Chapter Six

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Bart West-Allen

“Caroline?” Bart watched light brown haired girl stirr in her sleep. She started to move slowly as her eyes opened. Baby blue eyes of hers faced Bart with confusion. “W-What happened?” She asked quietly. Bart sighed. “You were taken over by Khione.”

Panic ran over her face. “Why didn't you tell me you were her? I could have helped you.” He told her in a scolding tone.

“First of all, I'm not her. We're completely different people, like my mom and Frost. And second, really Bart? Don't get me wrong but how could you help me? There's absolutely nothing that can save me from Khione.” She bit her lip.

She's right. Bart thought. He was no doctor and if anyone could help, it would be Caroline's mother. She has knowledge about that kind of situation. After all, Caroline got her powers from her. Mr Snow and Icicle, aunt Caitlin and Frost, now Caroline and Khione. “Are you planning to tell your parents? I suppose they don't know.”

“Yes, they don't know but that's my business.” She bit off. “How long have I been out?”

Bart checked the watch on his wrist. “Two hours. You hit your back and hurt your leg. I guess your ice-healing kicked in and that's what saved you from further injuries.” He replied. “I didn't tell aunt Caitlin and uncle Ronnie if your worried about that.”

“Two hours?!” She exclaimed and rose up from the couch. “Oh my god, oh my god! I missed the presentation and the date! I'm definitely getting fired! Mom and dad are probably worried about me and Einri's never ever going to talk to me! Bart why didn't you wake me up?!” She glared at the young man.

“I tried! But you weren't waking up!” Bart protested. Caroline sighed and fell down in on the couch. She was fighting her tears, Bart could see that. He had no idea what to do. When it came to comforting a girl, he was no help. “Mom's gonna go crazy if she finds out about this!” She looked at him with puffy eyes.

“H-how long has this been going on?” Bart asked while sitting down next to her. Caroline bit her lip and answered. “Since Godspeed kidnapped me. Khione is the reason that I escaped. Since then I occasionally got cold hands, my eyes turned icy blue and hair became white. It mostly happened when I woke up. Slowly, I started blacking out as Khione took control and then there was this fight with you some time ago. And today happened to be the last straw. She's getting far stronger and I can't control when she comes out.”

Bart took in what she said. While he pondered, Caroline became a nervous wreck. She was panicking and Bart could see that. He slowly touched her hand and gave it a squeeze. Caroline lifted her head to face him with a hint of confusion. Bart gave her a reassuring smile. “I think you can manage it. You just need practice and concentration. Your mother managed to make peace with Frost, you can do the same with Khione. There has to be some specific emotions that results in Khione getting stronger. Do you have any idea?”

Caroline thought for a moment. “She's coming out when I'm asleep, but there were day times when I felt her getting stronger. For example, I was nervous today about my job and date and Khione came out. When I'm scared, my hands get cold too. Let's just say it's my negatively emotions helping her.”

Bart grinned. “Then we should keep you smiling all the time. That won't be hard, you'll help right?”

Caroline rolled her eyes. “Seriously, Bart. It's guaranteed that I lost my job and an only chance with the guy I like. Khione succeeded in messing up my life, what could possible make me smile?”

“Flowers!” He grinned again. “I remember, you love flowers. I've seen you smiling at the beautiful gardens. Doing something you love might push Khione to stay inside.”

Caroline sighed. “I don't know, Bart. I know you have good intentions and all, but why are you so eager to help me? I cut you in your leg several times and lied to you in the first place. I'm horrible dangerous, like a walking bomb that could explode anytime!”

“You're my friend, Caroline.” Bart gave her hand a light squeeze. “I rememember you cheering me when I couldn't use my speed well. You helped me practice. Like you said, it wasn't you who wounded me but Khione. I want to help you I think it's kinda my fault that Khione's out. If I protected you Godspeed would never kidnap you and Khione wouldn't come out.” He gave her a sad look.

"Hey, It's not your fault! How would you know that Godspeed would take me? And Khione would come out anyway someday. Thank you for saving me back then and now too.” She gave him a smile which Bart gladly returned. She noticed the time on Bart's watch and continued. "I should leave. My parents and friends are probably looking for me and I have to face my boss who'll surely fire me.”

“You can always work at S.T.A.R. Labs!” Bart reminded. Caroline stiffled a laugh and stood up. Before she could go, Bart grabbed her hand and stopped her. “Promise me you won't lie to me abour Khione. I'll help you, Caroline. I won't let her take over. Are we a team?”

Caroline hesitated at first but then nodded. "I promise if you promise you won't tell anyone about it.” Bart nodded too. “Good. I guess we're a team.” She smiled and left the room, leaving Bart behind.

Caroline Raymond

Caroline was freaking out! Her mother and father would go crazy! She has been missing for hours, resulting in ditching her presentation and a date! Goodbye dream job and guy! She lost her phone and her dress was tore in the end and wrinkled. Her hair was messy as she saw it in the mirror at Bart's workshop. There was literally no fixing this!

Why did you have to mess it up! Why today from all days, Khione?! She cried out in her mind. This time, she knew she was going to get no reply. There was absolutely no sign of Khione in her mind.

Caroline walked in her father's workroom where she supposed her parents were. She looked inside and saw her mother, pacing around the room, looking like a nervous wreck like Caroline. “Mom?” She moved closer to her.

“Caroline!” Her mother exclaimed and pulled her daughter in a hug. “Where have you been?! Your father and I have looked for you everywhere! You missed your presentation and your date!”

“I know mom, I-I'm sorry.” Tears came down on her face as she hugged her mother back. “I-I lost consciousness in one of the rooms here when I went to fix my dress.” She lied. It hurt to lie to her own mother but she had no other way. She couldn't tell her mom abour Khione, not yet.

“W-what?” Caitlin moved to check on her. “Come on, let's go to my lab. I'll check on you. Why did you lose your consciousness? Did you eat today? Oh, it's probably from all that work! Your project and then the presentation! I told you not to work so much! You need rest, you're a human!”

Meta-human, apparently. “Mom, calm down. I'm fiem now. I have to go to work. I'll explain everything to miss McCoy, though she'll fire me. I have to talk to Einri too. Tell dad I'm all right, okay?”

“You're not leaving till I run some tests!”

“Mom! I'm a doctor too, I'm fine. You can run tests later. Right now I need to go.” She told her urgently. Caitlin sighed. “Jusr take care, Caroline.” She nodded with a small smile and exited the room.

Caroline left the building with all the worries of hor her boss and Einri would react. She might have to start working at S.T.A.R. Labs from tomorrow...

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