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February 08, 1998 Orlando, Florida

It had been about a month, give or take, since I had seen the guys at the ATM. I had tried searching for them every time I'd go out but with no luck I never crossed their paths again. They had seemed to know more about my situation so I wanted to ask the questions I had.

"Hey, wanna go to Kevins?" Nick asks snapping me out of my thoughts "Oh uh its fine I'll stay home" I gave a small smile "Come on please!" Nick begs "Or I'm gonna be so sad and cry" He continues as he fake cries.

"Stop being so dramatic nick" I rolled my eyes laughing at him "I am not being dramatic!" He whines like a child "you whining like that proves my point about you being dramatic" I threw my head back as I laughed.

"oh whatever, well? Can you? The guys want to see you again too" Nick looks at me with his puppy eyes as he jumps up and down I hesitate a little but see Nick's face, how the fuck will I resist that? "Fine" I give in.

"I LOVE YOU YAY!" Nick exclaims as he gives me a kiss on the corner of my mouth leaving me startled "sorry.. you don't have to say it back don't worry" he nervously spoke as he went back to his position earlier.

"I love you too nick" I smiled wholeheartedly, I was mad for this boy, head over fucking heels. "Really?!" Nick exclaims "of course I do, your kind caring and nice and perfect, who wouldn't love you" I put my head on his shoulder.

"Why thank you" He chuckles a little, "what time are we going over to Kevins?" I asked as I lifted my head off from his shoulder, his head turns to me "why'd you remove your head" He frowns as he pushes my head back onto his shoulder.

"dramatic child" I mutter jokingly "what was that?" his voice threatening and deeper than usual, it turned me on honestly "dramatic. child." I said as I emphasized on each word clearer than a while.

"Ok fine, I'm not talking to you then" nick rolls his eyes as he gets up making my head fall from his shoulder "come on I was kidding" I laughed as nick went up, still ignoring me "Nick please" Now whining.

"see now you're whining" nick makes fun of me "oh whatever" I rolled my eyes as nick just laughed in response as he stood looking at me from the middle of the stairs "oh and were going to Kev's now if we wanna get there on time" nick states.

"alright let me change hold on" I got up and went to my room to change. After me and nick went to the bank a few days back we had went to the mall too to buy some stuff I needed.

"You done?" nick asks from outside as I finish putting my shirt on, I was wearing baggy pants and a baggy shirt with converse. "yup just finished" I opened the locked door as nick stood there leaning against the wall.

"Ok well then come on" he makes me go ahead and slaps my ass "oh fuck off" I jumped at the contact as Nick just laughs loudly at my remark "can't help it you've got a nice ass" He laughs again "why isn't that flattering" I sarcastically stated laughing.

"it is, especially from me" he smirks as we stopped in front of his car "whatever" I laughed at nick who had his face inches away from mine "ouch" he rolled his eyes at what I did "you deserved it, now come on don't wanna be late to Kev's" I exclaimed as I got in.


"Hey you made it" Kevin greeted as he opened the door "'course, I mean I'm great at at driving obviously were here, what'd you think we'd die?" Nick sarcastically says as he goes in, making Kevin roll his eyes making me laugh.

"veda! you made it!" he excitedly says as he goes to hug me "nearly didn't because nick nearly crashed into an old woman and nearly drove us into the swamp" I joked "Not surprising" Kevin nonchalantly said making me laugh and nick look at us his mouth agape "that is not true" Nick says.

CONNECTED HEARTS; nick carterWhere stories live. Discover now