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May 16, Las Vegas, Nevada

"FINE IF YOU MUST KNOW IM NOT FROM 1998" I finally bursted out

"You mean... You time travelled?" Nick quirked his head, disbelief written all over his face. "Very funny Veda, very funny. Come on this isn't some type of joke I'm being serious" nick rolls his eyes "and I'm being serious as well!" I insist "ok then, if you are from the future, tell me what Im gonna do next?" He asks as if questioning me and my sanity.

"Its not like that you fucking dumbass I'm from 2022, theres a difference between knowing the future and living in the future then time travelling to the past" I rolled my eyes "mhm definitely. Look I just wanted to apologize, if you don't want to accept my apology just say so" nick rolls his eyes as he gets up leaving.

Great. What a fucker.

"I'm fucked." I mutter under my breath, I get up and make my way back to the bar to look for Jaden, supposedly, that is until I bumped into someone else. "Veda, hey" JC greets, hm I wonder how he got here, last I checked he had a whole arguement with the band, well... more of nick "damn, you're soaked do you want me to bring you home, or something?" He asks concern laced in his voice. "please" my voice coming out soft instead of my usual louder voice "come on" he puts a hand on my lower back.

"Wow, I'm away for a few minutes and you've found someone else- no, not only someone else but my fucking enemy, to hoe around with" nick glares down at JC "dont pretend like you didn't do the same thing, and please you're 18, nick. Not 5" I glared back at him "come on JC" I tugged on his shirt.

"You guys good? I saw what happened a while ago on the balcony" JC spoke as we walked to his car "you mean when I saw nick eat off a girl's face?" I tilted my head in confusion. "Well that wasn't a great sight to see I dont think I like it if I'm being honest" I shrugged laughing bitterly.

"No not that, a while ago AJ and nick fought" he explained. Hm, that explains the bruises forming on nicks face... AJ got him good, I root for Mr. I'm scared of clowns.

"Oh.." I trailed off suddenly feel guilt and regret wash over, not because nick got beaten up by AJ, but because I practically just left the guys in the bar with no explanation, I guess I could just explain when I see them again.

"You alright?" JC asks as he glances towards me, we were already in the car driving to my place, but then I remembered I shared the apartment with nick. "Yea.. actually, can- can I stay over at yours first?" I ask my breath hitching a little "of course don't worry about it" he smiles.

"Thank you, I really do appreciate it sorry if it's an inconvenience" I apologized "youre not an inconvenience your fun to hang with" he encourages nudging me a little "thank you, JC. I know youre not in best terms with the guys but, thank you" I give a smile.

"Don't worry about it, alright? Like you said, the guys and I are in a little arguement not me and you, alright?" He reassures me, putting his hand on my knee, I just nod in response, soon falling asleep.

May 16, Las Vegas, Nevada

After a while I noticed Veda had called asleep, so I made sure to turn the volume of the radio down making sure she wouldn't wake up, finally I made the last turn and arrived at the apartment I was staying in.

I contemplated for a while whether to wake her or carry her. If I woke her up, then she would still be tired and may stay awake the whole night since I interrupted her sleep. Meanwhile, if I carried her she might be uncomfortable with me the next day.

I decided to just go with the latter knowing she was probably tired. I carefully picked her up and carried her up to my apartment, she wasn't too heavy if I was being honest it was quite easy to pick her up.

CONNECTED HEARTS; nick carterWhere stories live. Discover now