117 7 25

May 16, Las Vegas, Nevada

it was finally time for the party. Well, sort of. We had about an hour until the party started but we were all ready and in the bar. The bar was empty of people since the boys rented it out. Brian had agreed on not partying too hard as well since he wanted a fast recovery anyways.

The block the bar was on seemed familiar. Awfully familiar...

People started arriving after about an hour, which was the time we set the party. "Veda, I'll just go use the bathroom alright?" Nick talks into my ear loud enough so I could hear him over the loud blasting music "alright" I gave a smile.

I took a cup and poured myself some beer I sat in front of Brian who was seated on a table for 2 "how are you bri?" I asked as I took the vacant seat across him.

"I'm good, actually. As I said the surgery went well, the doctor said I was clear to do anything except he also said it'd be better to just cool off with activities in case any complications start" Brian explained "that's good thats good, we'll have you in tip top shape anytime soon" I grin towards him.

"I sure hope so.. it will be quite a year this year, so it'd be helpful if I have a speedy recovery" Brian sighs out "dont worry the guys will help you and so will I, I promise" I give a smile. "How are you and nick?" He asks taking a sip from his kombucha, he wanted to avoid alcohol so he decided he'd just get kombucha.

"Were good, he told me he had a small dick a few days ago, he was drunk" I laughed, me and Brian talked for quite a while and caught up on everything and anything we could talk about. Brian said he was able to see his brother after a few years and they had both played Nintendo often while Harold, his brother, would visit in the hospital. He has also said that Leighanne and him had been on good terms recently and nothing had come through their relationship so far.

Brian then stands up after a little while of talking and goes to my side offering a hand "would you like to have this dance?" He asks in a posh voice making me shake my head slightly as I laughed "of course" I took his hand standing up.

We danced for a while on the dancing floor in a nonsexual way of course laughing our asses off as we did so after a while Kevin called Brian over and so I let them talk.

Hm, I wonder where nick went he said he would be just a while.. I decided I'd look for him, thankfully the bar wasn't too big medium, yes but not too big.

"Hey have you seen nick?" I ask Howie "no I haven't why? I mean I saw him about 5 minutes ago on the balcony upstairs but I'm not sure if he's left yet or not" he pointed out "theres a balcony..? In the bar?" I raise a brow "yea it's a house themed bar type thing so like a highschool party" Howie explained "oh alright, thanks" I made my way upstairs as I bumped into someone.

"Jaden? So nice to see you" I hugged him "nice to see you as well" he hugged back "hows it been, how's it been?" He asks as he pulled away "good, I mean nothing changed. Well, Brian did have surgery as you know but he's doing great" I smiled "what about you?"

"I'm good, I'm talking with this girl actually" he smiles "oh?" I smirk "she must be a lucky girl then" I joke as I nudge him "oh hush, I'm the lucky one if I'm being honest" he laughs in a playful manner "both of you benefit" I shrug off cockily.

"We should hang soon" he suggests "of course of course, here is my number" I take a pen I had in my pocket writing it on his hand "sorry didn't have paper" I trailed off "quite alright, I'll see you soon then?" He asks as he take inhales "of course bye" I grin.

I continue my way up to the balcony when AJ suddenly goes in my way "Veda! Hey! Whatcha doin here?" He asks his voice laced with fake enthusiasm, almost as if he was hiding something...

CONNECTED HEARTS; nick carterWhere stories live. Discover now