Chapter Two

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Bart West-Allen

Bart's day started with his older sister Nora bursting in his room, yelling at him to wake up or he would be late at work.

Bart groaned and rose from his bed, using his super speed to get ready. He walked on the stairs and greeted his family who were all buzzing around because like him, they too were late.

“Dad, time to go!” Bart called out. Barry Allen grabbed his coat and walked beside his son. “Race to CCPD?” Bart challenge. Barry smirked and the father-son duo sprinted from the West-Allen house.

Bart left his father talking to the chief of police while he went in their lab where only two of them worked. He placed his bag on the chair and fell down on another one. He groaned from exhaustion. He only got few hours of sleep because he was up all night fighting a meta.

“Want some coffee?” His friend and skilled police officer, Janessa Cohen asked him with a sad smile. Well aware of Bart's duties as a superhero. He once saved her, resulting in revealing his identity.

“I'd love to.” He replied with a small smile. Coffee would help him regain his energy.

Janessa came back with two cups of coffee in her hands. She placed them on the desk and sat in front of Bart, his father still talking with the chief. She flashed him a grin as her emerald eyes lit with excitement. “I'm going in Italy!”

“What?!” Bart jumped out of his seat, sharing her excitement. His friend wanted to visit the country for years now and she finally got the chance! “Jan that's amazing!”

“I know! And Aubrey is coming with me too! Actually she was the one who got the tickets! It was a suprise for me!” She hugged Bart while still squealing. She ran a hand through her red hair and glanced at Bart hesitantly. “But I will be going for two months. I won't be able to help you.”

“You're worried about that?!” Bart chuckled, amazed. “'nessa you're finally visiting your dream country with your sister and the least you have to worry about is to cover up for me at work or engage with meta villains!”

Janessa grinned, letting all the worries go. She and Bart sat down again and she started telling him about all the places she will visit and what food she's looking forward to taste. And even though Bart was genuinely happy and excited for his friend, somehow a part of him felt upset that she was going to leave.

The work soon ended and Bart left CCPD while his father remained there, for he had to help the chief on 'Special Case' that they weren't telling him, or anyone.

“I'm home!” He called out to his mother, Iris who was already in the apartment. She smiled brightly and greeted Bart. He quickly changed and sat down on the couch next to his mom. “Is Nora still at work?”

“Yeap.” Iris said. “She'll be late tonight, her friends are having a party and she nagged me whole week to let go. Although I'm not fond of having her out for the night, at least she'll be sober. You three can't get drunk, that's one hella plus.” She smirked.

Bart grumbled. “And that's party-pooper. What's the point of going on the party if you can't get drunk? It's all fun when you don't care.”

Iris rolled her eyes playfully and then continue to write the article that she was writing before Bart came. Bart on the other hand turned on TV and searched for something to watch. While searching, he heard something about white haired woman freezing the road with her steps. He ignored it, probably some people making up the stories to gain views. As far as he was concerned, aunt Caitlin or Frost didn't freeze roads while walking.

The night came soon and Bart curled up in his bed, he grabbed his phone and went through the news. It was already midnight and he's sister wasn't home so Bart had all rights to stay awake. He kept himself occupied until he heard strange noise. He rushed to the window only to see a white ghost roaming in the streets, holding ice daggers in her hands. Bart ducked down and turned off the lights so she wouldn't notice him. Did the ghosts actually exist? Nora was scaring him with her stupid stories when he was a kid but now he was staring at the real one.

The ghost stopped on her tracks, seeing that no one was in the streets, she made and ice slide and disappeared from the road. Bart gasped and in instant, he got in his suit and followed her track.

He ran after the ghost who slid towards the city bank. This is not Frost. He thought in his mind. Who is she? He knew only two people associated with ice, Captain Cold and Frost. And the woman seemed none of them. Who was she? She looked identical to Frost yet different at the same time.

The woman was about to sneak in the bank when Impulse ambushed her and caught her hands before she had time to blast him.

Bart searched something in her icy blue eyes that was lit with mischief. She reminded him of someone that he knew. He was sure of it. Somehow they met because Bart had the strangest feeling about this girl.

“Who are you?” Impulse asked her while still holding her hands.

She smirked and created and ice between her hands. She smashed it over Impulse as he fell over. She slowly walked to him, only voice heard was Impulse's groan and her heels. She made another ice dagger and lowered a little.

“The name's Khione.” She responded, her voice as cold as her ice. She thrust the dagger in Impulse leg and disappeared in the night while Bart was left wounded.

Khione. Khione. Khione. The name rang in Bart's head. Thanks to his super speed he had speed healing, he was feeling better after an hour but the woman he thought a ghost was long gone.

I need to speak with dad about this. He noted in his mind while walking towards the S.T.A.R. Labs to give himself medical attention, just in case.

Everything was quiet in S.T.A.R. Labs, no fussing, people running around, no signals, no signs of team Flash here. Only person in the building was Bart, treating his wounded leg as his head didn't hurt anymore. At least I have my ice enemy. He thought jokingly in his mind. His dad had Captain Cold and Killer Frost. Bart now has Khione. And I'm joking about this. How foolish am I? I know she's not Frost or Caitlin but who is she? No one has ice genes in the town. Not that I'm aware of. He pounded until his mind remember someone.

Caroline Raymond. She's Caitlin's daughter. Could she be? No. If she was, she would've escaped Godspeed with blasting an ice or something. But she was genuinely scared, no way she could be Khione. Besides, wouldn't aunt Caitlin said something about it if Caroline has powers?

He sped off to his house and jumped in his bed. Whoever Khione was and whatever purpose she had, it would wait till tomorrow. Right now Bart needed a good rest and sleep.

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