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May 03, Las Vegas, Nevada

"Hey uhm, so I went to the uh doctor last week and they said uhm" Brian starts, his voice shaking as if he were about to cry. Our moods had all changed from being all silly to being serious. 

Earlier in the day Brian had invited us over to his apartment since he wanted to talk about something. At first we were all watching and playing basically having a fun time like we would often be doing, Brian had seemed a little off though.. it was as if he was more sad then normal or perhaps nervous, his leg would constantly shake and he would be zoning out more often.

After a while he called us together telling us he needed to talk to us about something, right now it was me and the boys plus Veda, he said he had told Lou already about what he needed to tell us which was why Lou wasn't with us. Which leads us to what Brian was talking about right now.

"well?" Kevin asks looking worried. I could only imagine the anxiety Kevin felt right now, Brian was his cousin and he had already lost his father, with how serious Brian was being right now and Kevin's not so pleasant memories of medical conditions, I'm sure Kevin felt as if he could lose Brian in a snap.

"It's well- my heart is enlarging, growing bigger than normal and well it's complicated but what I'm saying is I'll need uhm open heart surgery" His voice becoming barely a whisper as a tear falls down his cheek, but he quickly wipes it away not wanting us to worry.

"So if it's fine with everyone I'll need to go back home and you know get surgery maybe take 2 weeks rest max" Brian asks, Kevin had tears welling up in his eyes and Veda was now hugging rok, they had become close in the time period that they had known each other.

I just stared in complete shock processing everything "of course we'll give you time anything you need brother" Kevin goes in for a hug after Veda. "Nick, you good bud?" Brian says in a joking tone trying to lighten up the mood "yea.." I get up going out to get some fresh air.

May 03, Las Vegas, Nevada

"yea.." Nick responds his voice breaking just a little as he gets up to go out. Nick never liked crying he thought it showed signs of being weak and he never liked to show he really felt, it was just how Nick was.

Nick and I were close, like siblings close and I'm sure this worried him but I was sure with enough faith, it would be a successful surgery and recovery so none of them had nothing to worry about.

"I'll talk to him" I whispered "Ok" veda responds wiping her tears, I loved these people I just hoped everything would go smoothly with the surgery knowing open heart surgery was one of the more complex surgeries.

I walk out to my small balcony and see nick leaning against the bar "I'm not gonna die frack" I nudge nick jokingly as I took a place beside him "you don't know that" Nick sniffles as tears well up in his eyes, Nick quickly rubbing his eyes so the tears wouldn't spill.

"It's alright to show emotion you know, bottling it up like that won't do you justice" I mumbled "its how I handle them" Nick shakes his head in a pissed off manner "come on nick, I'm frick, your frack we won't die alright? I promise you" I put my hands on his shoulders making him face me.

He just rolls his eyes, his eyes were starting to get red from holding in the tears "I'm coming back alright little bro" I hug him "Promise me" he says his voice now softer than a while ago "I already did" I rolled my eyes laughing causing him to laugh a little as well.

"I guess so, just call me right after you wake alright?" Nick pulls away "Dont worry, I will" I smile at him

May 03, Las Vegas, Nevada

CONNECTED HEARTS; nick carterWhere stories live. Discover now