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March 16, 1998 Orlando, Florida

Today we were off for Vegas, supposedly. Me and V had already packed, Lou said we were staying there for about four months so we packed enough for four months.

"Come on nick let's go, dont want to miss the flight" Veda calls for me, as she makes sure everything in the house was in check since we were leaving it for four months "I'm tired" I whined as it was 4:00 in the morning, I was currently layed down on the sofa... Well half of my body was, but hey it was comfortable.

"Well we don't wanna miss your flight do we? Now come on" V goes to pull me from my position laying down "ugh fine" I get up grabbing my luggage bringing it to the car, I help with Vedas too and when I finish I go to the front seat since I was driving.

Soon enough we made it just in time with the others, we decided since we still had an hour to wait in the lounge of the airport.

It had coffee, a couch, some water "good morning, our manager said it was best if we move you guys to the VIP lounge, no payment needed, its just across, thank you!" A girl working here says.

Hey, perks of being a backstreet boy, free shit. "Ok thank you" Kevin gives a grateful smile as we move to the VIP lounge where literally no one was seated, people barely used VIP lounges in airports.

"Oh my god food" Brian drooled as he saw the buffet of snacks, i admit it looked delicious there were waffles, pancakes, egg, doughnuts. Meanwhile in the drinks section there was water, milk, juice, coffee. Basically the food and drinks being served were ones for breakfast. I loved the VIP part of the airport.

"Hey, wait save some for me!" I get up going to where Brian was as well "not like I'm finishing this entire thing, now am I, Kaos" he laughs "oh whatever" I roll my eyes.

Suddenly I hear Kevin speak up "yea that's what we call nick since he's a fucking messy child" he laughs "what?" I tilted my head confused why he randomly said that out of the blue "Veda asked why Brian called you Kaos" Kevin explained making me hum in understanding.

I get my plate of waffles and my juice bringing it to the couch "don't spill that alright?" Kevin warns strictly "your cleaning if it does spill" Howie adds on as he gets food from the buffet as well.

"Yea yea whatever" I roll my eyes, I put the plate and juice on the little table in front of the couch and remove my shoes. "Ew that's gonna fucking stink" AJ jokes as he waves his hand in front of his nose as if he were smelling something horrible.

"Oh shut up Mr. I'm so scared of clowns" I shot at him making AJ just dismiss what I said with a scoff, I put my shoes aside so no one would trip as I proceed to devour the food.

Veda just stares at me while I eat. "What" I ask offended by her staring at me with a judging look "nothing, you just eat like my brother" Veda laughs "YOU HAVE A BROTHER?!" I exclaim choking on my waffle making Veda pat my back.

"Yea, I already told you dumbass" Veda shakes her head "I didn't know you had a brother" Kevin remarked taking in the new piece of information "now you do" Veda shrugs.

"Boys, come on" Lou calls as he claps his hands to get our attention, I shove the remaining waffles in my mouth and gulp my juice rushing out not wanting to be left behind.

As I'm out the door of the lounge I hear AJ yell something "your shoes nick!" I hear him chuckling, whoops.

How does one forget his shoes? I honestly don't know. I'd tell you to ask me, but I also don't know, I guess I was in a rush.

Anywho, I turn back and get my shoes slipping them on, I was halfway out the room again but remembered once again that I had forgotten my luggage and Veda.

I turn around and grab Veda and my luggage "hey - nick, my luggage" Veda releases from my grip getting her luggage "whoops" I cheekily grin making her just shake her head as she chuckles softly.

God that laugh did things to me.

"Come on hurry" Lou tells the rest of the guys making Howie groan in response saying something about how he wasn't finished with his food.

"Do I look like I give a shit?" Lou retorted stressed about us possibly missing the flight "ok listen here, Respect. The. Food. Alright old man?" Howie glares at Lou "sassy Howie, I like it" I comment.

"Thanks" Howie points hand guns at me "no, that was a no go" Veda laughs at Howies hand guns "aw man" he pouts "don't worry we still accept you for you, right?" Veda encourages as she puts her arm around Howie "yea, no." Brian shakes his head.

"Oh fuck off, I got Vedas approval that's enough" Howie rolls his eyes "exactly, that's correct Howie boy" Veda ruffles his hair.

Finally we get on the airplane and the flight attendant goes up to us "hey.. well uhm our pilot wanted- uhm wanted to ask if you could maybe perform for us?" The flight attendant asks.

"Oh no way. No way in shi-" AJ starts but Lou hears this his ears sparking at the offer of the girl "we'll do it! Where will we perform?" He joyfully asks making AJ give him a look of 'what the fuck' making me and V stiffle a laugh.

"In the paging area, thank you" the flight attendant gratefully replies as she gives Lou a flirty look, this sets all of us off apparently and as she leaves me and the boys, plus Veda, start laughing.

"What'd I miss?" Brian asks as he comes back from the bathroom. We all stopped laughing at this point and Kevin explains to Brian what happened, Lou just shaking his head as he listens to what Kevin is saying laughing lightly as well though.

Brian laughs loudly at this, but soon stops when he sees us not laughing "oh.. not funny anymore?" Brian awkwardly smiles "no, not really rok" I cringed at the situation.

"Ok.." he trails off going back to his seat "poor bri bri" Veda laughs "oh whatever" Brian retorts.

"Come on boys" Lou calls for us "no fucking way were actually gonna perform, its morning! no one wants to here a bunch of adults harmonizing" i state my mouth agape "oh yes we are, come on, for publicity" he shrugs as he goes to the front where the paging are was.

The boys and I all look at each other with shocked faces as Veda just laughs "you guys will sound amazing don't worry" Veda chuckles loudly at this.

"Not funny" I frown "right right definitely not" Vedas laughter dies down a little but definitely still amused at the situation.

"Boys!" Lou's whisper yells, we all groaned getting up to he front "Good morning, everyone! Today we have the some people to perform for us today, please welcome the backstreet boys!" The girl I introduced a chorus of claps following as she finished.

"Just to be close?" I question, they all nod in agreement and we go to sing the song.

Finally after a dreadful 1-2 minutes we finish, that was torture. Of course I was used to the performing I had been performing since I was about 12, but in an airplane was definitely... something.

We all get claps again when we finished the song and we make our way back to the buisness class area where we were seated, good now I could get about a 3 hour sleep since we'd be arriving in 3 hours.

"Man that was amazing" Veda laughs as we all take our seats again "oh yes continue laughing" I roll my eyes "I will" and she does, eventually she falls asleep and I follow.

Finally after a full 3 hours of sleep we get to Vegas. Finally!

↳ 𝔢𝔫𝔡 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 ༉‧˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚

a/n: what if Veda gets in a silly goofy mood and goes back to 2022 🤪🤪

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