Kevin, Brian, Howie, Nick and AJ along with heir wives and kids so it was a packed lunch. There was definitely chaos.

"So how did you guys meet?" Lauren asks "well, she's Nicks-" I nudge AJ who was beside me knowing Lauren alongside the others were gonna be confused as fuck if AJ said I was Nicks ex. Nick looks around trying to look for an excuse "friend recommended her as a babysitter and... uh she's also a fan" Nick hurriedly says.

"veda, im old you can't do that anymore, my bones are fragile" AJ hissed from beside me making me contain my laughter. After we all had lunch, I went to the game room, all the children were there, while nick and the guys went to play some golf.

Me and the others guys children all get to know each other. Mason was just about 4 years younger than me and Baylee so the age gap wasn't too big which meant we all had a decent amount of similar topics to talk about.

After the entire meet up, Nick brings me home. "thank you" I thank him before I get down "for what? My good looks back then? You're welcome" he smirks cockily "not that Sherlock, for everything. Waiting for me and not getting pissed when you saw me and the whole meet up a while ago"

"Veda, you were my girlfriend. We always will be soulmates whether that'd be platonic or not. It sound incredibly awkward to say that now that im nearly 20 years older than you, but I mean it. I'm always gonna be here for you no matter the time, year, month age. I dont care. I love you Veda Solace" Nick spoke making me shed a tear, god I was incredibly emotional.

"aw, someones on their period" Nick teases knowing I only ever got this emotional when I was on my period "shut up" I rolled my eyes as I shook my head jokingly "And I love you too, now I need to go in or I'll die, Bye" I give him a hug as I enter my house with a stupid grin.

I knew me and nick would make it. Through thick and thing. We were connected and nothing could break that.

↳ 𝔢𝔫𝔡 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 ༉‧˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚

a/n: ok so since I can't update this no more since its finished, I'll be updating the imagines from time to time might even make a Kevin one who knows, but I can't guarantee it'll be everyday coz of school 🙄

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