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July 21, 1998 Las Vegas, Nevada

The past few days nick hadn't been answering my calls, I asked Aaron about it but he told me not to worry and that his brother, nick, was probably just being stubborn.

"I mean really have I done anything?" I ask Aaron "I mean I can't think of anythi-"

"VEDA!" Aaron cuts me off "woah there, calm your dick" I widen my eyes at his sudden outburst "what- no. Anyways, look. Nick is probably being stubborn, think about it what have you don't these past few days that he mightve figured out by someone or whatever" Aaron shrugs "its probably just that, so just explain to him anyways he's coming back later today, right?" Aaron says logically, he has a point.

"Well all I've done on the first day was hang with JC-"

"JC!" Me and Aaron exclaim together as if solving a murder, which makes both of us laugh "he's probably just jealous, nothing to worry about alright? Plus if he does something stupid, tell me I'll give him a beating" Aaron grins.

"Aaron, you're 11" I rolled my eyes chuckling as I did so "hey, dont underestimate the power of AC" Aaron gives a slight frown making me laugh.

"Ok so what time is nick coming?" Aaron asked as he continued with his breakfast "abot 4 I'm pretty sure or something like that, you cna come with, please. He might be extremely mad and ignore me and it'll be so awkward" I plead.

"Ok I've got nothing else to do anyways" Aaron shrugged "ok thank you thank you thank you" I hugged the guy "you give good hugs" Aaron hugs back "thank you" I laughed.

After Aaron finished his lunch I bring him to the recording studio for him to record, obviously. He finished quite early today which was a good thing, he finished at 2 pm today instead of 4, since it was too early to go to the airport we decided we'd go to the arcade instead.

Embarrassingly, he beat me in most games after about an hour and a half though we made our way to the airport "veda, you're going pale. This is my brother we're talking about, your nervous of my brother, the icky Nicky" Aaron nudges making me feel better.

"thank you Aaron" I laughed "no problem, now come on, now's not the time to be nervous" He pulls me out of the car, something about carters and their dragging or pulling addiction. 

we made it to the airport just in time we only waited about 5 minutes until we saw the guys "Veda! Aaron! Hey!" Brian greeted as he spotted us, the guys heads all snap towards us and they all wave except for nick, he had a furious look on his face.

As well all greeted each other Brian pulls me swiftly to the side. "woah there rok, whats up?" I ask as I laugh slightly "Nick hasn't been answering your calls has he?" Brian asked "yea... but how do you know that?" I lifted a brow.

"he's been complaining about you and JC and asking if we think JC is better than him, just explain and give him time, yea?" Brian advised "Ok, thanks Bri" I give him a hug "of course, now go on, go talk to the boy" Brian says.

July 21, 1998 Las Vegas, Nevada

I look towards Veda and see she's being pulled by Brian, my eyebrows furrow at this and Howie notices this "Hm, maybe she's moving onto Brian. She's got good taste; You, JC, Brian" Howie jokes making me elbow him slightly "fuck off" I hissed "uh-uh just speaking the truth, no need to get violent" Howie rolls his eyes dramatically.

"Nick, can we talk? please?" Veda whispers in my ear making me flinch from the sudden voice, I just nod and follow her to a secluded area. "Brian told me you think me and JC have been possibly dating" Veda starts "were not"

"whatever you say" I mumble as I roll my eyes slightly "I promise you, it was just a friendly hangout alright? Dont overthink anything. I promise it was friendly. I love you and only you" Veda exaggerated the only.

I furrow my eyebrows and think of this logically. I was still hesitant but decided to trust her, besides she hadn't done anything to ruin my trust in her.

"Ok, fine." I nod "I love you, ok?" Veda hugs me as she gets on my tippy toes "I love y-"

"I love you too, so sweet blah blah blah, can we go now? My feet are tired" Howie interrupts "way to ruin the moment Dorough, but I agree, can we please go now" Aaron whines and moans "fine fine, whatever come on" veda pulls away, we both catch up with each other on the way to the apartment.

Sadly Aaron had to go back to his apartment since my mom was back, but at least he was able to fetch us. "AJ says we'll have a party later" I speak up as I put my luggage down in the apartment "oh ok then, what time and where?" Veda asks.

"Uhm.... 9? and I dont know where. You know we still have about 3 hours" I smirked "I know" Veda mischievously grins as well. 

I'm not going into detail but lets just say we had an amazing time. Finally it was 9 pm so we get ready. I wore a casual white shirt and jeans, veda wore some low rise jeans and a baby tee.

"Veda come on! Get the fuck down!" I yell, Veda ran back up a while ago saying she forgot her wallet upstairs and her purse, she was taking an awfully long time to be getting her purse. "alright! Hold on!" She yells back.

Finally after about 10 years, she gets back "fucking finally" I roll my eyes "your one impatient mother fucker" Veda chuckled as we exited, we get into he car with the guys and veda ends up falling asleep in the car.

"guys, she's asleep. Im not waking her up" I raise my hands "not me" they all say, AJ is last tho so we all look at him "go on Alex" I insist chuckling slightly "you're her boyfriend!" AJ whisper-yells "I dont care, you were last" I laughed even more making AJ roll his eyes and go to wake veda up.

"Veda... wake up..." He whispers into veda's ear, veda starts swatting her hand making AJ jumps from his seat and hit his head not he roof of the car making all of us laugh harder than we already had been.

Kevin had tears in his eyes from laughing, the look on AJ's face definitely got all of us.

"there's ice cream in the bar" AJ tries as he smirks when he sees veda's eyes opening slowly "is there really?" She asks me "mhmm, cookie dough, your favorite" I held her hand "ok then, lets go!" She gets out of the car and runs into the bar which leaves all fo us just staring at each other.

"you've got a weird girlfriend, but she's still real fun to hangout with so whatever" AJ speaks up "true" Howie points at AJ "what the fuck are you guys waiting for?!" Veda yells form the entrance of the bar, eventually we make our way to the bar.

We hadn't invited too much people so it was less chaotic. I got a beer and Veda got cookie dough ice cream "I wanna get shit-faced" She suddenly speaks up "no you are not." Kevin sternly says "oh but I am" she smirks as she runs past Kevin and asks the bartender for a vodka.

She gulps down the shot in one go and its as if she just drank water "didn't know your girl was such a party animal" AJ smirked "me neither" I stared confused at the girl.

Eventually all of us got shit-faced and we all passed out after a few rounds of drinks and just being stupid.

↳ 𝔢𝔫𝔡 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 ༉‧˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚

a/n: ok so me and my bf good now he still doesn't like my guy friend but yk HAHAHA also also also also also also also also idk what I was gonna say. anyways. always remember: In Howard Dorough we trust. Sorry for not posting a chapter yesterday 😫

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